Sunday, 31 December 2017
Sitting in the Sacred I AM Presence with my Main Guide Heru and my Spirit Guide Team, I connect with Mary Magdalene and she brings forth the following message:
I Mary Magdalene come forth this day to impart much love and devotion.
I Mary Magdalene come forth this day to impart much love and devotion.
I delight in your Ascension dear Lightbearers, Starseeds, Sages, Wayshowers, and Ascended Ones.
The progress of Ascension upon the Earth has been great in the face of great Challenge. We delight in your progress thus far and we know of the many challenges that you face at this time. The work is great. You must not forget in your rising the many Souls that are in need in this hour for the Healing Work that you are called to do is great.
The Flames are igniting in each and everyone of you once more. I come forth to activate the unified Christ and Magdalena Flame to the hearts of you at this time.
The Magdalena Flame is the Female Aspect of the Christ Flame and it has been existing in order to bring forth Balance and Oneness once more…
It is important to begin by explaining a little more about the nature of the Magdalene Flame. It is important to understand what this power truly represents, why it is so relevant at this moment in time and why so much was sacrificed in order to preserve it.
The world in which you live is one bound by Universal Laws. One of the Universal Laws states that all energy expressed within this space must divide itself into a masculine and feminine polarized piece - a masculine and feminine half.
The Christ energy, the Maitreya force, is a consciousness that was created as one of the first three souls from the divine source. It was created in order to aid mankind in finding their way back to unification.
It was breathed into each and every soul that was born from the body of the Divine and has continued to be breathed into each and every soul that has followed these first few. It exists within the centre of your hearts, and when it awakens it aligns you to your soul, your higher self and through the soul back towards the Divine. When it awakens it steers you towards re-unification, it awakens your spiritual awareness and your awareness of your spiritual path of the divine will and plan and it leads you home.
It is now a time of great unification for there is no room for separation in the Hearts of the Ascending Souls. It is a time of Divine Transcendence and a Time of Great Healing of the Timelines that have taken a hold upon you all.
As you move forth into the Golden Age of Light, the Unification will unfold. The Truths will unfold.
For my Truth to you all at this time shall come forth – the time of hidden words and deeds shall be no more…
For the days of the Priesthood is now rising and the Ancient Energy is coming forth. I spent many days in the Priesthood. For upon the Earth, I was the High Priestess of Isis, of Astarte, of Asherah, of Athena – I served my Goddess and my Mother.
Many untruths have been spoken of my name. Many have tried and tested me and I know the pain and anguish of you all – I have shared in this time and time again.
I agreed to come forth with my Beloved Yeshua to bring forth the Christ Consciousness and to bring the light and love to all those Souls that desire the paths of Ascension.
We have come forth to unfold the mysteries just like we did back then we are unfolding the mysteries once more… for the Truths of this Universe and beyond shall unfold.
With the Unified Christ and Magdalena Flame comes forth now to activate you all into a higher consciousness, to love, to compassion, to forgiveness, to healing, to shifting and to bringing you back to unification.
To Enlighten you to the knowledge once more, Yeshua and I Mary of Magda, came forth to the Earth once more to enlighten all Souls to raise Consciousness once more, Yeshua and I are of one Soul He is I and I am him. He is my Twin Flame Essence.
During our life as thus, Yeshua was the one I had been born to be with and create The Way with. We had journeyed to Earth and incarnated around the same time with me arriving first and being slightly older than he. The reason for this was so that my maturity could guide him with the upmost accuracy, as I became his mother, his lover, his sister and his best friend.
He was my student and I was his. I taught him the ways of the sacred woman through love and through wisdom and he taught me the sacred ways of the sacred man through protection, teaching and mental stimulation. We walked the paths of the God and Goddess Energy to bring forth that Energy Heaven on Earth.
Yeshua and I would spend many a night discussing and planning the paths of many Souls to come. We knew of the impact that we would make upon your Earth. Yeshua was very protective of me and would protect me against the officials.
At the time of the Crucifixion, a very trying time for us both, a deed we both knew that needed to come forth as a demonstration of love and devotion for humanity, and of surrender, I remember whispering to him… “The beginning is near”. When he was crucified, I too was crucified, seeing my beloved nailed to a cross crucified my soul. I felt his pain. I experienced every nail that went through his skin, flesh and bone. It was my blood that was spilled. However I had to take great strength, to impart the healing energy upon him in the cave.
At the time of the Crucifixion, a very trying time for us both, a deed we both knew that needed to come forth as a demonstration of love and devotion for humanity, and of surrender, I remember whispering to him… “The beginning is near”. When he was crucified, I too was crucified, seeing my beloved nailed to a cross crucified my soul. I felt his pain. I experienced every nail that went through his skin, flesh and bone. It was my blood that was spilled. However I had to take great strength, to impart the healing energy upon him in the cave.
The resurrection is a metaphor for you all as you anchor the Christ Energy for through the death and resurrection, through awakening from your slumber you too are entering a new paradigm of consciousness.
I as Mary Magdalene, went through this process upon my Ascension and I come forth this day to share in this with you all for it is truly the time to rise once more.
Now is the time dear ones to follow this path for you have all been called and brought forth to this earth to walk the paths of the Divine and to create and co create unification once more.
For the Christ Consciousness has been birthed once more in each and every one of you.
For the Christ Consciousness has been birthed once more in each and every one of you.
Dear ones, know that all is as intended do not hold on to fear, but have faith, hold on to faith for this will show you the way forward in the work that lies ahead.
Let us walk the path now of great unification and the Great Initiation for the year of the new fast approaching your Earth brings forth great Mastery and Connection with the Universal Energy.
I am Mary Magdalene and I speak through Elaine this day. 31/12
Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Saturday, 23 December 2017
Friday, 22 December 2017
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Monday, 18 December 2017
Sunday, 17 December 2017
Saturday, 16 December 2017
Friday, 15 December 2017
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Monday, 11 December 2017
Sunday, 10 December 2017
Saturday, 9 December 2017
Friday, 8 December 2017
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Saturday, 2 December 2017
Friday, 1 December 2017
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Monday, 27 November 2017
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Friday, 24 November 2017
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Update on the Grand Plan, November 21, 2017
Update on the Grand Plan, November 21, 2017
Christine: Yesterday, I wrote in my note book:
‘I feel the electronic presence of Archangel Michael upon me. It is a vibration of love, as usual, and the lightworkers would practice the Call to the I Am Presence for the Tube of Light, if they just knew how pleasant this is.’
It is normally necessary to make calls and recite prayers before receiving a dictation. Then he started giving me a dictation by telepathic communication, because I had asked
‘We are in November, and soon in December. What should we be looking forward to?’
The dictation Archangel Michael gave me on November 20, is as follows:
Lord Michael: Dear Ones, I wish to make the statement that you are in the process of an integration of higher consciousness, the like of which you have not experienced ever. We, the Beings of Higher dimensions, are helping this world to integrate it by some means never used before! We are manipulating a lot of events that get reported on your News Channels. By this I mean we are causing human beings to perceive truths by a mixture of happenings orchestrated in a certain way, in order to produce certain results. Perceptions are changing, so do views and theories, those resulting from the analyses carried out following these procedures. We are intervening in world affairs to make them develop according to Divine Law. And we, the Beings of Higher dimensions, are able to do this because the lightworkers have called upon us, requested intercessions, as well as prayed for the annihilation of evil at this time, and because you all desire a better world to live in. All of this, as well as the granting of certain Dispensations, is only made possible because of your prayers. One of your dreams is one in which evil has not corrupted the good in all beings attending the classrooms of life of this Mother Nature, who is your Teacher as well. Some of you know that it has been decided some million years ago that evil would have to be made to end in these end days of ancient prophecies for a golden age to appear. This is in relation to the great Plan that Saint Germain holds dear in his heart. It is a plan to rebuild civilization in a proper way. The ex-Establishment, that force that we have called ‘The Evil Pyramid of Control’, had to be opposed at first and it is but a minority power with an accumulation of wealth, operating in evil, occult, hidden ways. They control the systems of this world, principally the financial system, and the military one, not just in the US, but Europe and other Nations as well. That is what they are. They had ramifications in time and history. They had continued from a centre of power that formed long ago, and even during the Atlantean era. They have been operating in secret ways. Mankind has continued existing under the spiritual laws of the world that have always been beyond the reach of this dark power. But understand the separation as the Dark has operated from the Astral and Lower Astral realms, and people’s souls belong to the higher realms. Sometimes the workings of the ego caused these souls to be in bondage to the Dark and after Death to be retained upon the Astral Plane as prisoners. Mankind has been in bondage because of karma, materialism, and evil manipulations by those dark powers. The conditions of life have declined drastically and their aim was to achieve a total imprisonment of souls, the lightbearers, or mankind, within the mechanisms of the systems, and even by the means of trans-humanist robotic conditions in an attempt to sabotage the goal of Ascension, which frees you by causing you to awake, to regain the truths that have been suppressed, not only during the last decades, but for centuries. Your diminishment in every way has been prevented, and forbidden by the Divine decrees, and the divine Interventions of the Mighty Elohim and Archangels, as well as the Ascended Masters, who all form part of the Spiritual Hierachy, or Divine Orders, that are Macro-Cosmic. You have had, and have sustained, the effects of the Macro-Cosmic Merkaba, or Stargate, that released Light and Power to such an extent that the world of souls has literally been traumatised into a shock that was beneficial. Your world has been shaken from a lethargy that was settling in, an indoctrination from mainstream, a putting you to sleep by the reiterations, and sluggish ways that were almost hypnotic, the lies, the boredom, that made some people just accept a wide range of evils, corruption, immoralities, terrible conditions of life, a decline in the standards of living, war industries and their atrocities. Many were shaken when their predilections did not come true, and as they continue to be placed in a spotlight that exposes them as so totally wrong, many others are in total disbelief, but they are forced to face Reality. The Truth that is only perceived with the third eye chakra is now slowly appearing on those screens upon which you only used to see the mainstream versions that were devised to control the minds of the people. They were not versions originating from investigative journalism as they should have been, but what that Elite in power wanted the people to believe. After we told them what they could not do, these dark ones searched dishonest ways to manifest the end results they desired, by other ways. They became experts in false flag events, meaning they made you believe some events were taking place when they had not happened. They were staged and actors were used, or mercenaries. You also thought there were Acts of God, some natural catastrophes, taking place. Some theories, or paradigms, were offered such as a scenario with a Planet X, or Nibiru, in the vicinity of the Solar System, which is not really either in the shape of what you have been taught during the last 500 years. The dark ones have used a technology to create these cataclysms that are supported by that scenario, which they planned to continue using, together with their Blue Beam technology, till you believe worldwide that you are living that ‘War of the World’ of the Science Fiction Movie, a false scenario that would have permitted them to weaponize your so-called space with the false story of a threat, having to play that last card, indeed. And why go to such an extent? They want dominion in the third dimension, but we are removing it from them because this realm was created, then lost, then recreated, and it had its purpose. The purpose was spiritual and for the expression of the Love that is characteristic of the Higher Dimensions. It is not for suffering, diseases, and death. The beings, those that have been entangled by the doings of this ancient Evil, are now being freed. The whole world is being lifted up out of their reach. And the evil ones are experiencing the Harvest of Scripture. They are being taken, one at a time, and those who can create a better world are left. It is in connection with Saint Germain’s Plan, the work of the 144,000 indeed, these who have been joined by a multitude of Star seeds, Star souls, Cosmic Beings in incarnation, in order to change timelines, as explained in previous messages through this messenger. We came from the future back into the past to work on this, and thereby save the world of form of what was the third dimensional experience. This work is also in connection with the Chohan and Ascended Master El Morya, to create a civilization with a system that will correspond to the legendary Round Table. Not much is known of it today but it will reflect the workings of that greater Order and Councils of the Higher Dimensions, which you have heard about through various messengers, as well as channelers. So do look forward, dear ones, to a continuous development of situations till your world crosses that line that marks the end of the Transition period. It has been revealed as February 18, 2018! These last months, since the Election of President Trump, have been a very difficult time for all of you, and a very hard labour just as when a baby is born. As you know this is a comparison that has arisen from an interpretation of some verses in the Book of Revelation. The birth is that of higher consciousness. People’s eyes have been opened. The cotton wool, or figurative veil, has dropped. That is the Awakening! Now, we the Beings of Higher Dimensions, have begun a work of healing upon you, upon your physical bodies, and this will continue in the presence of the beings of higher dimensions who are descending and have descended into a lower vibration, but without losing their higher faculties, their knowledge, or their love, as well as their care. In the past a decline was due to mankind’s perceptions being affected, as a result of having incarnated within bodies that had inherited a DNA that had been genetically manipulated by dark overlords. The aim of this genetic engineering had been to remove from mankind certain abilities, including the one for telepathic communication, and the one that gives you an awareness of your higher Self. So far, the Beings of Higher Dimensions have almost descended to your level, or that which you have now reached, but their DNA has not been affected in the same detrimental way yours was. They are coming to you and will be contacting you in various ways. Then they will operate in certain ways to teach you for the final shift, and for the restoration of the bodies you are using. You are projecting consciousness into these bodies, so do not associate yourselves too much with them, my friends! So, dear ones, I have given you a summary of the situations and before I say Farewell, though I am staying at your side, I would like to remind you that you are making good progress. The Plan is unfolding! We are all in the same cosmic consciousness. You are of us, you are family. You have our Quantum DNA and we are working together for a Project of Resurrection! For that reason I Am with you Always, Archangel Michael.
Monday, 20 November 2017
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Saturday, 18 November 2017
Friday, 17 November 2017
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Monday, 13 November 2017
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Friday, 10 November 2017
the 144000
Awakening into The 144,000
I had found the following information very informative. What I am about to share is not my own, but I resonate to this as I have had many Revelations of Awakening as one of the 144,000. I am sharing this now because I find it to be critical at this time to the Divine Mission.
This following information is written by an unknown source.
If you are fascinated with the subject of 144,000 souls, it’s quite possible that you are one of them! Every day we learn that almost every single teaching left to us by the ancients, the Ascended Masters, the Avatars etc., have been manipulated by forces who know these teachings are powerful tools for us. It also includes the resent teachings by the spiritual New Age movement. This is why we always receive multiple stories about the same subject. The more we dig, the more confused we become. We get dizzy and cannot concentrate on “which one resonates” with our own being.
If you are fascinated with the subject of 144,000 souls, it’s quite possible that you are one of them! Every day we learn that almost every single teaching left to us by the ancients, the Ascended Masters, the Avatars etc., have been manipulated by forces who know these teachings are powerful tools for us. It also includes the resent teachings by the spiritual New Age movement. This is why we always receive multiple stories about the same subject. The more we dig, the more confused we become. We get dizzy and cannot concentrate on “which one resonates” with our own being.
I’ve always been fascinated by the history of 144,000 souls. I researched this topic for many years, and tried to obtain as much detail from many different sources. I will share with you a portion of my story.
After reading the book, “Prepare for the Landings” by contactee Michael Ellegion, in May of 2011, I had an unstoppable desire, an urge to have a reading with him. Even before the reading, I knew that the Elohim were the creator gods aka the “Shiny Ones”, the chosen ones. They answered a Clarion call, and asked to be allowed by the Council and by Gaia herself – to come to Earth to assist, to guide the planet and her inhabitants to ascend. Hence, they were chosen by the Council.
My reading with Michael Ellegion was amazing! I was contacted by Ashtar and Lady Aphrodite. Within a few minutes, Ashtar told me that I was one of the 144,000 souls known as the “Original Volunteers” an Elohim and I came to earth about eight million years ago. I was in absolute shock.
Ashtar also said that as humanity wakes up, more volunteers will meet and have a “soul family” reunion, so they can work together to complete the mission, the pledge they made before coming to Earth. Because this is the LAST lifetime for them on earth, most of the 144,000 are with their Twin Flames so they are stronger (even if they are away from each other) and can fulfill their mission. When they meet (even for a short time) they are having an energy exchange which reactivates a new grid. Very often, it is done in a dream or astral state.
Through research I learned that 144,000 is the number of souls that must attain Christhood (i.e. ascend) and will reactivate the Christ Light into the Christ Grids to transmute Mother Earth and humankind. This is why Cobra is stressing the importance of having 144,000 people for the meditations and/or to sign up for the petition. It is the most crucial number of all for our liberation!
Now, we will look at some information by others, please go deep into your hearts mind and try to stay balanced. I’d like to start with a well known passage from the Bible taken from the site:…/Library…/CT/PW/k/269/Who-Are-144000.htm
Revelation 14:4 states that these 144,000 are “firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.” If these 144,000 are God’s first fruits, then no one else is included. The firstfruits are exactly 144,000, not one person less or one more! These numbers are consistent with the “thousands” and “tens of thousands” added together from the Old and New Testaments. As Christ says, “Many are called, but few chosen” (Matthew 20:16)
The bride of Christ is exactly 144,000. Revelation 21:2 describes the bride as “the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.” At this point, she has risen to meet Jesus Christ, married Him and is coming back to rule on the earth with Him (Revelation 5:10). She will always be with Him from this time on (I Thessalonians 4:17). This occurs at the last trumpet (I Corinthians 15:50-52), the time of the resurrection of the “dead in Christ” along with those who are “alive and remain.” (I Thessalonians 4:16-17)
Revelation 21 describes the bride in verse 9: “One of the seven angels talked with me, saying, ‘Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.'” The angel refers to her as “the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God” (verse 10.) Her wall is pierced by twelve gates—each a great pearl—the names of the twelve tribes of Israel inscribed on them and twelve angels at them (verses 12, 21.) New Jerusalem is 12,000 furlongs in length, breadth and height (verse 16.) Her wall measures 144 cubits (verse 17.) Twelve tribes times 12,000 each is 144,000. Twelve and the square of twelve is New Jerusalem’s description! The bride is exactly 144,000, and the firstfruits are exactly 144,000 (Revelation 14:4)
After reading, contemplating this passage and looking at these “non-sense” words from a different angel perspective, this is what I concluded. Now we know that the Christ’s “bride” of gigantic proportions is his starship the “New Jerusalem” and NOT the city of Jerusalem on Earth.
After reading, contemplating this passage and looking at these “non-sense” words from a different angel perspective, this is what I concluded. Now we know that the Christ’s “bride” of gigantic proportions is his starship the “New Jerusalem” and NOT the city of Jerusalem on Earth.
So, what is hidden in these Revelations 7 and 14:4? Who are the 12 Lost Israelite Tribes? I had a true revation and I saw the coded name of the 144,000’s, the first fruits of archangels and angels as being the “12 Lost Tribes of Israel.” The following is an excerpt from the site:…/144000_the_chosen_of_the_holy_spirit… the author is known as “Little Worker.” (This seems to be a channeled message)
Who are the 144000 chosen? It was written by the mercy of God and announced by John the prophet that in the plentitude of the Sixth Seal, the chosen of the Lord would be marked. During the Second Era, there were twelve disciples who spread My Doctrine throughout the world. In the Third Era, twelve thousand of each tribe will be the ones to make My teaching of truth and love known to all mankind. 144,000 incarnated and discarnate spirits will open the way during this period. They will be forerunners, prophets, and messengers. The ones marked by Me to go before the multitudes. Your presence before this manifestation has not been by chance. My voice summoned you along the pathways and guided you here. You have recognized the mission that you have to fulfill on Earth.
The 144,000 are the marked ones in this Third Era. Many have been chosen, but others along the journey of their own existence will be taken by surprise and to them will be revealed, either by My Divine Spirit or through you; that they belong to the 144,000 and the sign that I shall give you that the number is complete, will cause a great commotion in your planet.
Where are those 144,000? Elijah is reuniting them, some are in spirit and others are incarnated. All will be united spiritually in this Divine Work. The chosen 144,000 have to keep watch zealously over My Law, to reanimate people in their journey. They will be warriors of peace, teachers within My wisdom, doctors for all illnesses; comforters and prophets. To extend My work in this Third Era, I will choose from among the great multitudes, 144,000 spirits, placing upon them a mark with a kiss of Divine light, not a kiss of betrayal, nor a seal of some pact that places your spirit in danger.
My mark is the sign that the Holy Spirit deposits in His chosen ones to fulfill a great mission in this Third Era. He who possesses this seal is not exempt from dangers on the contrary, he is more tempted and more tested than the others are. The mark is the invisible sign through which his mission can be accomplished by the one who carries it with love, respect, zeal, and humility; then he can confirm that the mark is a Divine grace that makes him superior to pain, that illuminates him in the great trials, that reveals profound knowledge and makes a breach anywhere so that the spirit may pass through. The mark is a link that unites it with who possesses it, by which the thought and the word of the spiritual world can manifest itself in your world; so I say to you that a marked one is a messenger, an envoy, and is My instrument.
Let’s leave the Bible and move to more modern times. In November of 2012, at the Laguna Beach conference Cobra was asked “Who are the 144,000 souls?” According to him, they are called the “Order of The Stars.”
Let’s leave the Bible and move to more modern times. In November of 2012, at the Laguna Beach conference Cobra was asked “Who are the 144,000 souls?” According to him, they are called the “Order of The Stars.”
Third Atlantis: 16,000 years ago there was a task force called The Order of the Star. 144,000 beings /volunteers came forth to heal separation and integrate the darkness into the light. They keep re-incarnating wherever they can assist and are represented by figures such as Buddha, Christ, The Templars, and the Light Workers. When we liberate the planet, we will enter into the 3rd Atlantis, a paradise on Earth. We will create a new Atlantis with the Cities of Light and advanced technologies. The New Atlantis will arrive at the time of first contact. Order of the Star – Formed in Atlantis, they are here to transform all darkness and heal humanity. There are 144,000 beings. They are here to assist with The Event and heal humanity. There will be a big need for healing after “The Event.”
The Galactic Federation has The Holy Grail. The location of The Holy Grail is undisclosed. This chalice was made of 144,000 facets of polished moldavite. It activates the 144,000 Light Beings. Each facet contains a code for a star seed and when the light hits the facet, the star seed is activated. The 144,000 is a complex mandala, and each person will have their own role.
So, according to Ashtar AND to Cobra the 144,000 came to earth about eight million years ago. This is a comment by Starseed on Cobra’s site. SirianStarseedJune 5, 2012 at 1:58 PM
So, according to Ashtar AND to Cobra the 144,000 came to earth about eight million years ago. This is a comment by Starseed on Cobra’s site. SirianStarseedJune 5, 2012 at 1:58 PM
The following is a true story about a dark period in the history of the planet, an Ascended Master named Sanat Kumara and 144,000 light bearers. Long ago, around the time of cavemen, Sanat Kumara came to earth to keep the flame of life (the threefold flame) for everyone on the planet. This was when the consciousness of the people had fallen to an all-time low and no one honored God or the inner flame of the heart. A council of the Cosmic Hierarchy convened to discuss what could be done. Sanat Kumara convinced the council that he would keep the flame of the heart on behalf of the people until some did it for themselves. He was granted his request and prepared to go into exile when 144,000 light bearers from Venus volunteered to support him in the mission.
A special envoy went ahead to build the retreat of Shamballa on an island in the Gobi Sea. Today we know this area as the Gobi Desert. Sanat Kumara placed a focus of the inner flame on the altar where it remained in the physical for many centuries. Although Sanat Kumara resided in this retreat he did not embody in the physical and remained in his higher body of light. What this master did was beautiful and demonstrated the love of an Ascended Master of Light for all. He anchored a filigree ray of light from his heart to each heart on the planet and continuously nourished it plus assisted everyone to be quickened by the consciousness of the Christ. After a period of time people began to respond and some of them started raising their consciousness and developing their inner flame. This allowed Sanat Kumara to return home to Venus.
Many of the 144,000 light bearers who were part of the original mandala are still here today. Some have returned home and others got sidetracked or entangled in karma. Today, we have the opportunity to pick up where we left off on the path of initiation with the masters. To assist us they have provided the teachings and the tools we need to successfully make the journey home. If you feel a tug in your memory, you might be one of them!
This is a quotation from a channeling by Susan Leland…
A special envoy went ahead to build the retreat of Shamballa on an island in the Gobi Sea. Today we know this area as the Gobi Desert. Sanat Kumara placed a focus of the inner flame on the altar where it remained in the physical for many centuries. Although Sanat Kumara resided in this retreat he did not embody in the physical and remained in his higher body of light. What this master did was beautiful and demonstrated the love of an Ascended Master of Light for all. He anchored a filigree ray of light from his heart to each heart on the planet and continuously nourished it plus assisted everyone to be quickened by the consciousness of the Christ. After a period of time people began to respond and some of them started raising their consciousness and developing their inner flame. This allowed Sanat Kumara to return home to Venus.
Many of the 144,000 light bearers who were part of the original mandala are still here today. Some have returned home and others got sidetracked or entangled in karma. Today, we have the opportunity to pick up where we left off on the path of initiation with the masters. To assist us they have provided the teachings and the tools we need to successfully make the journey home. If you feel a tug in your memory, you might be one of them!
This is a quotation from a channeling by Susan Leland…
I Am Sananda, one of 7 Kumara brothers and sisters. The Kumaras are from a loving dimension of Planet Venus. When the darkness was seen coming to Planet Earth eons ago, we joined with our father Sanat Kumara, as part of a group of 144,000 Kumaras who came here to hold the Light of Love for the planet. We were present during the age of Lemuria. Approximately 2,000 years ago in your time I over lit the energy fields of one of the most famous messengers of Love the world has ever seen, the one known as Master Jesus. Our mission was to seed Peace upon Earth, along with the beginnings of your true Golden Age.
The following is an excerpt of a channeling by Karen Doonan.
The following is an excerpt of a channeling by Karen Doonan.
There is much talk of the 144,000 and they are now awake and preparing for the roles that they are here to play. The 144,000 are in human form but contain the genetics and codes that allow them to move into the new earth in order to prepare the ground for the dreaming that will take place to move the human race into a new level of consciousness. This has been guided within your human history for eons; the distortions were put in place for YOU to believe that it would be some other race or some other way. They never left the earth; they have walked amongst the human race waiting for this moment for eternity. Those who now heed the calling are moving into place and those systems that will help them in their setting up of new ways of Being and of living are also being put in place.
Message from Elohim: Emergence of Christ Consciousness by channeler Tiara Kumara
Message from Elohim: Emergence of Christ Consciousness by channeler Tiara Kumara
It’s been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who are living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness. The 144,000 was the number needed to trigger the mass advancement of the race including the great domino effect among all other Planetary Light Servers, which now number in the several million across the globe. This 144,000 Christ Harmonic is able to strengthen and raise the rest of us (and Humanity) into direct experiences of Christ Consciousness as we continue advancing in our remaining initiations.
It is important to understand that our final initiations into Christ Consciousness, initiations #4-5 cannot be taken until initiations #1-3 are completed and there is unwavering mastery over the personality body and our free will is completely surrendered. Again, this is for our own safety in the planetary acceleration and also prevents any potential misuse of revealing power. {credit to the author of that article}.
Next is a revealing conversation with a dear soulmate of mine. Christine Preston who is a messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. She wrote, A 1000 I Am Presences created 12 Higher Selves who then created 12 extensions [6+6 twin flames], and these are the Mystical Body of God on 'Earth', the 144,000 Saints who were not defiled as stated in the Book of Revelation, and they are symbolically the true Church that is not physical, but souls, the Bride of Christ because we integrate Christ consciousness.
So, with all this, I remembered my first etheric encounter with Ascended Master Jesus.
Here is only one experience of a personal revelation I have had. This was a waking vision or as I call an etheric travel, of Ascended Master Jesus (Yeshua, Immanuel) also known as Sananda.
Here is only one experience of a personal revelation I have had. This was a waking vision or as I call an etheric travel, of Ascended Master Jesus (Yeshua, Immanuel) also known as Sananda.
Back in August 2012 I found my self walking on a crystal bridge. It looked like a transparent rainbow flowing towards the way I was walking. In front of me, I saw a brilliant white glow with gold radiating from what it seemed to be like a dome. It did feel as if I was in a City of Light.
As I got closer, things became more refined. I could see structure and towers shaped without edges. I felt enclosed as if I was inside a place in space or dimension.
As I got closer, things became more refined. I could see structure and towers shaped without edges. I felt enclosed as if I was inside a place in space or dimension.
I was very vivid and aware that I am here in this place. It felt so familiar.
I been here before. As soon as I thought that, I see a glow of another light source. I saw the outlines of bodies without faces. I then felt like honey was pouring over me. It was a very calm loving presence.
Directly in front of me, I saw a figure come out of that light walking towards me. As soon as I saw his face, I fell to the floor.
{I still get very emotional. Every time I tell this, I fight back my tears of joy}. I was trembling as I saw his feet. He wore white bright linen robe and a gold sash.
I been here before. As soon as I thought that, I see a glow of another light source. I saw the outlines of bodies without faces. I then felt like honey was pouring over me. It was a very calm loving presence.
Directly in front of me, I saw a figure come out of that light walking towards me. As soon as I saw his face, I fell to the floor.
{I still get very emotional. Every time I tell this, I fight back my tears of joy}. I was trembling as I saw his feet. He wore white bright linen robe and a gold sash.
He reached down his hand and said,
"Why must you fall in the presence of family? Come, take my hand and stand with me." I then take his hand which was glimmering as the stars themselves. I stood and noticed his stigmata. Still trembling, he pulls me closer to him and whispers in my right ear, "i am Sananda. Welcome home sister."
"Why must you fall in the presence of family? Come, take my hand and stand with me." I then take his hand which was glimmering as the stars themselves. I stood and noticed his stigmata. Still trembling, he pulls me closer to him and whispers in my right ear, "i am Sananda. Welcome home sister."
I awoke to this name I had never heard before. My first thought was, google that name. I didn't spell it right the first time, but then pages of that name with pictures came up. I felt like I went into soul shock and I became flooded with that honey over me feeling. I knew it was his presence. That same presence that I dreamt in. I then realized it wasn't a dream at all. I was actually in space inside a ship.
I kept searching. Then in my mind I saw a bird.on fire and thought that was strange. I can't recall where I ended up, but I was looking at something called The Phoenix Journals. That light bulb went off in my head connecting the bird on fire to these Journals. It was the second journal which caught my attention. The title, 'And they called his name Immanuel. I am Sananda.'
I read till I fell asleep. I awoke and I hear, "read Revelations.." It was my voice but not my thought. I had never in my life ever read the full expanse of The book of Revelation. It took me a few hours to read. Nothing stood out at me until I began Revelation 3:7, To the church of Philadelphia.
As I began reading, His presence come over me again. My heart began racing, my palms clammy.yet I kept on reading. As I was reading, my mind or heart was interpreting the meaning of the words being said.
I got to the end of the church of Philadelphia put down the book and began to write. I was dedicating My Church to Christ. Here is what I had written.
I kept searching. Then in my mind I saw a bird.on fire and thought that was strange. I can't recall where I ended up, but I was looking at something called The Phoenix Journals. That light bulb went off in my head connecting the bird on fire to these Journals. It was the second journal which caught my attention. The title, 'And they called his name Immanuel. I am Sananda.'
I read till I fell asleep. I awoke and I hear, "read Revelations.." It was my voice but not my thought. I had never in my life ever read the full expanse of The book of Revelation. It took me a few hours to read. Nothing stood out at me until I began Revelation 3:7, To the church of Philadelphia.
As I began reading, His presence come over me again. My heart began racing, my palms clammy.yet I kept on reading. As I was reading, my mind or heart was interpreting the meaning of the words being said.
I got to the end of the church of Philadelphia put down the book and began to write. I was dedicating My Church to Christ. Here is what I had written.
Written 8/26/2012.
I am thy church, I am thy key, my crown is placed upon my head, I am thy pillar in god’s temple.
I stand beside you O Lord Sananda, in new jerusalem. I am inside thy divine white fire which I wear as thy robe. I thirst and hunger no longer for I am filled with thy fruit and drank of thy living waters. Bright is thy sun which does not scorch me, yet radiates through my everlasting soul. In love I am with all that is. Inside this place is bliss and not a tear can exist.
I have prepared thy way with your loving light O Lord, so all will receive the glories of this new earth and new heaven. Here now thy kingdom came. My brother of light, come upon this world and be with all brothers and sisters of God so we sing of your presence upon us. I am holding fast to all I am and to you who holds the light of my crown.
I stand as a pillar in your temple O Lord, and I know I will not stray, for I may never leave the unconditional loving embrace of all that you are. Sananda, I know thy name for Jerusalem is your kingdom that has settled within my heart. Through my heart thy heaven be. The dream of heaven we hold within.
I am thy church, I am thy key, my crown is placed upon my head, I am thy pillar in god’s temple.
I stand beside you O Lord Sananda, in new jerusalem. I am inside thy divine white fire which I wear as thy robe. I thirst and hunger no longer for I am filled with thy fruit and drank of thy living waters. Bright is thy sun which does not scorch me, yet radiates through my everlasting soul. In love I am with all that is. Inside this place is bliss and not a tear can exist.
I have prepared thy way with your loving light O Lord, so all will receive the glories of this new earth and new heaven. Here now thy kingdom came. My brother of light, come upon this world and be with all brothers and sisters of God so we sing of your presence upon us. I am holding fast to all I am and to you who holds the light of my crown.
I stand as a pillar in your temple O Lord, and I know I will not stray, for I may never leave the unconditional loving embrace of all that you are. Sananda, I know thy name for Jerusalem is your kingdom that has settled within my heart. Through my heart thy heaven be. The dream of heaven we hold within.
"Give this to the world." He said.
This is why it’s so very important to be unconditional love. To transmutate and elevate our self to Christ consciousness, our holy fire within.
This is why it’s so very important to be unconditional love. To transmutate and elevate our self to Christ consciousness, our holy fire within.
I had came across Revelation 7 the next day. Another awakening moment for me of being one of the 144,000 who was sealed. I fell to tears as I asked Lord Sananda, "Is this what you wanted me to see? why am I being shown this now? Why me?"
I did't realize it then, but the answers would guide me to reveal that I am a chosen one. That I really am One of 144,000. After that day, nothing has ever been the same.
I am now currently awakened into my I Am Presence. The Christ Consciousness within. My God Goddess Self. The True Church of Christ. The Bride. I now acknowledge and wholeheartedly accept my calling, my purpose, my mission as I know I am one of 144,000. This includes my twin flame divine compliment. I am here awaking others to their divine mission.
The mission of humanities ascension. I am now asking you who hears these words and feel that deep calling from within, Are you one? I am blessed and honored to stand beside my fellow brothers and sisters of my Tribe. Each of you know who is who and in what frequency you reside! I am here. I am Ready.
The mission of humanities ascension. I am now asking you who hears these words and feel that deep calling from within, Are you one? I am blessed and honored to stand beside my fellow brothers and sisters of my Tribe. Each of you know who is who and in what frequency you reside! I am here. I am Ready.
links to the verses in revelation which spoke through my soul.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Monday, 6 November 2017
Master Jesus: Resurrect with the I Am,
Master Jesus: Resurrect with the I Am,
November 6, 2017
Christine: Hi Lightworkers! At 5 am this morning, I had a communication with the Master Jesus because I was thinking about his speech through Guy Ballard in the latter’s ‘Discourse on the I Am’. He said he would love to give me a dictation on the subject which is very dear to his heart, namely that he never taught the principle, or theological concept of the atonement by a Sacrifice on a Cross during his lifetime as Jesus the Christ. In the New Testament it is an event, a drama, but not the foundation of a dogma as Christianity has interpreted it. It was not Christ that taught it but Constantine as stated in Mother Mary’s message of February 28, 2016. This doctrine was part of a literary device introduced by the Flavian emperors who put the Canon together and edited the ancient records which have been presented as the New Testament by four main authors and gospels. As a theological method of salvation this doctrine of Sacrifice is a Roman concept introduced by Constantine who imposed it upon the bishops he invited to the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. They were forced to accept it although it was in contradiction with their own beliefs as they were all Gnostic in that century, and this is stated in a large book containing actual records made in the 3rd and 4th centuries, and entitled ‘The Ante and Post Nicene Records’. The bishops were threatened with Exile to the island of illyria [spelled I L L Y R I A] if they didn’t accept Constantine’s demands. It is a land in modern Albania, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea which is the setting for a story written by William Shakespeare entitled ‘Twelfth Night’ in which a woman is shipwrecked on the island. And this island is where Arius was actually exiled as Constantine excommunicated him with the excuse that being a heretic was a revolt. The bishop Eusebius refused to accept the doctrine and together with one by the name of Theognis, was exiled to Gaul.
There is an enormous disparity between Christianity and Gnosticism. In the latter Christ is not a blood sacrifice figure and more like the Eastern concept of an Avatar in the original sense of the word. Gnostic researchers also trace the doctrine of Sacrifice to Constantine’s Council of Nicaea and acknowledge the fact it was fabricated for a political agenda.
Master Jesus asked me to get my notebook and gave me a stream of notions by telepathic communication, but we didn’t have time for an actual dictation. That will come later, hopefully this week. However, he has previously gave me some statements which are in the video entitled ‘Resurrection without Cross’. On November 3, I posted the following on Facebook:
Quote: The ascended masters were demonized by Christians due to ignorance about the principle of integration of higher consciousness.Jesus' teachings were falsified by the Flavian emperors and the Roman Church's doctrine of sacrifice for the saving of souls. They portrayed Jesus as Unique and as the Only Son of God. It was the Logos, the Word, that is unique, the Cosmic Christ, a universal consciousness. They have made the historical Jesus into God, and denied to mankind what he came to reveal: the existence of the Spirit Within, the I Am Presence, and the notion of the integration of higher consciousness.
Christine: I explained that Mark Prophet who founded The Summit Lighthouse branched off from the I Am movement of Guy Ballard. The Reading of the I Am Discourse number 19 (in Roman letters) is a teaching from the Master Jesus given on December 5, 1932, through Guy Ballard. It is an extraordinary revelation which continues today. The video was published in 2012 and mentions Saint Germain because the bulk of the I Am Discourses is from this Ascended Master. Jesus refers to the great I Am and says he didn’t wish to convey the idea that the personal Jesus was the only one to whom this great privilege of having an I Am Presence was ordained. He says that each one of us has the same mighty I Am Presence within us, and that he achieved his final victory by this potential, and wishes us to understand that the consciousness he used for this great victory was the use of the I Am Presence as we have been taught. He says that he had searched for the Truth at that time, and was led to a Master who gave him an inner secret about the I Am, and through the radiation of this Master he was able to understand it and use the knowledge to achieve his Ascension. Here he states that he actually raised his body, so his resurrection was physical, and the teachings that we have been given recently about a Resurrection that starts with healing, and is gradual, is in alignment with this teaching. In this speech through Guy Ballard, the Master Jesus states with regard to the uniqueness that Christianity has alleged he had:
Master Jesus: I am not, and never was, a special being created of God different from the rest of humanity. It is true that I had made previous conscious effort and had attained much previous to the embodiment to which I won the eternal victory […/… ] I urge you, beloved children of God, to look upon me as an elder brother, and one with you.
Christine: Then, in that speech, the Master Jesus asks us to think deeply upon the fact that his saying ‘I Am with you Always’ is a reality because the I Am is in him and in us as well. We have an interconnectedness. He says he is referring to the growth of humanity in general and that it was unfortunate that a veil was drawn over the mind of the people preventing the comprehension that they have the same I Am within themselves as he did, and does, and preventing their victory. It is a potential that makes the sacrifice on the Cross totally unnecessary! The mantra that he used to make his Ascension was ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life’.
The link to this amazing video is
The official Christian definition of the Sacrifice on the Cross is: ‘the forgiving or pardoning of original sin in particular through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, enabling the reconciliation between God and his creation.’ They say the original sin is humanity's state of sin resulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam and Eve's rebellion in Eden, namely the sin of disobedience in consuming from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was forbidden. It can be argued, however, that the Fall from Paradise represents the loss of the golden age of Lemuria, and that if there was any rebellion it was on the part of the satanic forces known as fallen ones, those souls that were cast on earth.
For more on this, please refer to the video which is a message from Mother Mary entitled ‘Sword of Blue Flame’ given to me, word for word, on February 18, 2016, and the one given by Saint Germain ‘Cast on Earth’ of February 20, 2016, as well as the one on Fallen Angels given to me by Archangel Michael and my ascended twin flame, on July 16, 2016.
Those videos are listed on Matt Muckleroy’s Playlists and too early to be on Secret Gardens.
The Roman fathers and theologians have put the blame on the lightbearers for a sin that was not their doing because the fall from paradise, or the golden age of Lemuria, was engineered by the dark satanic forces who are adepts at deception and indoctrinated mankind on a massive scale. Disclosure is now restoring the truths that the dark satanic powers, the Evil Pyramid of Control, have suppressed. The final judgment is also specifically for these dark fallen ones, not mankind, as has been said before.
Question: How did Jesus Christ in a human body come to be elevated to Divine status in Christianity, and how was this doctrine manipulated in order to make the Only Son of God equivalent to the Father? There were many debates concerning the doctrine of Christ in the early centuries of the appearance of Christianity in relation to the Son of God. There existed some teachings attributed to a certain Arius, a school of thought referred to as Arianism, and the Arians should not be confused with the term Aryans [A R Y A N S] which alludes to the Indo-Europeans. That school of thought co-existed with Gnostic teachings before an opponent group argued that the Son of God wasnot subordinate to the Father figure, and made the Son undistinguishable from the Father, or Almighty God. This was a debate concerning the Macro-cosmic trinity consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in which the 2nd figure, the Son that is the Cosmic, or Universal Christ to us, was called Logos in scripture, meaning The Word. The Arians believed that the Father figure was superior to the Son figure. There was a series of theological disputes between Arius and two theologians from Alexandria in Egypt. The Council of Nicaea is when the theologians attempted to give a rational explanation for the human and divine nature of Jesus Christ. They obviously did not have the slightest knowledge about the integration of higher consciousness, and they wanted to define their faith. They gave birth to Orthodoxy and imposed it. However, at the time there already existed a teaching coming from Avalon in Britain, which was very heterodox by comparison, but more faithful to Christ’s original teachings. I have received a message from the Master Jesus entitled ‘On Christ’s Forgotten Works in Avalon, Part 2’ on that matter. It was published on December 24, 2016.
The pioneers of Christianity were not the true followers of Christ, they were a cult that formed a few centuries later and they may have started out with the Apologists. They gained prominence because they received the support of Constantine when he adopted their cult as his State Religion. I researched some early documents relating to those controversies when I was studying academic theology for a degree in the 1990s. I observed that the Catholic Church made claims that the Christians existed in the first place and that Gnosticism and Arianism were an opposition to what Christians had – quote: ‘always believed’. I am of the opinion that this is erroneous. It was a movement that began viewing Jesus just as any Roman god. It’s idolatry. A veil was drawn over Jesus the Christ’s teachings concerning the necessity to integrate higher consciousness, and magnetize the light of the I Am Presence. Theologians adopted the idea that the Word had become flesh but was different from the rest of us. In Hermetism there existed an ancient concept in relation to the celestial higher counterpart of ourselves that remained in heaven after a soul’s incarnation. It was taught in Egypt and the Master Jesus probably obtained his revelation about the I AM Presence there.
The dogma was proclaimed in the Nicene Creed and the Council of Trent made some further adjustments to create the Catholic doctrine. Christ’s work was seen as one of redemption rather than his own Resurrection. The Catholic Encyclopedia describes this Sacrifice as a‘blotting out of sin, a deliverance from bondage, and reconciliation ofmankind with God,’ as if God would want his Son to be sacrificed when Archangel Michael stopped Abraham from killing his son Isaac at an altar, indicating that sacrifice is wrong. It was a total corruption of the concept of the symbolic sacrifice of the human nature, and of the ego, upon the Path of Initiation, that entails a surrendering of the human will to achieve alignment with the Divine Will. Christ’s teachings were lost in the process of this corruption.
In the video ‘Resurrection Without Cross’ you will find explanations for the concept of a resurrection from the consciousness of mortality.A concept of Initiatory Journeys and of Ascension is found in Hermetism, the teachings of Thoth who was known to the Greeks as Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes himself received his telepathic messages from what is referred as ‘Nous’ [N O U S] in Greek, meaning his own higher Mind, or Higher Self. There is an obvious analogy between the way Hermes entered in conversation with his Father and the way that Jesus is recorded to have done the same. This was the Father Aspect of the I Am Presence who revealed his name to Moses as ‘I Am that I Am’ in Exodus. E. C. Prophet also emphasized the fact that Christianity misinterpreted Christ’s teachings. She said that the difference between Jesus Christ and us, lightbearers, is that he integrated Christ consciousness to the degree he did to enable him to gain his Ascension. You could call it Buddhic, or Krishna, or Cosmic consciousness. As revealed by Jesus himself to Guy Ballard, he used the affirmation ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Light ’ to gain his victory. The point is that there exists a Resurrection for all of us because we possess the potential for this in the threefold flame within the heart chakra. Souls who have achieved the merging with the I Am Presence and the Sixth Initiation become Ascended Masters and their physical body is replaced by the lightbody. They enter the service of the Great White Brotherhood, but that does not mean that they pass over to the etheric realm as they can remain in service on earth. The evidence for this is that Saint Germain was known as the man who never dies. It is at the Seventh Initiation that they control the Rays.
On the Master Jesus' position in the Spiritual Hierarchy [in the sense of an Administration or Heavenly Order].
The Master Jesus is a prominent figure in the Ancient Wisdom of Theosophy – a term meaning ‘the Wisdom of God’. He is one of the Ascended Masters who represent the Spiritual Hierarchy for the multi-dimensional realms of our system. In their collectiveness these Masters form the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. The term white is used here in the sense of the Beings of Light who have been described as wearing an immaculate garment that is weaved of the light of the higher etheric realm. This is the concept that you will also find in the more recent dispensations of the last century, and that is called the ‘Ascended Master Teachings’. These teachings have been passed on through messengers anointed by the Great White Brotherhood and they contain a spiritual wisdom corresponding to a greater awakening and perception in consciousness than the Theosophists of the 19th century because the messengers themselves had progressed upon the path of Ascension and acquired a greater God vision by the 1950s.
According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Jesus became World Teacher, along with the Master Kuthumi, on January 1, 1956, when he replaced Lord Maitreya, who took the Office of "Planetary Buddha" and "Cosmic Christ". The Master Jesus was regarded as the "Chohan of the Sixth Ray" and as working with Archangel Uriel and Aurora, until December 31, 1959, when Lady Master Nada took on that Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy. However, apparently, the adherents of traditional Theosophy and followers of Alice Bailey, as well as Benjamin Crème, still believe that the Master Jesus is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray and that Lord Maitreya is the World Teacher. This may be because they have not personally received an update.
According to E C Prophet, the Master Jesus incarnated twice as the Emperor of Atlantis, once in 33,050 BC and again in 15,000 BC. He did this in order to aid the white magicians in their war against the black magicians during the Atlantean days. It was Alice Bailey’s belief that the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as Joshua, a Hebrew military leader of the 13th century BC, and again as Joshua a High Priest in the sixth century BC. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Jesus was also incarnated as Joseph of the coat of many colors in between 1650 BC and 1550 BC, as well as King David (who lived c. 1037 BC until around 970 BC), and Elisha in the 9th century BC. On November 6, 2017, this morning, when I had a communication with the Master Jesus, I had been thinking about the Mantle that he told me he had given me. He had stated it was the Coat of many colours, the one in relation to his incarnation as the Joseph who interpreted dreams and was made Pharaoh. We are able to invoke the power and authority of the mantles of the previous Messengers, as well as the Mantle of the Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek, to turn back, withstand and focus in the physical plane a light greater than the opposition that is arrayed against us, the lightworkers, worldwide. It gives us an empowerment from the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, as well as our beloved I Am Presence.
It is believed in the Ascended Master Teachings that the Joseph who was Jesus’ father, was an incarnation of Saint Germain, and that Mary, Jesus’ mother, was Archangel Raphael’s divine complement. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, each of the Magi who came to visit the baby Jesus was an incarnation of one of the ascended masters. Caspar, who brought gold, was an incarnation of the Master Djwal Khul. Balthazar, who brought frankincense, was an incarnation of the Master Kuthumi. Melchior, who brought myrrh, was an incarnation of the Master El Morya. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Jesus first studied at the Brotherhood of Luxor (a mystery school in Egypt, hence some analogies as previously noted with Hermetism), and then went to India to study under the Great Divine Director, Lord Maitreya, as well as Lord Himalaya, the Manu of the Fourth Root Race.
Various sources including Edgar Cayce have provided the information that Jesus’ past lives were as Amilius, Adam, Melchizedek, Enoch, Zend, Ur, Asapha, Jeshua, Joseph (the Pharaoh of Egypt) and Joshua. Djwhal Khul mentioned that after his life as Jesus he was Appolonius of Tyanna and an incarnation in a Syrian body in which he ascended as well. Traditional theosophists believe that after his Resurrection Jesus went directly to Shamballa to be with the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, for a time, until he then incarnated again soon after as Apollonius of Tyana.
Christine: We will leave it to that for now, dear ones. With light and love, Christine
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