Sanat Kumara and Sananda (via Mia Lighthouse) June 14, 2018
Sanat Kumara:
Dear Ones,
You are in the midst of an ascension process, which make you extra sensitive. So remember to center yourself, earth yourself, love yourself and take the steps you need to take to feel good in your every day life.
For some of you there may be major changes such as leaving the relationship you live in, moving or similar. There can be big changes, it can be small. Many would feel good at going down in working hours. You know in your heart what's right for you. Often it's just about getting more peace in your life, breathing deeper, relaxing, spending more time in nature, opening up for joy. Accept yourself as you are at this moment. When you accept yourself, you get in touch with your innermost source, your source of power, this power helps you forward. Center yourself. Enter your inner heart, relax there, find this place of love and peace and lift your vibrations.
When you live life from the heart there is only one presence. Then you can have the most boring work and yet feel joy, because your joy is within you and you carry it with you wherever you go.
Sure, it's a lot better to have a work you enjoy, but once you've found this inner source of joy, the external circumstances do not play a big part in your mood.
You have surely heard people who have travelled in poor countries tell about how miserably everything was in a material perspective, but that the people who lived there seemed so joyful despite of this. This has nothing to do with that poverty making you happy or similar. But it has to do with the fact that in some parts of the so-called Third World, there are still plenty of areas where families live together in generations, where you know all in the neighborhood and all are part of the community. Such basic security, such obvious belonging, that gives joy.
Most of you who read this live in a completely different world. A world where the individual have to succeed in a society where all competes with each other to a great extent. It does not have to be so, you can create new communities, new relationships, you can form new family ties. For some of you, it might be good to ask yourself: what makes me happy? What steps can I take to increase the joy of my life?
Each and everyone on Earth has the Light within and this can be awakened. I speak mainly to the Light Bearers, those who have kept the Light alive through generation after generation, through the darkest of times, when the light has been seemingly forgotten and hidden, you have borne it. But I also speak to all those who have not yet woken up, to those who are in the wake up process, because the Light is now spreading at a speed we could not hope for. In the other dimensions, we are in a state of great joy when we see what is happening on Gaia now. And then I do not speak about what's happening in your news broadcasts, but what happens to humanity on an energy level. You are now taking great steps in your awakening process.
It may seem contradictory that this is a time of light and awakening when so much darkness occurs around you, at least on your news broadcasts. I am talking about what happens at an energy level; we literally see the Light flowing over the Earth and this is magnificent! Why does then so much misery also happen? Well, it's all the culminated pain and sorrow that comes up, everything has to be cleared out. Keep calm and be centered in love, relax, have confidence. Some of you are still wondering what I mean, I feel your questions, you just think there are disasters and wars over the earth; How can this time be a time of Light?
Look at the history of humanity, it has been full of wars and starvation and injustice in every way. Just remember the high amount of child mortality not a long time ago, just imagine the sorrow this caused each family. In comparison, you live in a peaceful world today.
Now you know what happens on the other side of the planet within a minute. Just two hundred years ago, most did not know much more about the world than what happened in their town, their neighborhood, the region of the country in which they lived. Two hundred years ago, most people could not even read or write, just such a thing. The spread of information has accelerated and what you can say about the news broadcasts is that, unfortunately, it mostly focus on the negative news of the world. This can be argued as important, but why is not as important to report more about some of all the positive things happening in the world? Information affects you, so choose carefully the information you want in your life.
The great shift that has taken place is that you now understand in depth what we mean when we say that you are the creators of your life. That your words, thoughts, feelings and actions are actually of great importance. That you can influence all life by seeing the highest in what surrounds you. That you have the ability to create the paradise you long for.
Humanity has never understood this in your current era. Individuals have understood it, small spiritual societies have understood it, but as a collective you have been unaware of this truth. This truth now spreads as an inner insight through the soul of humanity.
Take a deep breath, fill your body with air and just be in this moment, be in the moment of breathing. Allow the air to flow in and out of your physical being. In through your nostrils and all the way into your toes, through the body, in and out, in a circular motion. Imagine that this air is pure light energy and for every breath you fill your body with light. It fills up, it lights up, it is filled with light power and energy. Imagine that you now deliberately heal yourself with this light, this divine light, realize that it is possible to heal your body in this way. Breathe in pure love, breathe in pure joy. Breathe deeply, in and out. Relax. Let this love light fill each cell in your body, let it heal each cell in your body.
You can connect to the light at any time and let it fill you. Do this kind of exercises daily, let love be a source of power in your life.
Jesus of Nazareth is one of many who lived on Earth who had direct contact with the Source, the origin, the eternal power, the infinite knowledge, that which often is called God. He had a direct contact and he spoke from the heart, he was pure love. But he was also human, he was not perfect.
Yes, you all know Jesus' life, at least parts of it. What I wish to talk briefly about is what happened when the texts were put together into a book, to the writings that so many follow. Jesus himself did not write any texts; he did not even encourage it. It was when the memory of the disciples began to fade and they wanted to pass on their knowledge that the texts were written.
The first Christians were a persecuted group who lived in flight. They had a very hard life but endured since they were convinced in their hearts of the Love Message that Jesus taught them. Those who ruled in Rome noticed that despite the persecution of Christians, they grew in numbers. There was a force in this doctrine, a power that they decided to use. So they gathered in counsel and talked about these texts. Yes, one could understand that people followed these texts, they had something special, there was a power within them. But it was a force that said everyone had equal value, it was a force that threatened their power. So they decided to change some of the texts, not entirely, but to change a word here and there can give a striking effect. Some parts were completely removed, they were simply too revolutionary.
Jesus showed a way of living, a way of being. He lived the love message. He did not encourage anyone to build churches or start a religion in his name. He encouraged each and every one to find their own direct contact with the Source, with All that is, with God. He showed the way through his words, deeds, through his way of life.
Many Christians believe that meditation is something that only the Eastern religions devote themselves to, that it is not meant for them, even though Jesus himself meditated every day and had done so since he was a small child. And so did also the first Christians, his first followers.
All his life, all his sermons were about equality, to love your neighbor as yourself, to share what you have. To sit at the same table, share the wine, share the bread, enjoy each others company, experience life together. He walked on foot because he wanted to be close to Mother Earth, he wanted to be close to life. He lived in the present. He met people along the way, met the animals, the plants, the trees, the flowers, the sky, the water, he met the Creation. When he spoke, he spoke on an open meadow, or from a mountain, around a table or in someone's garden. He spoke where it was natural in that moment. And he always spoke in direct connection with the heart.
He urged his audience to throw away all titles and see each other as equals, like brother and sister. He saw women as his equals, like his sisters, and he had a woman whom he loved as his closest, as his twin soul. She was always by his side, her name was Mary Magdalene. Her place was important among the first Christians, she had a whole group who followed her after Jesus was forced to leave them.
This is a long time ago my dear ones and for many of you, this information is not so important, while for others it is very important.
We see it as important to remove these veils so people no longer get misled.
Before I move on, I would like to take an example of how words can become misunderstood depending on how they are put together. This example is from the New Testament: ”For it is easier for a camel to enter in through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”. The interpretations of this quote have gone apart and actually the original words have a quite different background than you think. The Needle Eye was a passage in the desert that was extra difficult for those who transported goods and people through the desert. It was difficult, but not impossible. The quote is from a sermon and the situation it is said in is a retold event.
Mia; Dear Sanat Kumara, You say so many things that are so overwhelming to me. I have to take a break in our communication and contact Sananda and hear what he says about this.
Sanat Kumara: Dear Mia, I am so happy that you will contact Sananda. I love You All and say thank you for this time.
Pause. Meditation.
Mia: Dear Sananda, I want to ask you about the information I received from Sanat Kumara. For example, the quotation from the New Testament; ”For it is easier for a camel to enter in through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”. That ”Needle´s Eye" refers to a specific place in the desert; Is this an example of a text that has been misinterpreted?
Sananda: Dear Mia, I am so glad you contact me. We have had contact for many years, but now you have started to go public with your channelings and I am very pleased about that. You ask for a specific quote and this is a very good example and I will now share the real meaning of this example.
This quote comes from one of my sermons and everyone who listened at that time understood without difficulty what I meant. How is that possible? Because it referred to an actual event that everyone in the area knew well.
There was a rich man who wanted a precious cargo through the desert. But he was greedy, he did not want to pay the camel owners what they wanted. He wanted fewer camels and fewer workers - everything costed too much money he thought. The camel owners he spoke with refused to do the job and explained to him that it was too risky to complete the journey the way the man suggested. It needed to be more camels and each of them needed a man leading them.
No, the man did not want to accept the bids given and searched until he found a camel owner who accepted his bid. The rich man was ruled by greed and the man who eventually took the assignment even though he knew that there was a big risk, he was ruled by desperation. He was poor on the verge of collapse on several levels. For him this could be a way out of his difficult situation and he hoped for the best when he packed the heavy goods on the camels.
He knew that the walk was difficult and heavy, that the desert was hot, the mountains were barren, that it was far between the water. If everything went smoothly, it would go, but if any incident occurred so that they were delayed then he knew there were no reserves. Then they would be lucky if they made it through the desert alive.
The rich man's plan was to create a trade path through the desert. It was based on cheap labor, so that he could keep as much money as possible for himself. Finally, the camel owner managed to find two workers who were as desperate as himself and told the rich man: "You have to lead your camel yourself, do you know how to do that?"
The rich man had high thoughts about himself and his knowledge, of course he could lead a camel. He had followed many freight companies earlier, although never before on a loaded camel, which meant that you had to walk next to the camels and lead it. This made him realize that he had to rent an extra camel that he could sit on and thus lead the loaded camel behind him. He thought he was generous for this camel could carry a lot more than him. However, they were still a camel and two workers fewer than all the camel owners had recommended.
As you can imagine, this mission did not go well, all died in the desert and this was an event that was talked about in the area at this time. People knew those who had died and their families, it was a big tragedy. The rich man was a traveling businessman and no one in the area knew his origin, but spoke of his folly. They talked about how everyone had warned him, how the camel owners had told him about the dangers of the desert and what was required to make it safely through it. But he had refused to listen, why? Because of greed. His greed became his death, and because of his greed more had died. The area in the desert where they were found was called by the local population for ”the Needle´s Eye". So everyone who listened understood my story when told.
The sermon was not about that it is wrong to be rich, but about what greed can do with a human. A human with a big heart and great wealth, who share this wealth with others, is a gift for all is reached by this gift. I preached about a society where you shared with each other, giving love to each other, where you lived in peace and harmony with each other. And I want to add where you lived and had fun together. There are so many of my followers who have taken a gloomy path that I find very hard to understand, a path that focuses on the suffering I was forced to undergo. Why focus on this when all my actions and words were about Love!?
Love and joy. To enjoy life and live life in the most beautiful and loving way. When you do that you see the highest in all.
Just remember when I cured the ones who had leprosy; all others walked large detours around the infected with fear of being infected themselves, while I let them come to me. I had no fear because I knew that pure love can cure everything. I connected myself to this pure love when I cured the sick and also when I healed and cleaned myself. For my body was no different than anyone else, I was very much a physical human being. I had control over my cells, over my body system; this you all can learn.
In my life as Jesus, I always followed my heart and my heart burned for my fellow human beings, for the love for all, for the love of All. As you also can read in the old texts about me, I reacted strongly to various forms of injustice and usually placed myself on the side of the weak and the outcasts. Because I knew that it's only when we can see the highest in each other as real love can arise and it's only when true love arises as the Realm of Peace on Earth can be born.
When you look at your news broadcasts, some understandably think that this time is far away, but it's actually very close. All of you who listened to us for a long time are aware of that, but for newcomers this sounds strange. But my dear ones, it's pretty simple; it’s all about energies.
Now the collective energies are so high that if you who have woken up would go together and with common power focused on a collective ascension, it could happen any day now. But my dears, do not feel stress, do not wait for this to happen tomorrow. Let everything happen step by step and focus on your part in this, that's really the best thing you can do. Heal yourself, clean yourself, grow a lasting and direct connection with your heart and stand steady in this pure connection. This is a big challenge in your contrasting world, but it is fully possible. I have done it, many others have done it, now you are going to do it.
I love you all, let your hearts be filled with my love.
Translated from Swedish to English by Mia Lighthouse