Monday 6 November 2017

Master Jesus: Resurrect with the I Am,

Master Jesus: Resurrect with the I Am, 
November 6, 2017
Christine: Hi Lightworkers! At 5 am this morning, I had a communication with the Master Jesus because I was thinking about his speech through Guy Ballard in the latter’s ‘Discourse on the I Am’. He said he would love to give me a dictation on the subject which is very dear to his heart, namely that he never taught the principle, or theological concept of the atonement by a Sacrifice on a Cross during his lifetime as Jesus the Christ. In the New Testament it is an event, a drama, but not the foundation of a dogma as Christianity has interpreted it. It was not Christ that taught it but Constantine as stated in Mother Mary’s message of February 28, 2016. This doctrine was part of a literary device introduced by the Flavian emperors who put the Canon together and edited the ancient records which have been presented as the New Testament by four main authors and gospels. As a theological method of salvation this doctrine of Sacrifice is a Roman concept introduced by Constantine who imposed it upon the bishops he invited to the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. They were forced to accept it although it was in contradiction with their own beliefs as they were all Gnostic in that century, and this is stated in a large book containing actual records made in the 3rd and 4th centuries, and entitled ‘The Ante and Post Nicene Records’. The bishops were threatened with Exile to the island of illyria [spelled I L L Y R I A] if they didn’t accept Constantine’s demands. It is a land in modern Albania, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea which is the setting for a story written by William Shakespeare entitled ‘Twelfth Night’ in which a woman is shipwrecked on the island.  And this island is where Arius was actually exiled as Constantine excommunicated him with the excuse that being a heretic was a revolt. The bishop Eusebius refused to accept the doctrine and together with one by the name of Theognis, was exiled to Gaul.
There is an enormous disparity between Christianity and Gnosticism. In the latter Christ is not a blood sacrifice figure and more like the Eastern concept of an Avatar in the original sense of the word. Gnostic researchers also trace the doctrine of Sacrifice to Constantine’s Council of Nicaea and acknowledge the fact it was fabricated for a political agenda.
Master Jesus asked me to get my notebook and gave me a stream of notions by telepathic communication, but we didn’t have time for an actual dictation. That will come later, hopefully this week. However, he has previously gave me some statements which are in the video entitled ‘Resurrection without Cross’. On November 3, I posted the following on Facebook:
Quote:  The ascended masters were demonized by Christians due to ignorance about the principle of integration of higher consciousness.Jesus' teachings were falsified by the Flavian emperors and the Roman Church's doctrine of sacrifice for the saving of souls. They portrayed Jesus as Unique and as the Only Son of God. It was the Logos, the Word, that is unique, the Cosmic Christ, a universal consciousness. They have made the historical Jesus into God, and denied to mankind what he came to reveal: the existence of the Spirit Within, the I Am Presence, and the notion of the integration of higher consciousness.
Christine: I explained that Mark Prophet who founded The Summit Lighthouse branched off from the I Am movement of Guy Ballard. The Reading of the I Am Discourse number 19 (in Roman letters) is a teaching from the Master Jesus given on December 5, 1932, through Guy Ballard. It is an extraordinary revelation which continues today. The video was published in 2012 and mentions Saint Germain because the bulk of the I Am Discourses is from this Ascended Master. Jesus refers to the great I Am and says he didn’t wish to convey the idea that the personal Jesus was the only one to whom this great privilege of having an I Am Presence was ordained. He says that each one of us has the same mighty I Am Presence within us, and that he achieved his final victory by this potential, and wishes us to understand that the consciousness he used for this great victory was the use of the I Am Presence as we have been taught. He says that he had searched for the Truth at that time, and was led to a Master who gave him an inner secret about the I Am, and through the radiation of this Master he was able to understand it and use the knowledge to achieve his Ascension. Here he states that he actually raised his body, so his resurrection was physical, and the teachings that we have been given recently about a Resurrection that starts with healing, and is gradual, is in alignment with this teaching. In this speech through Guy Ballard, the Master Jesus states with regard to the uniqueness that Christianity has alleged he had:
Master JesusI am not, and never was, a special being created of God different from the rest of humanity. It is true that I had made previous conscious effort and had attained much previous to the embodiment to which I won the eternal victory […/… ] I urge you, beloved children of God, to look upon me as an elder brother, and one with you.
Christine: Then, in that speech, the Master Jesus asks us to think deeply upon the fact that his saying ‘I Am with you Always’ is a reality because the I Am is in him and in us as well. We have an interconnectedness. He says he is referring to the growth of humanity in general and that it was unfortunate that a veil was drawn over the mind of the people preventing the comprehension that they have the same I Am within themselves as he did, and does, and preventing their victory. It is a potential that makes the sacrifice on the Cross totally unnecessary! The mantra that he used to make his Ascension was ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life’.
The link to this amazing video is
The official Christian definition of the Sacrifice on the Cross is: ‘the forgiving or pardoning of original sin in particular through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, enabling the reconciliation between God and his creation.’ They say the original sin is humanity's state of sin resulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam and Eve's rebellion in Eden, namely the sin of disobedience in consuming from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was forbidden. It can be argued, however, that the Fall from Paradise represents the loss of the golden age of Lemuria, and that if there was any rebellion it was on the part of the satanic forces known as fallen ones, those souls that were cast on earth.

For more on this, please refer to the video which is a message from Mother Mary entitled ‘Sword of Blue Flame’ given to me, word for word, on February 18, 2016, and the one given by Saint Germain ‘Cast on Earth’ of February 20, 2016, as well as the one on Fallen Angels given to me by Archangel Michael and my ascended twin flame, on July 16, 2016.

Those videos are listed on Matt Muckleroy’s Playlists and too early to be on Secret Gardens.

The Roman fathers and theologians have put the blame on the lightbearers for a sin that was not their doing because the fall from paradise, or the golden age of Lemuria, was engineered by the dark satanic forces who are adepts at deception and indoctrinated mankind on a massive scale. Disclosure is now restoring the truths that the dark satanic powers, the Evil Pyramid of Control, have suppressed. The final judgment is also specifically for these dark fallen ones, not mankind, as has been said before.

Question: How did Jesus Christ in a human body come to be elevated to Divine status in Christianity, and how was this doctrine manipulated in order to make the Only Son of God equivalent to the Father? There were many debates concerning the doctrine of Christ in the early centuries of the appearance of Christianity in relation to the Son of God. There existed some teachings attributed to a certain Arius, a school of thought referred to as Arianism, and the Arians should not be confused with the term Aryans [A R Y A N S] which alludes to the Indo-Europeans. That school of thought co-existed with Gnostic teachings before an opponent group argued that the Son of God wasnot subordinate to the Father figure, and made the Son undistinguishable from the Father, or Almighty God. This was a debate concerning the Macro-cosmic trinity consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in which the 2nd figure, the Son that is the Cosmic, or Universal Christ to us, was called Logos in scripture, meaning The Word. The Arians believed that the Father figure was superior to the Son figure. There was a series of theological disputes between Arius and two theologians from Alexandria in Egypt. The Council of Nicaea is when the theologians attempted to give a rational explanation for the human and divine nature of Jesus Christ. They obviously did not have the slightest knowledge about the integration of higher consciousness, and they wanted to define their faith. They gave birth to Orthodoxy and imposed it. However, at the time there already existed a teaching coming from Avalon in Britain, which was very heterodox by comparison, but more faithful to Christ’s original teachings. I have received a message from the Master Jesus entitled On Christ’s Forgotten Works in Avalon, Part 2’ on that matter. It was published on December 24, 2016.

The pioneers of Christianity were not the true followers of Christ, they were a cult that formed a few centuries later and they may have started out with the Apologists. They gained prominence because they received the support of Constantine when he adopted their cult as his State Religion. I researched some early documents relating to those controversies when I was studying academic theology for a degree in the 1990s. I observed that the Catholic Church made claims that the Christians existed in the first place and that Gnosticism and Arianism were an opposition to what Christians had – quote: ‘always believed’.  I am of the opinion that this is erroneous. It was a movement that began viewing Jesus just as any Roman god. It’s idolatry. A veil was drawn over Jesus the Christ’s teachings concerning the necessity to integrate higher consciousness, and magnetize the light of the I Am Presence. Theologians adopted the idea that the Word had become flesh but was different from the rest of us. In Hermetism there existed an ancient concept in relation to the celestial higher counterpart of ourselves that remained in heaven after a soul’s incarnation. It was taught in Egypt and the Master Jesus probably obtained his revelation about the I AM Presence there.

The dogma was proclaimed in the Nicene Creed and the Council of Trent made some further adjustments to create the Catholic doctrine. Christ’s work was seen as one of redemption rather than his own Resurrection. The Catholic Encyclopedia describes this Sacrifice as ablotting out of sin, a deliverance from bondage, and  reconciliation ofmankind with God,’ as if God would want his Son to be sacrificed when Archangel Michael stopped Abraham from killing his son Isaac at an altar, indicating that sacrifice is wrong. It was a total corruption of the concept of the symbolic sacrifice of the human nature, and of the ego, upon the Path of Initiation, that entails a surrendering of the human will to achieve alignment with the Divine Will. Christ’s teachings were lost in the process of this corruption.

In the video ‘Resurrection Without Cross’ you will find explanations for the concept of a resurrection from the consciousness of mortality.A concept of Initiatory Journeys and of Ascension is found in Hermetism, the teachings of Thoth who was known to the Greeks as Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes himself received his telepathic messages from what is referred as ‘Nous’ [N O U S] in Greek, meaning his own higher Mind, or Higher Self. There is an obvious analogy between the way Hermes entered in conversation with his Father and the way that Jesus is recorded to have done the same. This was the Father Aspect of the I Am Presence who revealed his name to Moses as ‘I Am that I Am’ in Exodus. E. C. Prophet also emphasized the fact that Christianity misinterpreted Christ’s teachings. She said that the difference between Jesus Christ and us, lightbearers, is that he integrated Christ consciousness to the degree he did to enable him to gain his Ascension. You could call it Buddhic, or Krishna, or Cosmic consciousness. As revealed by Jesus himself to Guy Ballard, he used the affirmation ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Light ’ to gain his victory. The point is that there exists a Resurrection for all of us because we possess the potential for this in the threefold flame within the heart chakra. Souls who have achieved the merging with the I Am Presence and the Sixth Initiation become Ascended Masters and their physical body is replaced by the lightbody. They enter the service of the Great White Brotherhood, but that does not mean that they pass over to the etheric realm as they can remain in service on earth. The evidence for this is that Saint Germain was known as the man who never dies.  It is at the Seventh Initiation that they control the Rays.

On the Master Jesus' position in the Spiritual Hierarchy [in the sense of an Administration or Heavenly Order].
The Master Jesus is a prominent figure in the Ancient Wisdom of Theosophy – a term meaning ‘the Wisdom of God’. He is one of the Ascended Masters who represent the Spiritual Hierarchy for the multi-dimensional realms of our system. In their collectiveness these Masters form the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. The term white is used here in the sense of the Beings of Light who have been described as wearing an immaculate garment that is weaved of the light of the higher etheric realm. This is the concept that you will also find in the more recent dispensations of the last century, and that is called the ‘Ascended Master Teachings’.  These teachings have been passed on through messengers anointed by the Great White Brotherhood and they contain a spiritual wisdom corresponding to a greater awakening and perception in consciousness than the Theosophists of the 19th century because the messengers themselves had progressed upon the path of Ascension and acquired a greater God vision by the 1950s.
According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Jesus became World Teacher, along with the Master Kuthumi, on January 1, 1956, when he replaced Lord Maitreya, who took the Office of "Planetary Buddha" and "Cosmic Christ". The Master Jesus was regarded as the "Chohan of the Sixth Ray" and as working with Archangel Uriel and Aurora, until December 31, 1959, when Lady Master Nada took on that Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy. However, apparently, the adherents of traditional Theosophy and followers of Alice Bailey, as well as Benjamin Crème, still believe that the Master Jesus is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray and that Lord Maitreya is the World Teacher. This may be because they have not personally received an update.
According to E C Prophet, the Master Jesus incarnated twice as the Emperor of Atlantis, once in 33,050 BC and again in 15,000 BC. He did this in order to aid the white magicians in their war against the black magicians during the Atlantean days. It was Alice Bailey’s belief that the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as Joshua, a Hebrew military leader of the 13th century BC, and again as Joshua a High Priest in the sixth century BC. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Jesus was also incarnated as Joseph of the coat of many colors in between 1650 BC and 1550 BC, as well as King David (who lived c. 1037 BC until around 970 BC), and Elisha in the 9th century BC. On November 6, 2017, this morning, when I had a communication with the Master Jesus, I had been thinking about the Mantle that he told me he had given me. He had stated it was the Coat of many colours, the one in relation to his incarnation as the Joseph who interpreted dreams and was made Pharaoh. We are able to invoke the power and authority of the mantles of the previous Messengers, as well as the Mantle of the Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek, to turn back, withstand and focus in the physical plane a light greater than the opposition that is arrayed against us, the lightworkers, worldwide. It gives us an empowerment from the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, as well as our beloved I Am Presence.

It is believed in the Ascended Master Teachings that the Joseph who was Jesus’ father, was an incarnation of Saint Germain, and that Mary, Jesus’ mother, was Archangel Raphael’s divine complement. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, each of the Magi who came to visit the baby Jesus was an incarnation of one of the ascended masters. Caspar, who brought gold, was an incarnation of the Master Djwal Khul. Balthazar, who brought frankincense, was an incarnation of the Master Kuthumi.  Melchior, who brought myrrh, was an incarnation of the Master El Morya. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Jesus first studied at the Brotherhood of Luxor (a mystery school in Egypt, hence some analogies as previously noted with Hermetism), and then went to India to study under the Great Divine Director, Lord Maitreya, as well as Lord Himalaya, the Manu of the Fourth Root Race.

Various sources including Edgar Cayce have provided the information that Jesus’ past lives were as Amilius, Adam, Melchizedek, Enoch, Zend, Ur, Asapha, Jeshua, Joseph (the Pharaoh of Egypt) and Joshua. Djwhal Khul mentioned that after his life as Jesus he was Appolonius of Tyanna and an incarnation in a Syrian body in which he ascended as well. Traditional theosophists believe that after his Resurrection Jesus went directly to Shamballa to be with the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, for a time, until he then incarnated again soon after as Apollonius of Tyana.

Christine: We will leave it to that for now, dear ones. With light and love, Christine

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