Thursday, 17 May 2018

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Saint Germain, Our Coming in the Aquarian Age, May 3, 2018

Saint Germain. Our Coming in the Aquarian Age, May 3, 2018. Christine Preston

Christine: Hi Lightworkers! If you are not familiar with the Playlist of the messages I receive by telepathic communication from the Higher Dimensional Beings whom we call Ascended Masters and Archangels, the reason that Saint Germain mentions. ‘we are grateful for these prayers’ is that they come and give me dictations that I write down as the thoughts and words appear in my mind, after I have done some decrees or prayers. Then, AndrĂ©, my ascended twin flame, helps me with some terms or if there are any problems with the text, when I type it. This is also done by telepathic thought transmission. I thought it was going to be Archangel Michael, but it was Saint Germain. So the message I have received from him on May 2 is as follows:

Saint Germain: Yes, I would say that we are grateful for these prayers. It is not Archangel Michael, my dear Christine, but Saint Germain here, as it’s a long time since we have done this. I would like to say that the Earth is in great peril at the moment from the point of view of the difficulty we have in converting people to a righteous way of action in regard all that relates to the world, its peace, good governmental policies, and ensuring that everything is in place to provide to the people the legal protection and rights they should have.  I mean there are dark forces still attempting to control all walks of life for profit and self-power.

We will be descending! I mean this is in the sense of lowering our vibration and I am referring to the Ascended Masters, as well as your Cosmic family connections, but not the Higher Selves, many of whom are Archangels, who remain in place upon the heavenly Christ consciousness dimension. We will be doing so, we will be descending the ladder of the dimensions, in order to bring to mankind a teaching and assistance for its progress upon the Path of Ascension, as well as its major shifts. There is a parallel here with what Christians call the ‘Second Coming’ in relation to the Master Jesus, and by this Coming we will be doing the same as the Initiators of a long time ago who were remembered as the ‘Sons of God’ in manifestation. I need to explain that we will be descending in our higher dimensional etheric bodies that will be visible and tangible to all of you, to physical [eyes] and senses, but we will not be prone to the veils that have affected mankind’s consciousness and resulted with the creation of a false reality referred to as the third dimension. We will be totally protected from such a tragedy to happen again or be repeated. We will be immune to this and our Coming will take place as if we were descending within the protection of a cocoon or force field, and it is thanks to a technology of our higher dimension that all of this will be made possible. So you may look forward to a time of miracles and we bring a technology of healing. How will we be able to provide, or pass on its uses? We are working on this project and it will mean to put in place some outlets, perhaps through existing Organizations that are already involved with Healing, or world healing through the practice of decrees such as the Summit Lighthouse founded by Lord El Morya.

It will be a time of joy and many new things happening during these next few years. We have recently passed on a message mentioning the next five years. We will be gradually descending from the higher realms, those heavenly celestial dimensions of being, and will be uncloaking our devices, as well as those vehicles that are called plasma ships, those we use to transport our technology and that we use for passing from one dimension to another. We will be adapting ourselves while you continue to raise your own vibrations, as well as those of your world and reality. Hence this is how First Contact will be achieved, but remember we are far from being Extraterrestrial! Contact will start with the chosen ones who are better prepared to adjust to the changes that will be involved with this inter-dimensional communication. Telepathic Contact is something that takes place for personal tuition, as well as for Service to the Great White Brotherhood of the Spiritual Hierarchy of this entire Multi-dimensional System and Realm of Life that is a Mystery School of Life and Truth, designed and provided by Lord Sanat Kumara. You exist within his Presence and Etheric Body, and He is the Divine Being reflecting, mirroring the dual Polarity of Alpha and Omega, the Universal Divine Father-Mother God, and Elohim who provides consciousness to you. He is the monadic I Am that I Am, as Father and Spirit, and also the Universal Mother in manifestation. They are providing Divine Vision and a Divine Plan for the entire global cosmological system of which your platform of life is but a minute part as represented in Vedic Cosmology.

The telepathic abilities that permit a contact and communication to take place between the Guru and the chela, the mentors and evolving souls, are due to recent massive changes in your DNA that are the result of a transformation in consciousness. This truly is the visible effect of the Awakening upon the Path of Ascension. It is something that first happens upon the etheric level of your being as a result of your magnetization of Light substance. You are then born into higher consciousness by a baptism of fire, and many were able to attain this consciousness during the time of Transition from the Age of Pisces to that of Aquarius. Much work was done over many decades by the students of the Ascended Masters to spiritualize the world, and as a result they progressed greatly, leaping forward with giant steps upon the Path of Ascension!

It will now become easier for all of you, lightworkers, as you have cut through the worse of this jungle of unrighteousness in the world, as if forging, or clearing, a path upon which there are many initiation too, and those take place by the Rod of Initiation of your Lord Sanat Kumara, the Kumara or Khu-Meru, or Shem, or Khem of the Cities of Light, or Kum-Meru. This I mention in relation to the Eastern Tradition which is a preserved knowledge about the existence of a Mount Meru, or Sumeru. And there is a wealth of mysteries surrounding this term Meru, sometimes for esoteric reasons, and it is also depicted as the Tree of Life in the ancient cosmological illustrations. It is a cryptograph for your I Am Presence, or should I say a pictographic symbol of esoteric significance for the learned, those who have eyes to see, for the Initiates of the Great mysteries of Antiquity and of Life.

So, I was about to say that you now are beginning to receive the influences of the Age of Aquarius in greater power, and it is the Age for which I stand as your Hierarch as it has been said and is well known. I am indeed the Hierarch of the Aquarian Age. I Am the Chohan of the Seventh Ray bringing to mankind a Torch of Freedom, Justice and Illumination by the Power of the Violet Flame that transmutes all errors of the past, and to start a new world according to Lord Sanat Kumaras great divine Vision as well as his Divine Plan. I will manifest Freedom and give power to the people. I am removing it from the few who practice secrecy and are so full of treachery, those of the Evil Pyramid of Control who have created many deceptions and affected the minds of the people with false perceptions and false concepts, forming a matrix that created a reality on the basis of many perversions of the Astrological influences and counterfeit creations that represent a misuse of the Light of God. You are being liberated and provided with new perceptions, or a greater influx of God-Vision qualities. The false teachings prophesied as false teachers many centuries ago, that you see mentioned in biblical New Testament scripture, are those that were created during the last a hundred years by those dark powers. Some Christians have assumed that the other religious, or spiritual groups, of recent decades, were those false teachers, and arrogantly, as well as erroneously, have called them ‘Cults’! They are, of course, seeking their way in a dark labyrinth, a trap set up many centuries ago by the Roman Flavian writers and editors of the Gospels, who suppressed much of the truths that the original records contained. These truths were removed to create a Canonical set of scriptures that they hoped would not contradict the doctrine of Sacrifice that was proposed by the Emperor Constantine One to the Gnostic Bishops of the time of the Council of Nicaea. It was a doctrine designed to eclipse the existence of the divine consciousness within the light bearers. They wanted to hide the potential that mankind possesses for the Ascension which is a reunion with your true Self. The I Am Presence is what the Gnostics called the ‘Spirit Within’, and the name ‘I Am that I Am’ is the one that was revealed to Moses. What has been needed for the Ascension in all ages is an integration of the same higher consciousness which made Rabbi Jesus the ‘Christ’ that he was and still is because he integrated that higher consciousness. The Doctrine introduced in 325 AD removed knowledge about this fact, this transcendental potential, and replaced it by a creed that Jesus was unique in possessing this divinity, and they elevated him to a divine status by claiming that he was equal to the First Aspect of God that is the Father, upon the highest of the dimensions or spiritual realms. It is of course so utterly erroneous, and it was a dark design to eclipse the truth by replacing it with the Roman concept of sacrificing something upon an altar,  disguised as the doctrine of a Son of God dying on a Cross. They dismissed the idea that Jesus also needed to integrate higher consciousness, that he was initiated and resurrected from the human consciousness in the process of integrating higher consciousness.  The Arians knew that the Son Aspect of God was not equal to the Father but they were eliminated out of the early debates in the centuries of the emergence of the false concept of Sacrifice under the name of Roman Church and of Christianity.

The concept of Sacrifice is something that survived from the Atlantean period when the Atlanteans introduced a Serpent Dragon Idol, and perverted the practice of putting into the Spiritual Violet Flame, all misuses of the Light of God so as to be washed clean from them by this transmuting forgiving power, and so totally so that no record, effect, cause or memory of them would even persist. There occurred a decline from the Golden Age in which the right understanding of the mysteries of Life and of spiritual practices were perverted. There existed an Altar of Living Flames in physical actuality that was originally used for spiritual practices but had to be removed from public uses in this period of the Atlantean decline, and the latter was followed by the downfall and final obliteration of this worldwide civilization by wars and natural disasters. These Atlanteans desecrated the spiritual Flame by throwing into it sacrifices, hoping to obtain favors or something positive out of this action. They took lives to throw them into the Flame and this dispensation was then removed from them.

Some Christians will go so far as saying that the ‘Sons of God’ of Genesis 6 were fallen angels despite the fact that Sons of God is a translation from the words ‘Bene Elohim’, the latter being spelled H A E L O H I M. ‘Bene’ means Sons, and the term ‘Haelohim’ is used many times in the scriptures and always means ‘Divine and Angelic’. The Sons of God were indeed Initiators and it was the Nephilim who had fallen. In fact the term Nephilim is a verb in the passive form meaning ‘fallen’. These were beings who had descended upon the platform of Earth in a former primordial time. They were Luciferian fallen beings in the sense that they followed Lucifer and his theological Fall by Pride.

To continue with the subject of our Coming, I would like to say that we are on our way to bring back to mankind many of the dispensations that were in place during the Lemurian golden Age before the process of Ascension had to be aborted in the Atlantean Age. We will recreate together a new civilization that will be spiritually advanced, and this is indeed the reason that we, the Ascended Masters, and your Cosmic or Cosmological Galactic Family, are descending in full power. A great time of reunion is right ahead of you, dear ones! So we rejoice and are eager to start working with you even more intensively than at any time before! In love, and Singing Violet Flame, I am your Hierarch Saint Germain for you Always! See you soon!