Tuesday, 27 November 2018

This Awareness indicates that there is a need to make some" changes in the way entities perceive reality.' , This Awareness indicates that because mind manipulates, consciousness and in that manipulation creates realities, what entities term realities:it is important to understand that realities, can be altered. by changing the way the mind manipulates consciousness

This Awareness indicates the tendency of mind is to create polarities in consciousness. If one thing is' , outstanding, the mind tends to create an opposite that  is equally outstanding, to create a contrast of equal extreme, The mind also' tends to fixate and focus on its " own creations, giving them greater or lesser substance " in order to augment or diminish the creation; thus, a thing can be created along with its opposite. It can then be exaggerated, along with the exaggeration of its opposite so that an extreme ,of polarity is manifested and this can be a type of thinking of the mind that operates on all levels, in all things, in all of its creations.

Thus, a small accomplishment can be exaggerated to appear to be a great accomplishment, and its opposite which would be a negation of greatness, can also be 'experienced simultaneously, so that an entity feels both superior and inferior simultaneously because of the accomplishment. This Awareness indicates that this is the nature of polarity, the nature of the mind polarizing consciousness.

The Mind Creates "Good" and "Evil"

This Awareness indicates that an example of this would be to consider for example, the concept of good, something which is termed 'good,' which immediately calls for the mind to recognize that here can be: something called 'bad' or 'evil,' and the more 'good' something is, the more the tendency to 'create some­ thing equally bad and evil, so that the good never becomes better than the bad is bad, for every time something becomes really good, the mind automatically creates the concept of something being really bad.

 This Awareness indicates that's the tendency of mind in working with polarities, It is not necessary for mind to think in such ways. This Awareness indicates that the Korean language has no word for 'bad' or in the past this was so, before it became associated with Westernized language and other languages; the Korean language had words that indicated or suggested something could be good or something could be not so good, but it did not have a term meaning the opposite of good, or 'bad.'

This Awareness indicates that in discussing the nature of the aliens and the creation of the founders of the universe as beings who came in to existence when light fractured or fragmented, this Awareness suggested that some of these beings evolved out of the. positive end of light polarity. while [others evolved out of the negative end] of light polarity. This Awareness indicates that it would be suitable to the natural event of the mind to call these good and evil, and in tne past, philosophical societies have done so, terming some of these creatures. 'creatures of good, and .some of these creatures. 'creatures of evil.'

This Awareness indicates that generally, the negative evolution or evolvement, the evolvement from light of   a    negative type, would be termed evil, and the evolvement ot light in the positive sense would be termed ,

This-Awareness indicates the human .... human is not exactly the appropriate term because human relates to animal man, but the more highly evolved creatures of the universe evolved out of the positive pole of polarity of the light force, and the Reptilian energies evolved more from the negative pole of the energies, and entities could, theoretically, call them evil.

This Awareness would prefer to diminish the polar­ izing in consciousness so as to assist in the action of bringing back to the Law of One, wherein-all things are seen as 'part of Universal Consciousness and the extremes are diminished, for as long as there are ex­ tremes, these extremes become more volatile toward each other in' destructive ways, and as ,the extremes diminish and.' 'entities move more toward a neutral stance on the scale'of polarity, peace and harmony 'become more prevalent.

This Awareness indicates that it is not necessary in the universe for things to be extremely polarized. The experience was offered by consciousness to determine the effects of such extremity with the intention that eventually these extremes would return and unify into the One Mind or One Consciousness. There­ fore, It does not wish to energize concepts of good and evil in the sense of the alien factor, but rather wishes to discuss the nature of these extremes and the movement toward harmony and balance that is possible.

The 'Good" Self and the "Not so Good" Self

This Awareness indicates that in each individual there is the positive and the negative aspect. There is that which entities have called the good and the evil side of the self. This Awareness wishes entities to change the thinking slightly and to think of the good self and the not-sa-good self; to think of the Reptoids, for example, as being not-sa-good, but not to think of them as much as being evil in the extreme sense, to recognize instead their true nature, and what may be termed the nature of all beings who are classed as evil.

Most beings, let's take for example the concept of Ahriman the ultimate of evil, or Satan, the ultimate of evil' these entities are simply miscreated, lacking good. It is not so much that they have something .in them called evil it is more that they lack that which is good. They la'ck compassion. They may have certain qualities that are associated with some levels as good. They may, for example, be intelligent. They may be strong. They may be loyal to their own followers or to their own leaders, and such qualities can be classed in some frames of reference as good, so even that which entities class as evil may have some redeeming good qualities, but they are lacking in that which is comp­ assion and feeling for the welfare of others.

Humans a Product of Mammalian and Reptilian Genetics

They lack that which entities call love. This Awareness indicates that you do not see the Reptilian world showing love for one another or for other creatures in the same way that occurs in the world of mammals .. This Awareness indicates that of course, in the world of mammals there are also elements of violence in which species attack each other, sometimes even their own species. This Awareness indicates that this violence usually is an indicator of a certain amount of Reptilian genetics involved in that species that causes the species to exhibit violence. This Awareness indicates that the genetics involved in the creating of different species has to do with a combination of positive and negative energies on the polarity scale, and many humans, most humans are a product of both Raptilian and mammalian ancestry.

Enlil Creates the First 'Adam'

This Awareness indicates that thus, the entities tend to have the dual aspects of that which is good and that which is not-so-good. This Awareness indicates the human species as that which originally was created by Enlil the Reptilian god as a prototype slave to work in fields and in mines, and this prototype was incapable of reproducing itself. It was to be reproduced by cloning. This Awareness indicates this was the first  Adam. This Awareness suggests that it did not function well. It had no self motivation, and was not easily' programmed to follow instructions  and the second . creation which was infused with other genes or genetic substances by the entity ] EnKI. of Sirius, then had its effect on the prototype that had been created by Enlil.

Enki from Sirius Gave Adam "Knowledge. The Ability to Choose

This Awareness indicates the entity Enki from Sirius. is the entity which the biblical story of Genesis refers to as the serpent in the garden. The entity Enlil was
the so-called god in the garden of Eden. Enlil was Reptilian. EnKI was the serpent sub-race from Sirius. This entity assisted the human creation or Adam, in a way that opposed the will of Enlil, by allowing Adam the ability to make choices. It gave Adam what was called knowledge.

By giving him the power to make choices, it indicated that Adam, by eating of this tree would have the power of gods. The power of gods being simply the ability to make choices as opposed to being a bio-robot or a creation of a mindless clone. This Awareness indicates that along with the ability to make choices, Enki also gave the Adam prototype the ability to reproduce itself and the reproduction was also augmented by a kind of engineering feat that put genes into the prototype from the Sirius god or that which was the serpent of Sirius, which would, in time, grow in dominance from generation to generation, while also causing the Reptilian genes of Enlil to diminish from generation to generation.

How Humans are Evolving into Gods

Thus Enlil would lose in his creation the genetics that were used in the first prototype or Adam creation

In these early stages of the creation, the entities lived long lives. Methuselah, for example, living close to a thousand years. These long lives were due to the genetics from Enlil, but with each passing generation, over thousands of years, the tendency of the Enlil genes to influence the next generation became weaker because of Enki's genetic influence, and the human

or the animal aspects along with the serpentine or sapien aspects became more dominant in each passing generation so that as time passed, lives became shorter.

This Awareness indicates that this denied humans the concept of immortality, thus eating of the tree of knowledge led to certain death. Surely over periods of time the lives diminished and shortened, but at the same time this was happening, where lifespans even reached to the point of an average of 25 or 30 years, even as this was happening, the powers of reason, the powers of the mind, the powers to make choices were developing in the human to give, eventually, a greater understanding than Enlil ] ever intended for his creation to have, and thus, gradually, humankind began to evolve into gods in their own right.

This A wareness indicates that it is not that Enlil was evil or good, it is just that Enlil, tampering with natural forces was an inventor of a certain prototype, and Enki stole away part of the prototype, altered the creation. to become something different, and the prototype began to develop to a level where it became capable of challenging its own creator. This Awareness indicates that humanity has now evolved back toward its own godhood to become a spiritual being with compassion, with understanding and with intelligence, still weak

in many ways. .

This Awareness indicates once again, the value of humanity is not in what humanity has done, but in its potential, yet unknown, for humanity's potential is on the brink of expressing itself and, if surviving, will soon reach a state of expression that will be as the expression of divinity. It will be that associated with angelic powers. It is only a matter of time. The difference between humanity and the Reptilian or Reptoid types is that humanity
is accompanied by the evolutionary growth and development of compassion, while the Reptoids have stripped away compassion from their being and have become technologically cold, efficient, powerful.

Reptoids are Spiritually Bankrupt Beings

They have great power. They have great technology.

They are extremely efficient in what they do, but they lack compassion. They do not care for others, even among their own in the way that humans care. This Awareness indicates that they are spiritually bankrupt, whereas humans are on the brink of spiritual abundance. It is so close, and when it comes, human powers will excel and exceed the technologies available to those Reptoids, for the spiritual powers will allow humans with their mentality and consciousness to have dominion over those technological powers of the Rep-toids.

This Awareness indicates it is not so much a matter of good and evil, it is a matter of returning to the source, to the original consciousness from whence all came, and the Reptoids are at the extreme opposite end and have no direction to go except to return, and the humans are now close to Cosmic Consciousness. It will be but a matter of time before humans, in collective consciousness, can have greater power without touching the Reptoids than the Reptoids have with all of their technologies.

The Passage Perilous: Certain Aliens Reincarnate to Help Us

This Awareness indicates that Enki's effort as that which has given Adam and Eve the powers of God. These are not yet fulfilled, but quickly approaching, as humanity evolves spiritually. This Awareness indicates that in this sense the Sirius people have a great concern and a great desire to see humanity continue its path and spiritual evolution unecumbered by the influence of the Reptoids. This Awareness indicates that it is for this reason that Sirius, Arcturus, Vega and the Pleiades, and other systems have sent emissaries to Earth to be reincarnated into human bodies at this time, to assist in this passage perilous from the old age, into the new.

It is for this reason that the Sirians, Vagan, Pleiadian and Arcturus groups; also those from Andromeda from the Galactic Confederation, have considerable concern as to what is to be the outcome and history of earth; whether it will become a fallen way-station for the Reptoids in their further effort to conquer the galaxy, or whether it should be given special attention and be salvaged. The debate over this concern is on, and will depend largely on whether humanity appears worthy of] such salvation, or whether humanity is so deplete

of good that it should be sacrificed and given to the    Reptoids, while these forces concern themselves with saving other planets and other places in the galaxy. .:

Some Reptoids Are Also Reincarnated Here

This Awareness indicates that the problem has been that] many of the Reptoid entities in ancient and present or subsequent times have reincarnated also into human form, and are what may be termed devoid of good. It is not so much that they are evil, they simply lack compassion and therefore promote actions that develop for themselves power and gain through violence, deception, manipulation or other trickery. They are seen by good people as being evil.

A Melting Pot of 'Good' and 'Not so Good' Entities

This Awareness does not wish to energize the concept of evil, therefore, It would refer to these entities as not-so-good, living with those who are basically good. This Awareness indicates that therefore, humanity is

a hodgepodge of 'good and not-so-good beings, because many of those who are not-so-good have reincarnated from souls of Reptilians, the Reptoid types from Draco, and many of those who are good are from other star systems, and there are many in between who are half­ breeds and who are combinations and who can switch from being good to being not-so-good, and thus, humanity is a kind of melting pot in this part of the galaxy.

Enki Saved Earth and Mankind From Destruction

This Awareness indicates that there was a time when these Reptoids attempted to destroy the earth and all humanity, and but for Enki would have succeeded. The Sirius influence as that which allowed the survival of some entities such as Noah, and those whom he preserved, to survive the flood that was caused from the melting of ice in Antarctica and the tipping of the earth to create such a flood around the globe.

This Awareness indicates that this action of preser­ ving some of humanity as that which allowed the continued evolution of the human creation to its present state; that it was the intention of Enlil ] to destroy the earth and abandon the planet with both the nuclear radiation of Sodom and Gomorrah and the flood. It was assumed that the creation would die out and nothing would survive. This was a mistaken assumption and humanity began to grow, and over time and with some help from Sirius forces and Pleiadian forces, influences were brought to bear on consciousness and the earth in ways that allowed humanity to again become assertive and to grow, and to develop and evolve.

in 19 60s
Now these Reptoids are laying claim to the earth as being theirs, using their mercenaries, the Greys, as forerunners to that claim, and the Galactic Confedereration as that which is at a loss in terms of what to do because the governments of the world have accepted agreements with these mercenary forerunners, the Greys, giving them treaties to be on earth, and to conduct their activities. Without such treaties, the Greys  would have broken Galactic Law and could be removed. With such treaties, they have the right to take over the planet so long as they abide by those treaties that were given in secret by the leaders of these various countries.

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