Saturday, 17 November 2018



A question from J K Hartford, Connecticut. "Is it possible for the Greys and Reptoids to travel back through time and manipulate events at key points or junctures in time or is the past in some way not easily altered?"


This Awareness indicates that there appears to be a certain set of principles in regard to time-travel that allows for some alteration of the past to occur by time travelers from the future moving back into those energies of the past; however, it appears that these conditions allow

only minor alterations which cannot affect historically the line of history in a sense that moves or changes societies. It appears It can only alter in minor ways} perhaps

the lives of certain individuals, so long 'as those individual lives are not key to the historical direction of the culture.

This Awareness indicates that normally, the manipulation of the future by travelling back in time is not effective except in very lim-meeted and minor ways,. It can be affected to change things for individuals when those changes do

not affect the historical culture or the direction of a culture.

This Awareness indicates it is not so much that there is some kind of physical or natural law guiding this, or enforcing this as a principle, it is more that the energies involved would be too great to move by an entity moving back in time. That even using the Law of Leverage wherein an entity affects time at a crucial moment, giving energy

so that he or she could turn history by a word or two;

this does not appear to be as easily done as it might seem, if history had not already been written.

One can, in present time, with a word or two, alter the direction of energies to create a new direction for the future, but if that history line has already been written, to go back and change by adding a word here or there at critical times requires much greater amounts of energy to undo the already written history, than it would, had there been no history written at all.


Another question by J.K. "Does Awareness ever tune into the technology of the aliens to see which way energies and consciousness seem to be moving? For example. the foreseen Spring 1993 California earthquake. Do the Greys have this already recorded and seen as done, as history, somewhere aboard a ship's computer or would this be like tuning in to a frequency of a low vibration that does not encompass higher and more universal purposes?

Can this ever be useful? I find the idea of this type of time travel fascinating.

This Awareness indicates that the concept of creating a-fixed future based on plans that are set in motion as that which-has a certain limitation. One can create a plan and-put the plan in motion and the 'energies in motion carry momentum, which help to bring about the outcome based on that plan, but to think of this as already having occurred because of some preordained fate is incorrect.

Even if the plan had been well thought out and well energized and put into motion, it is still possible for events, energies and other plans in the future to be brought to bear as influences. 'On those original plans and energiesand to defuse or deflect or alter the planned outcome.

This Awareness indicates in other words, the future is not fixed ..

The future may be influenced by plans and energies,

but it is not absolute, for if there is any possibility of new energies being brought to bear, then these plans can be altered. This Awareness indicates this relates to the Law of Motion. or Momentum; the Law of Inertia, where energy is in movement, it continues to stay in movement, even if it is a plan being promoted, until some other energy comes to bear to deflect, to alter that movement, It is related to the Newtonian Law of Inertia,

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