Friday, 6 October 2017

The Great Quickening, October 6, 2017
Christine: I will be reviewing a few extracts from the videos that have been published during the last few months, including some statements and information obtained about the Cosmic Stargate, or Merkaba, which was deactivated on September 28, 2017. Archangel Michael has, however, explained that we are still being accelerated in consciousness in an individual way upon the Path of Initiations, and Ascension, but the dials have been turned down for mankind as a whole, and work is continuing to raise its frequency of vibration and this is being done according to the great divine Plan that still has to be unfolded. For those listeners not familiar with my videos, I have been working as a messenger for the Great White Brotherhood since 2015, and I receive telepathic communication from some Ascended Masters, such as Saint Germain and the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, some Cosmic Beings, and Archangels, especially Archangel Michael, as well as from my Ascended Twin Flame, André. There are a few videos on the effects of this Stargate on Matt Muckleroy’s Playlist, as well as more recent ones on the Secret Garden. The first one on this subject was an Announcement given on September 23, 2015. Archangel Michael gives information on the deactivation of the Cosmic Merkaba, or Stargate, in the video entitled Lord Michael, Nesara, September, Deactivation of Stargatepublished on July 20, 2017, as follows:

QuoteLord Michael:  …/… I am descending and at one stage I will manifest …/… physically as this is the time of reunion, and of first contact. This is coming close now. Late September is, as you know, the time when the Stargate is deactivated, as the experiment is over.  There was a 2 year period when it was decided to accelerate the rise of consciousness to its limits, and we didn't know for sure whether it was going to be productive, or destructive. The results have been very good but this acceleration has been painful. It really is a time of tribulation and apocalypse in the sense that what was hidden has been exposed, no stone will be left unturned. There will be a lot of repercussions that will continue as a result of these two years in the cosmic Merkaba of activation of the Stargate. You have transited very quickly to a new height, the whole planetoid has ../…. End of Quote.

Christine: In the video entitled ‘Lord Michael, Update, Macrocosmic Merkaba published on July 30, 2017.Archangel Michael states:

QuoteLord Michael: …/… we are now progressing toward the last part of this difficult period in which we have had the Stargate activated. It is, as you know, a Cosmic Merkaba, a macro-cosmic one actually. This is Archangel Michael and I will carry on with this dictation for the lightworkers.

Dear ones, some of you have asked for some kind of update as you are worried that your President taking a pounding from the astral, or dark realm, as it is from this place that the evil originates. I am working on a clearing of these scoundrels. Upon the physical plane there are individuals who are self-serving and have been part of an agenda that we call ‘the evil pyramid of control’, through this messenger. The ‘Obama-Clinton and some previous Presidents’ collusion are a group that follows a particular dark philosophy, as you know. Exactly what will happen now, depends on the contribution at occult, or hidden, level of those forces of darkness. If they are reluctant to change and accept that the greater power of the Light is supreme, they will have to be taken down, taken away. This is the Judgment which has been spoken of before. One is taken, one is left. They will be taken to off world Tribunals. I am reminding you of the teachings concerning the Judgment of darkness which is present in the book of Enoch. I was instructed by the Almighty Father-Mother to take the satanic forces of darkness to bottomless pits, and there keep them in chains. …/…

The keeping in chains of these satanic entities, also called the Red Dragon in the Book of Revelation, was a symbolic description. This meant that they were being held in captivity in the lower astral levels below this platform of physical life, and were prevented from becoming corporeal upon the latter. They could not be kept there forever, so it was said they would one day be allowed to surface and this was by the process of incarnation too. Allowing them to surface was part of the divine Plan to give them a last chance before receiving their final Judgment. Exegetes and theologians of Christian denomination have proclaimed for a long time that the antichrist of scripture would appear. They have said this one century after another, but, dear ones, the time for this appearance is already in the past.

This evil has worked its way into what you call the Establishment, mainstream, and the consensus in thinking or mind-set. It is the Evil Pyramid of Control! It has been around for thousands of years and that is why Lord Jesus Christ took his famous incarnation 2,000 years ago,though you have learned that his original teachings have been falsified by the same power. This power has infiltrated every corner of your world and existence. Antichrist even is your financial and other systems. Christ’s objectives were to hold a balance against this dark force and cause its Judgment, even the prophesied one in the Book of Enoch, too. He did say ‘I am come for the Judgment’.

The consummation of the Judgment leads to a final one in the end times, those of the last generation. This means the generations of these end days when evil must cease, or end. You have heard this explanation many times in previous videos. There is not going to be an end of the world, but only an end of evil because this time, which you are part of, is the time of the Harvest. You are staying to continue your progress upon the Path of Initiations and Ascension. Also to create a better world as designed by the Master Saint Germain, as well as all the authorities of the highest dimensions. This new world will be the descending heaven upon your physical plane.  It will be your own creation. Your Father-Mother God, your higher dimensional families play their part in this. They have formed a Master Plan, millions of years ago with you. You have volunteered to project a part of your consciousness to carry out a mission, at this time, to change the original timeline, which ended in disasters in a future which is never going to be your own now.

The Stargate, or Cosmic Merkaba, has been used to activate, or speed up the awakening for mankind. As said before, this is such a powerful system that it could not be used at its total strength. Light needed to be diffused to give many a better chance of taking the right path. The function of such a Stargate is not to take you from one place to another, but to raise up your consciousness to a higher level, so that you can then be taken to a higher level of existence in a final shift. The Stargate has given mankind a boost. You notice its effects by noting how your perceptions, your views, and feelings have changed. You notice people arguing. In the course of some arguments you notice some people speak from a point of inspiration, and the other side disagrees because they are still entrenched in the 3rd dimensional mind set.

So, my friends, do not worry, the President knows more than transpires. It sometimes takes many strategies to make changes. The dark ones have lost their position of power through the Whitehouse. However, they still have some strategic strongholds in politics, as in other countries. Certain events may cause people and the media to react and trigger some controversial debates which in turn, will bring about some disclosure, and particularly about what is not quite right about NASA. They have been carrying out an enormous deception for decades and it is about to be exposed. Disclosure is not something that is revealed officially through the mouthpiece of the President, but the result of people awakening and thinking for themselves. The President would be getting a backlash of additional opposition, or hostile response, if he were to make certain announcements that could be regarded as disclosure. He has to be diplomatic in everything he does and manoeuvers through a labyrinth of difficulties. However, the people are not dupe and are doing a good work. Lies cannot be perpetrated forever.

So, we have said that the Stargate was activated to raise your vibration and lift you up higher upon the ladder of the dimensions, closer to your heavenly celestial families that are also descending to meet you half way. These are your mentors. You have had your DNA activated and changed too. Expect a development of some of your spiritual senses, or abilities, which will allow for your contacts with us, or telepathic communications, upon an increasing scale. The Stargate is being deactivated in September. This only means the ride will be more comfortable for all of you from that time. You will not feel as tired as you have been. This was planned for September 28, 2017, and you will have been in this Merkaba since September 28, 2015. To dial your destination which is ‘hone’, your key, or chevron, is the Christ consciousness that you are integrating. This stargate is a Cosmic Merkaba. You will continue at your own volition upon the Path of Ascension. You have been propelled upwards. Saint Germain did say some miraculous events would be the signs that you are stepping on to the platform of the golden age that he intends to create. This is his work. Peace will be required so that prosperity brings equal conditions of life for people, not only in the USA but all over the world. More attention will then be given to the meaning of life and its goals, including the next shift to a higher dimensional existence, a shift to 5th density. It will be one devoid of pain, disease and even death, and this will be in relation to personal spiritual achievements, upon the Path of Ascension. In the meantime, before this can happen, you will benefit from the support of your higher dimensional families, your mentors, who will come with some technologies, and in the immediate future, you will be receiving help and healing at night, into your auras,from the forces of Heaven that are at my command, for I am Archangel Michael, and this was a dictation by telepathic communication through this messenger, with whom I have a deep connection. And I leave you in my Blue Flame Protection as we are parting, without saying Farewell as I am always around.

Christine: In ‘More than an Hour with Archangel Michael’ published on September 2, 2017, I have recorded that my ascended Twin Flame gave me a prophecy concerning what will happen after the end of the transition period:

QuoteAndré: Lord Michael said you will soon be coming to the end of the period of transition for which you were given the date of February 18, 2018, to mark it. What will happen after this, is some tremendous changes, and no stone will be left unturned. This is why it is a time to get your house in order. It means balancing karma and getting ourselves ready for the new conditions we are creating, as we are working very hard, and relentlessly, to eradicate the forces of darkness, create new conditions and better receptivity in the minds of all people. This is to do with a counteraction against the indoctrination, falsities, lies, matrix of the evil pyramid of Control, this ex-establishment that has caused chaos in the world, corruption, outrageous conditions with poverty, struggles, wars, but most of all, which has veiled the 3rd eye chakra preventing people to perceive truth, preventing them to discern, robbing them from the gift of discernment, so they go about life in error, with the wrong views, and end up in miserable situations.End of Quote.

Christine: I enclose a short transmission from my ascended twin flame and Ashtar given on September 28, as follows:

André Calls Ashtar, September 28, 2017
Christine: Following a conversation on Facebook I have asked my ascended twin flame to give us some comments, as follows:
Quote: André, Jennifer is asking questions. Perhaps we are all disconcerted about some news?
André: I will say that what is happening is not an easy thing to describe. We have been involved in all manner, all sorts of strategic operations to save the situation on the platform as a whole – some might say on the planet. There is a feeling of bewilderment in regard various events and there is disinformation going on, especially with regard to Donald Trump and his acitivities. But one thing is true. He is striving forward with a list of things he has to do to undo the evil that has been done over the previous 8 years of Obama’s office. We are not able to disclose much at the moment about how we are helping because the agents of Death and Hell are listening with their devices of secret technology. You are basically moving along upon a difficult path. You are still all holding the balance, surviving and doing very well, advancing, raising your vibration, being lifted up spiritually. There are other beings than the Ascended Masters and Archangels. There are Cosmic Beings and they are constantly busy, being occupied with various operations. I am among the Andromedans who have a plan, a mission to act as the ambassadors of a first contact, but at first it will be an inner telepathic contact for many, and as many other Cosmic Beings, they will function as tutors for you. What did Jennifer ask? She is pondering aboutAshtar Command. At one time you had a text which was for a definition of this wing of the Galactic Federation of Light, and you could repost it on Sunday after you return from your journey. Ashtar could come and speak now:
Ashtar: This is Ashtar, greetings dear ones!  I would like to say, to advise Jennifer that we are in joy as well in seeing you lightworkers, with such interest in us and what we are doing. We will land one day in the middle of a vast area and our spaceship will rest upon a flat surface, indeed, for those who have ears. It will not be in the very near future but a number of other miraculous events will manifest very soon. There has been an unexpected retaliation from the dark, which is difficult for all of you to understand. It is a hard time but do push on, and strive forward, and you will see, it will all become clearer, not too long from now. We will win as the Light never fails. We are so in love with you all. Ashtar Command.
Christine: May you be kept safe and secure in the light of the beings of Higher Dimensions, With love, christine

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