Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Adam & Eve and the Tree of Knowledge

concerning the Sirius influence: in the Book of Genesis this was characterized by the serpent causing the entities Adam & Eve to eat of the Tree of knowledge. Eating of the Tree of Knowledge being a reference to the ability to make decision, to think for themselves, to have independent will. Prior to that the other creature was totally controlled psychically by its creator. The second creature as having a will, a free will, a will of its own, which was termed knowledge, or wherein, for example, the serpent explained that in eating of the Tree of Knowledge the entities would gain the power of Gods; this referring to the ability to make decisions and have free will. This led to shorter lifespans associated with mammalian qualities, as the Reptilian genes receded; the reptilian having a slower metabolism. Adam & Eve were the prototype of a particular type of creation. It's like speaking of the Stealth or the carrier or the battleship, or the IBM computer, or some other model, rather than speaking of an individual entity. On symbolic levels, this has other meanings, as has been given. Adam and represent the conscious mind, while Eve represents the subconscious mind; or you may think of these as male and female principles or positive and negative principles. It is a matter of symbolism as well as a matter of allegory and also a story being told to represent the actuality of history in terms of the creation of this prototype known as man.

 there were people on earth before the creation of Adam, before the creation of Homo Sapiens. There were those more ancient as is taught in your anthropology books. It simply was that these new creations, the Homo Sapiens, were an updated versions, just as model airplanes or airplanes can be updated and new models built.

 it must be recalled that it was Enki, from Sirius , who was the one who freed mankind from the Enlil forces at the beginning of the Cro-Magnon creation. This goes back to the so-called Garden of Eden; that Enki essentially assisted in giving humanity the power of choice, rather than the mere option of obedience. It is this story that took shape as the story of the Garden of Eden; that the Tree of Knowledge and the fruit by which mankind was to be made as gods, by eating of that fruit of the tree of Knowledge; the fruit that was given by Enki was the power of choice, the ability to choose. Prior to this , the Adam model of the cloned creation the Cro-Magnon type or sapien type was simply a slave created to serve the mines owned by the Reptoids or those from Draco, and the Adam type model of Cro-Magnon developed was cloned to be a robot-like living being, a genetic creation, genetically created to serve without question and without thinking, without the power of choice.

 the Sirian may be equated to the Garden of EDEN serpent because the serpent tempted the prototypes, Adam and Eve, to question their creator. In questioning , they did things they were told would be forbidden, and thus they learned to make decisions that were perhaps not to their best interests, but which eventually led to their evolutionary growth as a decision-making being. The Tree of Knowledge was forbidden to them, for it they ate of this, they would have the knowledge of the gods. The knowledge of the gods being that ability to make decisions rather than simply obey. The gods referred to in the early meaning of this Garden of EDEN story when it was given in ancient times to entities, was referring to the prototype Adam /Eve creation of the Reptoid Enlil, and this was altered by the Enki or Sirian modification to this prototype in such a way that Enki forced the prototype to think, to make decisions. This was not in the plans of the Reptoid Enlil, who wanted these beings to simply obey and not to think for themselves. Thus, the mammalian brain overlaid above the reptilian brain of the human, created a new being, one that could evolve, could think, could make decisions and could learn from experiences, and alter and modify itself according to what it had learned.

The Enlil types were from Draco. At the time it was called the Dragon Constellation. It was later changed because the mapmaker of the heavens at the time did not have room to write the entire word "Dragon" and simply shortened or abbreviated it to "Draco"- and later, this was changed to the constellation Draco. The word Draconian comes from Draco, or dragon, and the Book of Revelations speaks of the dragon, this as a reference to the so-called Reptoids of UFO lore. These entities are partially reptilian in their genetic nature. Their main concern is control, conquering and survival, whereas the Sirian types are concerned about things that have to do with spiritual development. These entities from Sirius are closer to the True God of the Universe, though the earlier Enlil types rewrote the messages from the historic versions of the early story in Sumer and Akkadia and handed it down through one civilization following another, and the Hebrews got the story as it was handed down and perceived that the First Creator of human types, Enlil, was the Original God who put man in the Garden of Eden, which , incidentally, is the place known as the Tigris/Euphrates area, now comprised of that country Iraq, Syria and part of Turkey and also Iran to some extent.

the molecular structure and the DNA shapes were tampered with by Enki, the Sirius god in the Garden of Eden, after the human robot had been created to serve the Draconian Reptoids who saw themselves as the creator of the humans, and the work of Enki was designed to slowly change over a period of time to free the robot creature from its isolation as a non-thinking, non-deciding being, by the gift of Enki who created for that entity the ability to make decisions. The introduction of the mammalian genes at the top of the reptilian brain changed the creation of Enlil into that which had a choice, and this decision-making ability has allowed humanity to gradually... become more intelligent and more independent. This infuriated the Draconian creators in their genetic creation known as man because they could no control the entity if the entity could make decisions on his own. The change also created shorter lifespans for the humans because the reptilian aspects were being diminished... while the mammalian qualities became more prominent, resulting in more sensitive,emotional, compassionate qualities as well as better thinking abilities. The mammalian brain evolving out of and above the reptilian brain has, over many generations, allowed humans to evolve at an extremely high rate, and the action of the alignment in regard to Sirius and the earth has triggered this to move even more quickly...

aliens have for long been devoid of spiritual understanding and have lacked any teaching of a spiritual nature. They do not give much credence to it, or even much thought to it. They believe that they manufactured religion, created religion for humans in order to control the human civilization through religions. They see this as part of the programming that they imposed on humans. This particularly in regard to those of Orion rather than the Zeta Reticuli. The Orion Empire as having the belief that it created the religions under which humans live as a means of controlling human civilizations through the priestcraft and through suggestions and conditioning of the masses via religious and certain philosophical and moral teachings. They give themselves more credit than they actually deserve in regard to this, but because they used religion and morality teachings to manipulate humanity, they do not put much merit in those things themselves. More research can be done on this through the book "The Gods of Eden."

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