The Apple & OMega-Earth,
With dictation, October 18, 2017
Christine: Hi Lightworkers! If you have followed my videos you know that I receive telepathic communication from Higher Dimensional Beings, such as Archangel Michael and my Ascended Twin Flame, as well as other archangels, my own Higher Self, and some Ascended Masters. I have also heard my I Am Presence speaking to me on a few occasions. A lot of terrible things are happening in the world right now, and I am alluding to the devastations that have recently taken place upon, or along both sides of the American coasts, such as those caused by hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, and fires, and now allegedly some storms, or hurricanes, that have hit Ireland and parts of Britain, as well as some nations further north. And, as stated in a previous video, these catastrophes are not acts of God, but have been geo-engineered, as part of the dark forces’ agenda to sabotage the work of Ascension and to oppose Saint Germain’s plan to create a golden age through his associates. We send love and sympathy to the victims. It is strange, however, that my I Am Presence has chosen this time to come to me in a new and special way, with greater power, and to give me some instructions, as never before. I had lifted my thoughts to my I Am to call for the tube of Light as usual. I started hearing words from the Father aspect of my I Am. I physically felt his force upon me throughout the conversation. Referring to the tangibility of this Light, ‘Light is a matter of a higher density’ he said. He then touched on the subject that my ascended twin flame is presently in a physical form but also, presently, higher dimensional in a way comparable to the tangibility of the light. He was speaking as Father but Mother is also present in the I Am Presence, and they created the Higher Selves in Beings possessing a dual polarity as explained in a few preceding messages. He repeated the same teaching that he gave me before, and that is that from the I Am Presence descends a flow of consciousness and divinity into our heart chakra. I sometimes had questions but did not need to put them into words. So for instance he explained the difference between this relationship we have with our I Am Presence and that with respect to our Higher Self and the Twin, or Divine Complement of our Higher Self. He said:
I Am: You truly are your Higher Self in manifestation.
Christine: We truly are our Higher Self in action after a process of integration of what we call Christ, or Higher, Consciousness, because, as you know, it has been lost, and it is the reason that an awakening is taking place globally, and that what is taking place at the moment is a rebirth upon the path of Ascension. The Higher Selves are regaining control and descending, and it is partially for this reason that there are prophecies about a great Reunion, including that of twin flames. Cosmic families were separated when souls volunteered to descend in the material world or third dimension, in service. Star seeds were sent on missions and sometime could not balance karma to rise and ascend again. There can have been some accidents but there is a divine Plan. My I Am Presence was sending me waves of thoughts as well and they were coming in my mind, and were resonating with words almost instantly, and it is possible to block them, and in order to keep receiving them I have to maintain a focus or concentration. This is how it happens. As this tends to happen after midnight, I nearly fell asleep once or twice but my I Am Presence sent me a soft voltage of electrical energy, or discharge, to wake me up. It is very pleasant actually! But later my eyes were fully opened in amazement with what he was telling me, and as he was revealing to me in a stream of notions. At first he confirmed again that André is my twin flame at my level. Higher dimensional beings often start with a confirmation of some kind or some kind words, and even express love, because I experienced some attacks and impersonation of Ascended Masters by the dark forces, mainly during 2014, and a few later. These dark ones have an aversion, or repugnance to pronounce words of light and love. Then and I can’t remember why, my I Am Presence started talking about electro-magnetism and showed me images of an apple sliced in two. It seems to have been in answer to the fact that I was puzzled by how to conceive the electro-magnetic field of the Earth around the platform of life, or Flat Earth. We know how it is represented as emerging from the North Pole and also the South Pole, but as Antarctica is the outer circle of ice, ‘the periphery’ André says, or outside edge, with what shape can we imagine that forcefield? So my I Am said that the inside of the apple is a clue as to that shape. Now, in the cavity at the top of the apple, there sometimes remains a twig with which the apple was attached to a branch. It is usually called a stem, and that is what connects a leaf, or a fruit, to a tree branch. Hold a picture in your mind of an apple with that stem sticking out at the top of it. The electro-magnetic field around the Earth is in the shape of a slice of an apple when cut in the middle. The stem is in a dip, and that depression corresponds to the North Pole. What my I Am was telling me is that that brown stem correspond to the ancient Tree of Life, or Yggdrasil [spelled Y G G D R A S I L] of the Nordic cosmology. It has been said that mountains and mounts are remains of gigantic trees from the Atlantean period. There are many videos showing illustrations for the ancient Cosmologies of the world, and many of them include the representation of a giant tree at Mount Meru, or Sumeru. There is in connection with this the symbolic Tree of Life of Genesis which represents the I Am Presence. In the Nordic cosmology there is an upside down tree that probably stands for the spiritual genealogy of the souls, to say that mankind’s souls have a genetic and genealogical origin in the celestial regions, because the Tree is higher dimensional. Look at the illustration for the ancient Vedic cosmology, for instance on universe-vedas, you will see a representation of that Tree rising at the North Pole but in another shape. They state:
Quote: the Vedic culture, learned about the cosmos from scriptures like the Srimad-Bhagavatam, or Bhagavata Purana. But the Bhagavatam’s descriptions of the universe often baffle modern students of Vedic literature.
Christine: Some interpreters have led the students of Vedic literature to believe that the Vedic cosmology of the Puranas or Bhagavatam represent the centre of the Universe when it represents the North Pole where Mount Meru, or Sumeru, is situated. They do this so it does not contradict the heliocentric model.
I have posted one particular video on my facebook page which shows how the stars revolve around the Star Polaris. It is called Druhva in Vedic scripture in which Vishnu is the equivalent of Christ, or Logos, the Cosmic Christ. Polaris does not move and remains over the North Pole. It is like a pivot for the stars and constellations, acting as an axial connection to a center that is not the heart of the material universe, but a Stargate to a higher dimension. My I Am also said how extensive the physical platform, or physical realm, is, and said my idea to call it Mega-Earth was a good one, because it extends further than we can imagine. I was bewildered and thinking ‘Wow’, my eyes fully opened, waiting for more. Then he said that it is part of a system but the Centre is what we call the Great Central Sun, and it is not from this dimension either, but higher dimensional. So we are part of a system and that may be why the Ascended masters continue referring to the Solar System through channelers who are not aware of the historical suppression of truth concerning geo-centrism. The stars and luminaries are not physical either, but some sort of stargates to higher dimensional worlds. And then my I Am Presence embarked upon the subject of the Moon being indeed a mirror and reflecting more than our Earth, the Mega Earth. He said a few words about the resurrection of the body that will take place as we progress upon the path of Ascension and Initiations. It is the next thing to take place before the Great Reunion of Twin flames when some Cosmic beings and ascended Masters will be walking among us, but perhaps this will not be something that will be reported openly by the mainstream media! It may happen at a different time for each soul depending on their position on the path of Ascension and what initiation they are due for. The initiates conquer the human nature and gain mastery over it by their progress between the second and fourth initiations. They leave the duality of the 3rd dimensional frame of mind. Christ consciousness and the lightbody descends and this affects the DNA and causes changes such as an increased psychic sensitivity. The atomic structure undergoes a transformation to crystalline in preparation for the final shift to 5th density which liberates mankind and opens the way to a state free from disease and death, as in the legendary paradise of a former golden age. All the aspects of the lower nature have to be conquered. For the lightworkers taking the 3rd initiation there is a soul merge as they gain self-mastery over the mental body. They are responding to their higher selves. The I Am Presence then releases energy frequencies from their Causal Bodies such as the Emerald Ray for healing and supply. At the fourth initiation the Initiate is immersed in the energies of the Higher Self and as liberation is achieved from the wheel of rebirth, rejuvenation can take place. Then the physical body is transformed for the gobal shift to 5th density and signs of healing can be experienced one after the other. It is what my I Am alluded to when He mentioned the term ‘Resurrection’. At the 5th Initiation the Initiate experiences unity with the Monadic Presence, a merging process. The physical body can disappear, or be transfigured. What is involved in the sixth initiation is the fact that the Solar Body of Ascension has been weaved by the angels with the light that a person has manifested or magnetized. The adept has the choice to preserve his body or manifest a new one by Will! In antiquity and recently the Ascended Masters passed into the spiritual world, but they are now needed to continue their service in the physical world. The sixth initiation is an attainment of Christ, Buddhic, or higher consciousness, as well as a merge with the I Am Presence. The highest initiation that can be taken is called the Seventh. It is when a Master is lifted out and above the cosmic physical plane and controls the Seven Rays. The Mega-Earth is in a Stargage, or cosmic Merkaba, taking us to the higher dimensional Sirius because it is the path chosen for most of humanity. It is a school or university of consciousness of which Shamballa is a part.
But to come back to the Apple, I forgot to mention the Revelation I was given. You also have to connect the electro-magnetic field that is around Earth, or the platform, or even Mega-Earth, to the apple of the legend associated with Genesis 3 in relation to the forbidden tree of knowledge, although if you read Genesis 3, you will see it is not mentioned, and you will only find it in illustrations. It has been interpreted that Eve seduced Adam and tempted him to break a law and eat of the fruit of the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. There is a Serpent of darkness hanging about that tree, and I have said elsewhere that the Tree of Life represents the Great Teacher, the I Am Presence, as well as by association, the teachings of the Ascended Masters, or of the spiritual hierarchy of Heaven during the Atlantean era. Ascension had to be aborted at the time. The fruit of the Tree of Life, or of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, has traditionally been represented as an apple for some unknown reasons. The Tree of Life also is the Quantum DNA, the junk DNA that in fact is the part that has been disconnected by the Anunnaki. This disconnection is what prevents us to remember our real identity is like a celestial counterpart left in heaven.
The physical realm is apparently a world that has been lowered to some depths of vibration from which it is the divine plan to make it rise again. It can be called Omega-Earth as Omega is the traditional term for the body of the Mother, the Mater, all that exists in matter, even higher dimensional matter, whereas Alpha is the name for the Spirit that remains upon the highest dimension and is equivalent to the I Am Presence. I Am Presence also said something about the existence of fires in the lower regions of Mega-Earth. André gave me a dictation for some explanations, as follows:
André: The electro-magnetic field is connected to the idea that the Earth is spinning, and rotating, around the Sun in one year. It affects the mind set in a way that is detrimental as it makes you think there is a time, or chronology, attached to a movement when in fact the Earth is not a planet, is in fact not moving, and time is therefore an illusion, as many have realized. Time, or True Time, is represented by the movement of the Zodiac, the stars that rotate around a center called the Pole Star, or Polaris. You see Polaris directly above you, and isn’t it interesting that chemtrails are obscuring the truth from you? You might as well ask yourself, how long have the dark ones planned to obscure the sky for how long? Many decades or even centuries? Thinking one day your descendants will have forgotten that at one time in the past the sky was blue and stars were visible in the celestial regions? It is a demonic conspiracy! But dear ones, be reassured that we will not allow them to continue with their agenda of destruction and control. You will shortly see some events in development and they will lead to your liberation. Satan is the being that is behind all of this. You still are in the period of transition till February. Expect many developments and disclosure during the next months until March or February 18, 2018. Keep safe and secure in the light of the Archangels and Ascended Masters by the miracle of your prayers! This was André, sending love.
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