Tuesday, 27 November 2018

The Creation of Adam by  Enlil

The entities known as Enlil were Reptilian in nature; the Enlil was a Reptoid, and this was the entity who created that first Adam, but Adam was many entities. There were many Adams. Just as entities today speak of man and in some distant future people reading the material may think that 'man' is the name of a person. Likewise, Adam was not a single man, but a species that was created by the Enlil.

The Enlil Reptoid group later were called by the Hebrew, the Elohim or the Els. This Awareness indicates that

the first Adam type of creature did not have the cap­ acity for having sex, and was cloned and was reproduced through the action of cloning. The creature did have the opportunity because of the Reptoid nature of being in the image of the creator Enlil, of having long life. This was the Tree of Wisdom, and the entity was designed so as not to be able to think in polarities or to have any particular choices; to be simply obedient, and this was the intent and purpose of Enlil to keep these entities as obedient servants, to serve and to work and to do things in accordance to the commands of Enlil.

The Enlil being a species, and the Adam types being a species of creature. At some point, the female counter­ part was created to give companionship to the male counterpart, in an attempt to add for the Adam types

a creature that would serve the Adam types in a similar way that Adam was serving the Enlil types, or the Elohim. This Awareness indicates that this situation existed for some time before the entity from Sirius, who was Enlil's half brother, who was not as much a Reptoid as was Enlil, in the sense that the entity was termed a serpent person from the serpent race of Sirius, as compared to the Reptoid from Draco. Enlil was the hair-brother of Enki, and Enki was the Sirius entity, one who was born and lived in Sirius as a class known as the serpent people.


Enki's Greatest Gift to Man: The Gift of Thought

Enki is equated to the Garden of Eden story, to the serpent in the garden. It was Enki's philosophy that Adam and Eve, or the two types, should have the right of choice or what is termed the knowledge of gods. They were given the option of being able to know good and evil, or polarization, right and wrong, joy and sorrow, and all of those things that are polarized. Therefore, the option of thinking rather than merely obeying; the option of being able to make choices, for this was the gift of Enki to the Adam and Eve types, and it was this action of Enki in the cloning process wherein he instilled within them, he, or they, this race of entities known as Enki, the power of thought.

This Awareness indicates that when It speaks of Enki as a half-brother to Enlil, It is actually referring to races that stem from a similar, a common forefather race known as An-noo, or Ah-nu. the names varying in different writings of old; this being the same as the term 'seed'. You will recall that in the Huna philosophy of the Hawaii. ens, the term Ano-ano means 'seed'.

This Awareness indicates that this entity was more or less the founder of the humanoid race in this galaxy. that Reptoids were one splinter or faction of his creation called Enlil or Elohim, and the Enki, ot Sirius, another faction.

The action of the Enki on the Adam and Eve races or entities was to give them the power of thought,' . and this was the fall from the garden of Eden in the sense of this scenario. It of course has many different inter­ pretations in terms of the overall symbology of the story, many parallels and reflections under the Law of Hermes, his Law of Correspondence that states that "As above, so it is below!"-this same effect takes place within each human body.

There is within the human body, the serpent consciousness, the old reptilian brain, the kundalini energy, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind symbolizing Adam and Eve, and the state of consciousness that does not know good or evil, but simply responds as one integrated and total being, such as that of a newborn child, and there is that fall from such grace wherein the entity learns , to think, to polarize, to understand good and evil and then is cast into actions that require that the entity struggle with thought, for survival.

This Awareness indicates that the parallel as that which applies to the individual and to the humanoid race. It also applies on the earth to the history of humanity with the garden of Eden being an area in that which is old Mesopotamia. This Awareness indicates that in under­ standing this nature of Enki and Enlil, you will perhaps recognize that the serpent race and tbe Reptilian race are not the same.

All Humens Once Had Reptoid Seeds

There are references to Reptoids. There are references to Serpent People; the winged serpent, which generally refers to Sirius. This Awareness indicates that the Pleiadeans were created before humans on earth, and the Enki and the Pleiadeans helped to modify the Reptoid creation of Adam and Eve to become a mutant with the mammal grouping. Thus, all entities have the seed of Reptoids deep in their origin, mostly fading as generations pass, with the serpent seed from Sirius increasing along with the mammal­ qualities associated with the Pleiadeans also increasing, so that the human creation progresses at an accelerated pace in terms of spiritual evolution.

This Awareness indicates that this may be of some help in reading these different books, for they all tend to treat these entities or so-called gods as though they were individuals, when in fact, they were galactic races of individuals or types. The stories told of these individuals are much like the stories in the Old Testament when. it speaks of God or speaks of the Lord coming to Moses. The Lord, in terms of the relationship with Moses, is , much like that of stating when a ship lands, the captain came to George and said such and such.

This Awareness indicates that this may occur in various writings or at various times, that the captain came and spoke to George or spoke to Harry or spoke to Mike, and entities might believe that the captain was always the same entity and that the captain was the title of one person, when in fact it is a common title for many leaders who direct a ship. In the Old Testament, it referred to the pilot or captain of a ship when it spoke of the Lord, thus you have what is termed the landlord, the lord of the land.

In earlier times these entities who were captain or head of a ship were referred to as lords. This Awareness indicates that the very word Elohim, the Hebrew word which has been translated into the word 'God' which is a Greek word, actually is a word that signifies plural, meaning more than one entity. Elohim means Gods, thus, when it says God created the heavens and the earth, it is a miss­ statement and in proper translation was "Elohim created the heaven and earth," meaning Gods (in Greek) created the heavens and the earth.

This Awareness indicates that this was in reference to Enlil and their kind creating the atmosphere and circum­ stances on the earth which would allow mankind to exist. There was already a creation here when Enlil arrived. ' Their .action was simply to modify what was here.


The space geneticist Jehovah from mars that Awareness has mentioned so often; is Awareness saying that this , . entity was the Reptilian entity?


This is in the affirmative.

Well, if he cloned Adam and Eve in his image ...




These entities were Reptilian in nature; that the Rep­ tilian skin was shed after the action of Enki the Sirius group. The Serius group entered upon the earth plane and worked with these humans, or creations of the Reptilian types, creations of Jehovah, or whatever name you choose these entities had scales and were worked with by Enki, and the Enki altered them to give them more of the mammal qualities.

The Naked Feeling When Scales Were Removed (Circumcision: The Shedding of the Serpent Skin)

This Awareness indicates that the entities, the entity, ~ was put into a deep sleep; it is a reference to a long

period of time in which the entity, the entities, were genetically hibernated and worked with to be changed

or alteredso that the skin of the Reptilian type was removed.  removing that skin gave them the altered form which is common to man,  the ,entities discovered their nakedness, and felt themselves to be most vulnerable and wanting to cover themselves.

This Awareness indicates that it has been pointed out in the book Flying Serpents, and Dragons that the ritual of circumcision is a carry-over of the shedding of skin or shedding of the serpent skin. It is a symbolic ritual; that this essentially is correct. This Awareness indicates that as time passed, the mammal qualities began to grow in dominance and the Reptilian qualities became more and more recessive in the genetic pattern of human­ ity, thus, in the earlier history of human-kind, the lives of entities were commonly measured in time spans

above five or six hundred years in length; this is because of the long Reptilian lifespan.

Humanity Now Stands on Threshhold of Immortality

As time passed and the Reptilian strain became more recessive "and the mammal strain became more dominant, the lifespan began to reduce. This Awareness indicates

it now has reached a time wherein through the tradeoff of knowledge in place of long life (or immortality in the sense of actual physical immortality associated with the Reptoids), humankind eating of the Tree of Knowledge

or -that of having choice and becoming capable of thought now being able to make choices and indulge in procreation rather than being cloned; mankind's lifespan having been greatly shortened because of this, is now enjoying that which the gods have always had, knowledge, and is rediscovering concepts that the gods held at the time mankind was created, that is, the concepts of cloning

and genetic engineering and the ability to reproduce and alter lifespans.

Thus, as mankind's history has moved through this cycle, it is as though EnId, the Sirius people, has allowed humanity to bear fruit and become one with the gods. Thus, when It says 'Ye are all gods!  It was speaking of gods in the making, and humanitY now stands on the thresh­ hold of immortality.


(The Law of Gratitude is given).

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