Tuesday, 27 November 2018

The Family of Man: Where Did it all Begin?


The Origin of Races of People on Earth

"We Are Part of a Magnificent Creation"

C.A.C General reading, Feb. 4, 1992
(This file contains statements from J.J. in Seal Beach, California and comments from Cosmic Awareness)

Beginning of Statement is read:
"The origin of the races as that which proceeds from 5 basic groups. The first group to inhabit earth as entities similar to the humans known today was the Lemurian race."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that the Lemurians were of a very old historic origin on this earth, and there is seen no disagreement in this entity's comment in this regard. This Awareness suggests that these entities did at one time have inter-space travel; there were visitations from other planetary systems to and from Lemuria. This Awareness suggests this (statements) continues.

"These entities were made by genetic engineering which was done by Sirians on the highest ape at that time. These people evolved away from the animal traits and became more and more human-like as time went on."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that It sees the genetic engineering as that which produced human genes or Sirian genes into the animal kingdom to produce apes. That it was not so much that the apes were made to evolve toward the human by these Sirians, but that the humans added certain human genes to the apes, or to those creatures of anthropoidal nature and altered them somewhat. The humans were the Sirians and had their development already intact.

The effort to alter the ape was a separate experiment. This Awareness indicates that there were alterations in the apes or anthropoid types. These were not as widespread as many would believe. This Awareness indicates however, the Lemurians in general were descendants of the Sirians, and some genetic engineering made use of of genes from animals to give the Sirian humans a kind of stability that allowed them to survive on the Earth plane which was necessary for the survival due to harsh conditions. This Awareness indicates this had to do with certain qualities of the native anthropoidal beings which were used to the environmental conditions, whereby these qualities added to the Sirian natural physical bodies, and gave them the greater survival ability to adapt themselves to the life conditions on the Earth. This Awareness suggests the message continue.

"In their long history, they evolved into an advanced civilization."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates this reaching a peak of civilization approximately 200.000 years ago; that these entities did have a high civilization based not so much on materialism and material technology as on mental and psychic technology. They were able to do with their minds things that later the Atlanteans did with tools and equipment. This Awareness indicates that during this time, they continued to have contact with Sirian entities and travelers and there was a degree of trade between the two worlds. This Awareness indicates that the civilization began to diminish approximately 100.000 years ago and approximately 50.000 years ago was more or less at its destruction, wherein the seas began to rush over the lands and waters entered into the caverns This Awareness suggests the message continue.

"When the cavern worlds that they inhabited flooded and sank, most were killed."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

"A few remained alive and were forced to live on islands and become surface dwellers."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

"This is the origin of the Polynesian tribes."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative, to some extent. Many of the Polynesians actually migrated to the Pacific from Africa, from northern Africa, moving eastward through India, Indonesia and into the Pacific. These entities brought some of the western teachings with them into these Polynesian islands.

"The second group were the Atlanteans who were genetically invented by the Pleiadians and transplanted onto the Earth."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that there were those who were called Atlans who were space beings, who lived in what is known as the Atlantic. These entities became enemies of the Lemurians early in the time of Lemuria. Atlantis, or the Atlanteans were a group whose origin was found on mars through genetic engineering by the Greys, in particular, the Orion Greys. This Awareness indicates that these entities from Orion, using genetic engineering, created the Semites and certain of the Atlanteans that were most advanced in a civilization during the time of the decline of Lemuria. This Awareness indicates that in actuality, the civilizations on Mars was at it highest nearly a million years B.C. and had undergone a great decline by the time the Greys used it as a genetic engineering base for creating the latter Atleans. The original Atlans used the Mars bases; these entities were not the same as the Atlanteans, they were called Atlans and their origin was that which was from beyond the solar system. These were the early enemies of the ancestors of the Lemurians, those who were on Earth long before the Lemurians.

"They were caused to evolve quickly by the influence of their creators and they interacted with other races which came later."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that some of these other races included the Semites; that the white race as known today, first arrived in the Caucasus area in Russia or the Caucasus mountains, and prior to this arrival most Atlanteans were what would be termed red-skin or closer to the American Indian in terms of race. The Atlanteans at the sinking of Atlantis moved into Central and South America and were known as the Mayans. That the Atlantean Mayans moved further into South America and spread into different tribes, taking on different names and a small number keeping the name Mayan, and these entities are not the same as the Mayan of modern history, but as ancestors to these entities. This Awareness suggests the information continue.

"The Atlanteans were white-skinned and they mixed with other races to form such groups as the Indians (India), the Arabs and Jews and the Philipinos. The white race of today is a result of the Atlanteans coming to Europe before the demise of the continent and forming permanent colonies which later grew into large populations."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that the whites arrived in the Caucasus mountains near the time Atlantis went through its final sinking; this being approximately 10.000 B.C. This Awareness indicates that these whites came in spacecraft. This is not to say that no whites had ever before arrived on Earth; there appear to have been some who arrived on earth previously but they were not the main settlers of Atlantis. This Awareness indicates that these entities appear to be those who were from the Pleiades; some also being from that star system known as Lyra. The Pleiadian and the Lyrian entities are closely related in genetic terms.

"Near the end of the Atlantean civilization, the other three groups were formed by space travelers from Arcturus (Chinese), Vega (Indians of the Americas) and Sirius (Blacks). The Blacks were modified by the Sirians from their original state as slaves made by the Reptilian entities."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that this previous set of statements appear to be accurate; that the Atlanteans had very little influence of the white race involved. Mostly, those who were white were visitors from Lyra or from the Pleiades; that there were strong Vegan influences in Atlantis. This Awareness indicates that these influences from Vega appear to have given Atlantis much of its higher technology, and Atlantis did have space travel or had contact with space travel to and from its shores and airports, or bases.

"In view of the original state of the planet being that which was not inhabited by humans, it is interesting to note that the fist humans were modified from animals, while groups that came later were made as modifications of the space travelers themselves. The Blacks were born from a combination of Reptilian genes and the use of ape genes, but were later modified by the Sirians to evolve into humans with the same characteristics as all the others."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that this relates to that which this Awareness has given in the reference to Enlil and Enki, in the time of Sumer and Ur; this approximately 20.000 years ago in that which is Mesopotamia; that this in the area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers were the so-called origin of civilization began. It was not so much the origin of the races or the origin of humanity, but it was a new origin of civilization in that agriculture was introduced during that time. The agriculture which has continued to this day, where certain fruits, vegetables and crops were given to these entities and have spread throughout the world from that area, and whereby these entities were the first of a creation of the Cro-Magnon type of human, or that which has been called the prototype for Adam and Eve. This Awareness indicates that Adam and Eve in this sense were not of the white race, as many believed, but were of the black race. This Awareness wishes of course to clarify this, in suggesting that Adam and Eve were not single individuals; they were a type of human, but as one would say the first Cro-Magnon human on Earth was of the black race rather than of the white race, male and female were they.

This Awareness indicates that Adam represents the Cro-Magnon type of person, the Homo Erectus, the entity who stands erect as compared to the earlier Neanderthal types. This Awareness indicates that after these creations, the white race appeared approximately 10.000 B.C., and began to have their influence spreading from the Caucasus mountains southwards into India and into Egypt. This became that which is called or known as the origin of the Great White Brotherhood.

The entities came to teach and to establish civilizations among the masses who were already present on Earth. These entities were of Pleiadian origin and in their own way created a certain new element in the civilizations of nations that in some way benefited and in some way proved detrimental to others. Their influence helped to establish the caste system in India, but also helped to introduce an organizational system that allowed for many people of many levels to receive benefits from society in general. The organization of medicine, law, governing and construction came from these entities and helped to take humanity out of the more primitive agriculture and nomadic wandering of tribes into cities and towns. This Awareness suggests that the information be continued.

"To date, there are only slight differences in the races, and they all contain the Divine Spark which allows them to become enlightened."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

"It should also be noted that most souls who are appearing in human bodies today have incarnated into all the other races during their various past lives."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

" To fulfill the requirements for ascending into the Divine Awareness each soul must go through many types of experiences. Some are crude and some are more sublime, but all are necessary to bring the soul to maturity."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that one further comment is seen; that the yellow race as that which also had its early history in caverns underground and in the center, central Earth. There was much subterranean origin to this race. They spent some of their earlier history under the surface rather than on the surface of the Earth.

(From Revelations of Awareness 94-11 Issue No. 437 with Paul Shockley as Interpreter)


More on what is the origin of the various races
(From Revelations of Awareness 91-17 Issue No. 392 with Paul Shockley as Interpreter)

This Awareness indicates that the Semites as that which has been discussed already, as having been cloned by Jehovah, on Mars, and transported to Earth. This was approximately the time that Atlantis was near the time of sinking. This appears to be approximately 10,000 BC, give or take two thousands years.

This Awareness indicates that the red man as the Atlanteans or Atlans, those who originally were on Atlantis. These decedents of those who are called the Atlans. The Atlans were space people; these entities appear to have come from Vega. This Awareness indicates that the yellow race was earlier, from the interior of the earth. These entities appear to have been the original natives of earth, prior to the others.

The blacks as seen as having come from a planet...that the origin or location of this planet is not seen clearly...that this appears to have been in the direction of Orion; that this appears to be related to that which is called the Dog Star, as a general location of this particular planet. That these entities did not like being in their location because of the Orion Empire infringing in their territory and many of these entities came to Earth through the assistance of others who were traveling to Earth at the time. This Awareness indicates that the Pleiadians assisted them in relocating to the Earth and the Reptoid group that was then mining on the Earth attempted to use these entities as slaves.

This Awareness indicates that the whites came to that area of Carpathia from the Pleiadian system. They brought the whites in and left groups in Carpathia and from there, these entities moved into different directions. This Awareness indicates that the different races were originally created by that which has been termed as the Prism of Lyra, the white hole through which light enters into this universe and spreads into different rays as through a prism, and each ray having created its own species of humanoid type being.

This Awareness indicates that the green ray and the blue ray, indigo and violet, red, orange and yellow rays, each creating a different species. That the black race and white race were created at the same time, but were later changed by environmental conditions that altered their pigments and genes because of separation into different locations, these on sub-levels.

This Awareness indicates that all humans, except the Semites were created through the same ray. The Reptoids, the Zeta Reticulli, the Orions and others were created from different rays, but the humans all began as the same beings, the same type of being, and what you see now are sub-races of the human race. These were created largely by their movement into different places, having different kinds of environmental influences on them, to cause them to alter and progress in different directions, toward different coloration, pigmentation and physical features.

This Awareness indicates that the Semites were a race created from the cloning process of Jehovah in the area of Mars and that they were transported on Earth by the Orion engineers. This Awareness indicates that these entities were then placed on Earth to be used for mining in the areas of Africa, but were found to be disobedient and therefore, unworkable in that capacity.

The Orion entities were driven away; this including Jehovah, and the Sirius entities entered and influenced the further development and progression of the races and entities on Earth for some time, establishing certain structures and organization to keep the civilization progressing.

This Awareness indicates that the Pleiadian influence had occurred on Earth before this time period, but that it was again repeated at a somewhat later date in which the Pleiadians again returned to influence their seeding of the planet. This Awareness indicates that essentially, the planet was a kind of dumping ground for misfits and people who did not work out, the experiments that did not work out in other places, and this being much like Australia, wherein Australia was an isolated continent that could be used as a dumping ground for prisoners to get them out of society in Europe and yet let them live their own lives as they desired. This Awareness indicates that this was the case for many of these who were brought to Earth.

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