Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Adam & Eve and the Tree of Knowledge

concerning the Sirius influence: in the Book of Genesis this was characterized by the serpent causing the entities Adam & Eve to eat of the Tree of knowledge. Eating of the Tree of Knowledge being a reference to the ability to make decision, to think for themselves, to have independent will. Prior to that the other creature was totally controlled psychically by its creator. The second creature as having a will, a free will, a will of its own, which was termed knowledge, or wherein, for example, the serpent explained that in eating of the Tree of Knowledge the entities would gain the power of Gods; this referring to the ability to make decisions and have free will. This led to shorter lifespans associated with mammalian qualities, as the Reptilian genes receded; the reptilian having a slower metabolism. Adam & Eve were the prototype of a particular type of creation. It's like speaking of the Stealth or the carrier or the battleship, or the IBM computer, or some other model, rather than speaking of an individual entity. On symbolic levels, this has other meanings, as has been given. Adam and represent the conscious mind, while Eve represents the subconscious mind; or you may think of these as male and female principles or positive and negative principles. It is a matter of symbolism as well as a matter of allegory and also a story being told to represent the actuality of history in terms of the creation of this prototype known as man.

 there were people on earth before the creation of Adam, before the creation of Homo Sapiens. There were those more ancient as is taught in your anthropology books. It simply was that these new creations, the Homo Sapiens, were an updated versions, just as model airplanes or airplanes can be updated and new models built.

 it must be recalled that it was Enki, from Sirius , who was the one who freed mankind from the Enlil forces at the beginning of the Cro-Magnon creation. This goes back to the so-called Garden of Eden; that Enki essentially assisted in giving humanity the power of choice, rather than the mere option of obedience. It is this story that took shape as the story of the Garden of Eden; that the Tree of Knowledge and the fruit by which mankind was to be made as gods, by eating of that fruit of the tree of Knowledge; the fruit that was given by Enki was the power of choice, the ability to choose. Prior to this , the Adam model of the cloned creation the Cro-Magnon type or sapien type was simply a slave created to serve the mines owned by the Reptoids or those from Draco, and the Adam type model of Cro-Magnon developed was cloned to be a robot-like living being, a genetic creation, genetically created to serve without question and without thinking, without the power of choice.

 the Sirian may be equated to the Garden of EDEN serpent because the serpent tempted the prototypes, Adam and Eve, to question their creator. In questioning , they did things they were told would be forbidden, and thus they learned to make decisions that were perhaps not to their best interests, but which eventually led to their evolutionary growth as a decision-making being. The Tree of Knowledge was forbidden to them, for it they ate of this, they would have the knowledge of the gods. The knowledge of the gods being that ability to make decisions rather than simply obey. The gods referred to in the early meaning of this Garden of EDEN story when it was given in ancient times to entities, was referring to the prototype Adam /Eve creation of the Reptoid Enlil, and this was altered by the Enki or Sirian modification to this prototype in such a way that Enki forced the prototype to think, to make decisions. This was not in the plans of the Reptoid Enlil, who wanted these beings to simply obey and not to think for themselves. Thus, the mammalian brain overlaid above the reptilian brain of the human, created a new being, one that could evolve, could think, could make decisions and could learn from experiences, and alter and modify itself according to what it had learned.

The Enlil types were from Draco. At the time it was called the Dragon Constellation. It was later changed because the mapmaker of the heavens at the time did not have room to write the entire word "Dragon" and simply shortened or abbreviated it to "Draco"- and later, this was changed to the constellation Draco. The word Draconian comes from Draco, or dragon, and the Book of Revelations speaks of the dragon, this as a reference to the so-called Reptoids of UFO lore. These entities are partially reptilian in their genetic nature. Their main concern is control, conquering and survival, whereas the Sirian types are concerned about things that have to do with spiritual development. These entities from Sirius are closer to the True God of the Universe, though the earlier Enlil types rewrote the messages from the historic versions of the early story in Sumer and Akkadia and handed it down through one civilization following another, and the Hebrews got the story as it was handed down and perceived that the First Creator of human types, Enlil, was the Original God who put man in the Garden of Eden, which , incidentally, is the place known as the Tigris/Euphrates area, now comprised of that country Iraq, Syria and part of Turkey and also Iran to some extent.

the molecular structure and the DNA shapes were tampered with by Enki, the Sirius god in the Garden of Eden, after the human robot had been created to serve the Draconian Reptoids who saw themselves as the creator of the humans, and the work of Enki was designed to slowly change over a period of time to free the robot creature from its isolation as a non-thinking, non-deciding being, by the gift of Enki who created for that entity the ability to make decisions. The introduction of the mammalian genes at the top of the reptilian brain changed the creation of Enlil into that which had a choice, and this decision-making ability has allowed humanity to gradually... become more intelligent and more independent. This infuriated the Draconian creators in their genetic creation known as man because they could no control the entity if the entity could make decisions on his own. The change also created shorter lifespans for the humans because the reptilian aspects were being diminished... while the mammalian qualities became more prominent, resulting in more sensitive,emotional, compassionate qualities as well as better thinking abilities. The mammalian brain evolving out of and above the reptilian brain has, over many generations, allowed humans to evolve at an extremely high rate, and the action of the alignment in regard to Sirius and the earth has triggered this to move even more quickly...

aliens have for long been devoid of spiritual understanding and have lacked any teaching of a spiritual nature. They do not give much credence to it, or even much thought to it. They believe that they manufactured religion, created religion for humans in order to control the human civilization through religions. They see this as part of the programming that they imposed on humans. This particularly in regard to those of Orion rather than the Zeta Reticuli. The Orion Empire as having the belief that it created the religions under which humans live as a means of controlling human civilizations through the priestcraft and through suggestions and conditioning of the masses via religious and certain philosophical and moral teachings. They give themselves more credit than they actually deserve in regard to this, but because they used religion and morality teachings to manipulate humanity, they do not put much merit in those things themselves. More research can be done on this through the book "The Gods of Eden."
more on Star Beings and The Elohim

Star Beings

this individual is what is known as a Star Being, and the Elohim were those in the earliest times of manifestation of this earthly planet who came onto the planet to have a physical earthly experience, and they have moved on in their evolutionary process and are often associated with the gods, or the God Essence, and this is somewhat different than the Star Being concept. At this time on Mother Earth, there are many Star Beings who have volunteered to be present during this time of Ascension, this shift in consciousness. They are of the Galactic Federation, who have determined and decided that they would be part of the evolutionary process, and many of them have been involved, not only at this time, at this critical juncture of spiritual evolution, but have been involved in humanity's journey from the earliest times, even from the time of the Elohim, who were of a nature of Spirit, having an early physical experience on the planet. Mostly it is seen that the Galactic Federation beings who have agreed to physical incarnation in Mother Earth's journey and in the journey of humanity have been active in the more modern historical times. They are those who were also the Essenes, who in the time of Jesus knew that a shift in consciousness was about to occur through a process that was long in coming. It was not simply that the Essenes came together and created a community that Mary and Joseph were a part of, but it extended backwards in time, and many of the early prophets in the Old Testaments were of the Essene order, building up this knowing of a time when a Messiah would appear as the Bible states, as that which occurred. The Essenes on the whole were Star Beings, beings of the Galactic Federation who have volunteered many times to incarnate to assist Mother Earth and fledgling humanity to a point where Ascension could finally occur. It might be accurate to say that this is the first Ascension in mass numbers to occur, the first Ascension for the planetary consciousness that is Mother Earth to a much higher state of consciousness and awareness, to that which is the 5th dimensional or spiritual.
2013-1 More on Star Beings and The Elohim forces known as the galactic Federation have seen these events in the future, page 16-17) The forces known as the Galactic Federation have seen these events in the future, from when they were scenes of the past, when they were of the Egyptian dynasties, when they were in their Greek incarnations, when they were in their Sumerian lifetimes, and they understood that this polarized planet, this dualistic reality would one day come down to a point of decision, where those who would choose to reach higher expanded consciousness, would have the opportunity to do so; and they have come in numbers at this time to become part of the evolutionary process, to assist those who are Terran in nature, those who have started their physical incarnation on Mother Earth, Terra, to assist them in the process of spiritual evolution to the point where Ascension now lies immediately ahead, and in the Ascension process allows those who have been seeking this experience, including Mother Earth, to move into the experience and to experience it fully. There are also those who are to experience it partially, who are not ready to ascend, but are ready to have an experience on a planet that is ascending, and humanity that has the potential to ascend. This is so that in future lifetimes, thousands of years ahead, they may then at that time be ready for their own personal Ascension process. The ones of the Galactic Federation, including the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Vegans, the Sirians, the Andromedans and others not mentioned, are here as part of the Galactic Federation; the Venusians are also included in this mix. They are all volunteers that have elected to come into physical life and form to be part of these times and most of the CAC community are Star Beings, who have as their initial point of entry into those planetary systems, those points of origin that are part of the Galactic Federation, that have been involved in the evolutionary process towards spiritual achievement on a global level as well as Mother Earth herself, for many many lifetimes, and it is not simply in this lifetime that most find themselves and are awakening to their deeper truth of their origins, but they have been involved in many other lifetimes where they are part of groups who are helping to shift consciousness, such as the Essenes were in the historical times of Jesus the Christed One. This is therefore a situation that many feel within themselves that they have another home; they come from another place. More often it is an experience where they feel out of place on planet earth in contrast to those who seem very comfortable on a physical polarized planet of a dualistic nature, and this too is an indicator for many that they are Star Beings, for even though they have agreed to be physically present at this time, it is still a difficult sojourn for them for the energy of consciousness that is prevalent on Mother Earth at this time is very oppressive and dense to those who are of a more refined spiritual nature.

This has to do with the matter of the situation being that for most Galactic Federation members and beings, they have already experienced Ascension processes on their own home planets and in their own home systems. Thus those who are of the Galactic Federation forces have a much more high spiritual understanding and awareness, which is why they are trying to guide the children of Mother Earth and the child planet Mother Earth forward to a new level of understanding and maturity, for they too have gone through such stages, and they too recognize their connection with others of human form. The Galactic Federation are those who are of a humanoid form. Of the 12 planets that hosted human life, the human experience, Mother Earth is known as the Child Planet, the youngest of all who has now reached the point of departure from the state of childhood into the state of adolescence, the next level of conscious awareness and understanding. Those who are part of the Galactic Federation of beings have proceeded through such states previously and are involved in helping Mother Earth in her Ascension process as well as humanity itself. The individual questioner herself is part of this grand collective, part of this ascended level of understanding and consciousness, and is here to assist the many who are here to move, and is one of the Star Nations beings who has had her own experience in the oppressive dense nature of physicality but has always understood that she is not simply of this nature, and has come from somewhere else. This Awareness confirms for her and to all others who have always had such an experience that they are indeed members of the Galactic Federation forces and they are Star Beings.
The Family of Man: Where Did it all Begin?


The Origin of Races of People on Earth

"We Are Part of a Magnificent Creation"

C.A.C General reading, Feb. 4, 1992
(This file contains statements from J.J. in Seal Beach, California and comments from Cosmic Awareness)

Beginning of Statement is read:
"The origin of the races as that which proceeds from 5 basic groups. The first group to inhabit earth as entities similar to the humans known today was the Lemurian race."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that the Lemurians were of a very old historic origin on this earth, and there is seen no disagreement in this entity's comment in this regard. This Awareness suggests that these entities did at one time have inter-space travel; there were visitations from other planetary systems to and from Lemuria. This Awareness suggests this (statements) continues.

"These entities were made by genetic engineering which was done by Sirians on the highest ape at that time. These people evolved away from the animal traits and became more and more human-like as time went on."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that It sees the genetic engineering as that which produced human genes or Sirian genes into the animal kingdom to produce apes. That it was not so much that the apes were made to evolve toward the human by these Sirians, but that the humans added certain human genes to the apes, or to those creatures of anthropoidal nature and altered them somewhat. The humans were the Sirians and had their development already intact.

The effort to alter the ape was a separate experiment. This Awareness indicates that there were alterations in the apes or anthropoid types. These were not as widespread as many would believe. This Awareness indicates however, the Lemurians in general were descendants of the Sirians, and some genetic engineering made use of of genes from animals to give the Sirian humans a kind of stability that allowed them to survive on the Earth plane which was necessary for the survival due to harsh conditions. This Awareness indicates this had to do with certain qualities of the native anthropoidal beings which were used to the environmental conditions, whereby these qualities added to the Sirian natural physical bodies, and gave them the greater survival ability to adapt themselves to the life conditions on the Earth. This Awareness suggests the message continue.

"In their long history, they evolved into an advanced civilization."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates this reaching a peak of civilization approximately 200.000 years ago; that these entities did have a high civilization based not so much on materialism and material technology as on mental and psychic technology. They were able to do with their minds things that later the Atlanteans did with tools and equipment. This Awareness indicates that during this time, they continued to have contact with Sirian entities and travelers and there was a degree of trade between the two worlds. This Awareness indicates that the civilization began to diminish approximately 100.000 years ago and approximately 50.000 years ago was more or less at its destruction, wherein the seas began to rush over the lands and waters entered into the caverns This Awareness suggests the message continue.

"When the cavern worlds that they inhabited flooded and sank, most were killed."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

"A few remained alive and were forced to live on islands and become surface dwellers."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

"This is the origin of the Polynesian tribes."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative, to some extent. Many of the Polynesians actually migrated to the Pacific from Africa, from northern Africa, moving eastward through India, Indonesia and into the Pacific. These entities brought some of the western teachings with them into these Polynesian islands.

"The second group were the Atlanteans who were genetically invented by the Pleiadians and transplanted onto the Earth."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that there were those who were called Atlans who were space beings, who lived in what is known as the Atlantic. These entities became enemies of the Lemurians early in the time of Lemuria. Atlantis, or the Atlanteans were a group whose origin was found on mars through genetic engineering by the Greys, in particular, the Orion Greys. This Awareness indicates that these entities from Orion, using genetic engineering, created the Semites and certain of the Atlanteans that were most advanced in a civilization during the time of the decline of Lemuria. This Awareness indicates that in actuality, the civilizations on Mars was at it highest nearly a million years B.C. and had undergone a great decline by the time the Greys used it as a genetic engineering base for creating the latter Atleans. The original Atlans used the Mars bases; these entities were not the same as the Atlanteans, they were called Atlans and their origin was that which was from beyond the solar system. These were the early enemies of the ancestors of the Lemurians, those who were on Earth long before the Lemurians.

"They were caused to evolve quickly by the influence of their creators and they interacted with other races which came later."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that some of these other races included the Semites; that the white race as known today, first arrived in the Caucasus area in Russia or the Caucasus mountains, and prior to this arrival most Atlanteans were what would be termed red-skin or closer to the American Indian in terms of race. The Atlanteans at the sinking of Atlantis moved into Central and South America and were known as the Mayans. That the Atlantean Mayans moved further into South America and spread into different tribes, taking on different names and a small number keeping the name Mayan, and these entities are not the same as the Mayan of modern history, but as ancestors to these entities. This Awareness suggests the information continue.

"The Atlanteans were white-skinned and they mixed with other races to form such groups as the Indians (India), the Arabs and Jews and the Philipinos. The white race of today is a result of the Atlanteans coming to Europe before the demise of the continent and forming permanent colonies which later grew into large populations."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that the whites arrived in the Caucasus mountains near the time Atlantis went through its final sinking; this being approximately 10.000 B.C. This Awareness indicates that these whites came in spacecraft. This is not to say that no whites had ever before arrived on Earth; there appear to have been some who arrived on earth previously but they were not the main settlers of Atlantis. This Awareness indicates that these entities appear to be those who were from the Pleiades; some also being from that star system known as Lyra. The Pleiadian and the Lyrian entities are closely related in genetic terms.

"Near the end of the Atlantean civilization, the other three groups were formed by space travelers from Arcturus (Chinese), Vega (Indians of the Americas) and Sirius (Blacks). The Blacks were modified by the Sirians from their original state as slaves made by the Reptilian entities."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that this previous set of statements appear to be accurate; that the Atlanteans had very little influence of the white race involved. Mostly, those who were white were visitors from Lyra or from the Pleiades; that there were strong Vegan influences in Atlantis. This Awareness indicates that these influences from Vega appear to have given Atlantis much of its higher technology, and Atlantis did have space travel or had contact with space travel to and from its shores and airports, or bases.

"In view of the original state of the planet being that which was not inhabited by humans, it is interesting to note that the fist humans were modified from animals, while groups that came later were made as modifications of the space travelers themselves. The Blacks were born from a combination of Reptilian genes and the use of ape genes, but were later modified by the Sirians to evolve into humans with the same characteristics as all the others."

Cosmic Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that this relates to that which this Awareness has given in the reference to Enlil and Enki, in the time of Sumer and Ur; this approximately 20.000 years ago in that which is Mesopotamia; that this in the area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers were the so-called origin of civilization began. It was not so much the origin of the races or the origin of humanity, but it was a new origin of civilization in that agriculture was introduced during that time. The agriculture which has continued to this day, where certain fruits, vegetables and crops were given to these entities and have spread throughout the world from that area, and whereby these entities were the first of a creation of the Cro-Magnon type of human, or that which has been called the prototype for Adam and Eve. This Awareness indicates that Adam and Eve in this sense were not of the white race, as many believed, but were of the black race. This Awareness wishes of course to clarify this, in suggesting that Adam and Eve were not single individuals; they were a type of human, but as one would say the first Cro-Magnon human on Earth was of the black race rather than of the white race, male and female were they.

This Awareness indicates that Adam represents the Cro-Magnon type of person, the Homo Erectus, the entity who stands erect as compared to the earlier Neanderthal types. This Awareness indicates that after these creations, the white race appeared approximately 10.000 B.C., and began to have their influence spreading from the Caucasus mountains southwards into India and into Egypt. This became that which is called or known as the origin of the Great White Brotherhood.

The entities came to teach and to establish civilizations among the masses who were already present on Earth. These entities were of Pleiadian origin and in their own way created a certain new element in the civilizations of nations that in some way benefited and in some way proved detrimental to others. Their influence helped to establish the caste system in India, but also helped to introduce an organizational system that allowed for many people of many levels to receive benefits from society in general. The organization of medicine, law, governing and construction came from these entities and helped to take humanity out of the more primitive agriculture and nomadic wandering of tribes into cities and towns. This Awareness suggests that the information be continued.

"To date, there are only slight differences in the races, and they all contain the Divine Spark which allows them to become enlightened."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

"It should also be noted that most souls who are appearing in human bodies today have incarnated into all the other races during their various past lives."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative.

" To fulfill the requirements for ascending into the Divine Awareness each soul must go through many types of experiences. Some are crude and some are more sublime, but all are necessary to bring the soul to maturity."

Cosmic Awareness:
This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that one further comment is seen; that the yellow race as that which also had its early history in caverns underground and in the center, central Earth. There was much subterranean origin to this race. They spent some of their earlier history under the surface rather than on the surface of the Earth.

(From Revelations of Awareness 94-11 Issue No. 437 with Paul Shockley as Interpreter)


More on what is the origin of the various races
(From Revelations of Awareness 91-17 Issue No. 392 with Paul Shockley as Interpreter)

This Awareness indicates that the Semites as that which has been discussed already, as having been cloned by Jehovah, on Mars, and transported to Earth. This was approximately the time that Atlantis was near the time of sinking. This appears to be approximately 10,000 BC, give or take two thousands years.

This Awareness indicates that the red man as the Atlanteans or Atlans, those who originally were on Atlantis. These decedents of those who are called the Atlans. The Atlans were space people; these entities appear to have come from Vega. This Awareness indicates that the yellow race was earlier, from the interior of the earth. These entities appear to have been the original natives of earth, prior to the others.

The blacks as seen as having come from a planet...that the origin or location of this planet is not seen clearly...that this appears to have been in the direction of Orion; that this appears to be related to that which is called the Dog Star, as a general location of this particular planet. That these entities did not like being in their location because of the Orion Empire infringing in their territory and many of these entities came to Earth through the assistance of others who were traveling to Earth at the time. This Awareness indicates that the Pleiadians assisted them in relocating to the Earth and the Reptoid group that was then mining on the Earth attempted to use these entities as slaves.

This Awareness indicates that the whites came to that area of Carpathia from the Pleiadian system. They brought the whites in and left groups in Carpathia and from there, these entities moved into different directions. This Awareness indicates that the different races were originally created by that which has been termed as the Prism of Lyra, the white hole through which light enters into this universe and spreads into different rays as through a prism, and each ray having created its own species of humanoid type being.

This Awareness indicates that the green ray and the blue ray, indigo and violet, red, orange and yellow rays, each creating a different species. That the black race and white race were created at the same time, but were later changed by environmental conditions that altered their pigments and genes because of separation into different locations, these on sub-levels.

This Awareness indicates that all humans, except the Semites were created through the same ray. The Reptoids, the Zeta Reticulli, the Orions and others were created from different rays, but the humans all began as the same beings, the same type of being, and what you see now are sub-races of the human race. These were created largely by their movement into different places, having different kinds of environmental influences on them, to cause them to alter and progress in different directions, toward different coloration, pigmentation and physical features.

This Awareness indicates that the Semites were a race created from the cloning process of Jehovah in the area of Mars and that they were transported on Earth by the Orion engineers. This Awareness indicates that these entities were then placed on Earth to be used for mining in the areas of Africa, but were found to be disobedient and therefore, unworkable in that capacity.

The Orion entities were driven away; this including Jehovah, and the Sirius entities entered and influenced the further development and progression of the races and entities on Earth for some time, establishing certain structures and organization to keep the civilization progressing.

This Awareness indicates that the Pleiadian influence had occurred on Earth before this time period, but that it was again repeated at a somewhat later date in which the Pleiadians again returned to influence their seeding of the planet. This Awareness indicates that essentially, the planet was a kind of dumping ground for misfits and people who did not work out, the experiments that did not work out in other places, and this being much like Australia, wherein Australia was an isolated continent that could be used as a dumping ground for prisoners to get them out of society in Europe and yet let them live their own lives as they desired. This Awareness indicates that this was the case for many of these who were brought to Earth.
The Creation of Adam by  Enlil

The entities known as Enlil were Reptilian in nature; the Enlil was a Reptoid, and this was the entity who created that first Adam, but Adam was many entities. There were many Adams. Just as entities today speak of man and in some distant future people reading the material may think that 'man' is the name of a person. Likewise, Adam was not a single man, but a species that was created by the Enlil.

The Enlil Reptoid group later were called by the Hebrew, the Elohim or the Els. This Awareness indicates that

the first Adam type of creature did not have the cap­ acity for having sex, and was cloned and was reproduced through the action of cloning. The creature did have the opportunity because of the Reptoid nature of being in the image of the creator Enlil, of having long life. This was the Tree of Wisdom, and the entity was designed so as not to be able to think in polarities or to have any particular choices; to be simply obedient, and this was the intent and purpose of Enlil to keep these entities as obedient servants, to serve and to work and to do things in accordance to the commands of Enlil.

The Enlil being a species, and the Adam types being a species of creature. At some point, the female counter­ part was created to give companionship to the male counterpart, in an attempt to add for the Adam types

a creature that would serve the Adam types in a similar way that Adam was serving the Enlil types, or the Elohim. This Awareness indicates that this situation existed for some time before the entity from Sirius, who was Enlil's half brother, who was not as much a Reptoid as was Enlil, in the sense that the entity was termed a serpent person from the serpent race of Sirius, as compared to the Reptoid from Draco. Enlil was the hair-brother of Enki, and Enki was the Sirius entity, one who was born and lived in Sirius as a class known as the serpent people.


Enki's Greatest Gift to Man: The Gift of Thought

Enki is equated to the Garden of Eden story, to the serpent in the garden. It was Enki's philosophy that Adam and Eve, or the two types, should have the right of choice or what is termed the knowledge of gods. They were given the option of being able to know good and evil, or polarization, right and wrong, joy and sorrow, and all of those things that are polarized. Therefore, the option of thinking rather than merely obeying; the option of being able to make choices, for this was the gift of Enki to the Adam and Eve types, and it was this action of Enki in the cloning process wherein he instilled within them, he, or they, this race of entities known as Enki, the power of thought.

This Awareness indicates that when It speaks of Enki as a half-brother to Enlil, It is actually referring to races that stem from a similar, a common forefather race known as An-noo, or Ah-nu. the names varying in different writings of old; this being the same as the term 'seed'. You will recall that in the Huna philosophy of the Hawaii. ens, the term Ano-ano means 'seed'.

This Awareness indicates that this entity was more or less the founder of the humanoid race in this galaxy. that Reptoids were one splinter or faction of his creation called Enlil or Elohim, and the Enki, ot Sirius, another faction.

The action of the Enki on the Adam and Eve races or entities was to give them the power of thought,' . and this was the fall from the garden of Eden in the sense of this scenario. It of course has many different inter­ pretations in terms of the overall symbology of the story, many parallels and reflections under the Law of Hermes, his Law of Correspondence that states that "As above, so it is below!"-this same effect takes place within each human body.

There is within the human body, the serpent consciousness, the old reptilian brain, the kundalini energy, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind symbolizing Adam and Eve, and the state of consciousness that does not know good or evil, but simply responds as one integrated and total being, such as that of a newborn child, and there is that fall from such grace wherein the entity learns , to think, to polarize, to understand good and evil and then is cast into actions that require that the entity struggle with thought, for survival.

This Awareness indicates that the parallel as that which applies to the individual and to the humanoid race. It also applies on the earth to the history of humanity with the garden of Eden being an area in that which is old Mesopotamia. This Awareness indicates that in under­ standing this nature of Enki and Enlil, you will perhaps recognize that the serpent race and tbe Reptilian race are not the same.

All Humens Once Had Reptoid Seeds

There are references to Reptoids. There are references to Serpent People; the winged serpent, which generally refers to Sirius. This Awareness indicates that the Pleiadeans were created before humans on earth, and the Enki and the Pleiadeans helped to modify the Reptoid creation of Adam and Eve to become a mutant with the mammal grouping. Thus, all entities have the seed of Reptoids deep in their origin, mostly fading as generations pass, with the serpent seed from Sirius increasing along with the mammal­ qualities associated with the Pleiadeans also increasing, so that the human creation progresses at an accelerated pace in terms of spiritual evolution.

This Awareness indicates that this may be of some help in reading these different books, for they all tend to treat these entities or so-called gods as though they were individuals, when in fact, they were galactic races of individuals or types. The stories told of these individuals are much like the stories in the Old Testament when. it speaks of God or speaks of the Lord coming to Moses. The Lord, in terms of the relationship with Moses, is , much like that of stating when a ship lands, the captain came to George and said such and such.

This Awareness indicates that this may occur in various writings or at various times, that the captain came and spoke to George or spoke to Harry or spoke to Mike, and entities might believe that the captain was always the same entity and that the captain was the title of one person, when in fact it is a common title for many leaders who direct a ship. In the Old Testament, it referred to the pilot or captain of a ship when it spoke of the Lord, thus you have what is termed the landlord, the lord of the land.

In earlier times these entities who were captain or head of a ship were referred to as lords. This Awareness indicates that the very word Elohim, the Hebrew word which has been translated into the word 'God' which is a Greek word, actually is a word that signifies plural, meaning more than one entity. Elohim means Gods, thus, when it says God created the heavens and the earth, it is a miss­ statement and in proper translation was "Elohim created the heaven and earth," meaning Gods (in Greek) created the heavens and the earth.

This Awareness indicates that this was in reference to Enlil and their kind creating the atmosphere and circum­ stances on the earth which would allow mankind to exist. There was already a creation here when Enlil arrived. ' Their .action was simply to modify what was here.


The space geneticist Jehovah from mars that Awareness has mentioned so often; is Awareness saying that this , . entity was the Reptilian entity?


This is in the affirmative.

Well, if he cloned Adam and Eve in his image ...




These entities were Reptilian in nature; that the Rep­ tilian skin was shed after the action of Enki the Sirius group. The Serius group entered upon the earth plane and worked with these humans, or creations of the Reptilian types, creations of Jehovah, or whatever name you choose these entities had scales and were worked with by Enki, and the Enki altered them to give them more of the mammal qualities.

The Naked Feeling When Scales Were Removed (Circumcision: The Shedding of the Serpent Skin)

This Awareness indicates that the entities, the entity, ~ was put into a deep sleep; it is a reference to a long

period of time in which the entity, the entities, were genetically hibernated and worked with to be changed

or alteredso that the skin of the Reptilian type was removed.  removing that skin gave them the altered form which is common to man,  the ,entities discovered their nakedness, and felt themselves to be most vulnerable and wanting to cover themselves.

This Awareness indicates that it has been pointed out in the book Flying Serpents, and Dragons that the ritual of circumcision is a carry-over of the shedding of skin or shedding of the serpent skin. It is a symbolic ritual; that this essentially is correct. This Awareness indicates that as time passed, the mammal qualities began to grow in dominance and the Reptilian qualities became more and more recessive in the genetic pattern of human­ ity, thus, in the earlier history of human-kind, the lives of entities were commonly measured in time spans

above five or six hundred years in length; this is because of the long Reptilian lifespan.

Humanity Now Stands on Threshhold of Immortality

As time passed and the Reptilian strain became more recessive "and the mammal strain became more dominant, the lifespan began to reduce. This Awareness indicates

it now has reached a time wherein through the tradeoff of knowledge in place of long life (or immortality in the sense of actual physical immortality associated with the Reptoids), humankind eating of the Tree of Knowledge

or -that of having choice and becoming capable of thought now being able to make choices and indulge in procreation rather than being cloned; mankind's lifespan having been greatly shortened because of this, is now enjoying that which the gods have always had, knowledge, and is rediscovering concepts that the gods held at the time mankind was created, that is, the concepts of cloning

and genetic engineering and the ability to reproduce and alter lifespans.

Thus, as mankind's history has moved through this cycle, it is as though EnId, the Sirius people, has allowed humanity to bear fruit and become one with the gods. Thus, when It says 'Ye are all gods!  It was speaking of gods in the making, and humanitY now stands on the thresh­ hold of immortality.


(The Law of Gratitude is given).
This Awareness indicates that there is a need to make some" changes in the way entities perceive reality.' , This Awareness indicates that because mind manipulates, consciousness and in that manipulation creates realities, what entities term realities:it is important to understand that realities, can be altered. by changing the way the mind manipulates consciousness

This Awareness indicates the tendency of mind is to create polarities in consciousness. If one thing is' , outstanding, the mind tends to create an opposite that  is equally outstanding, to create a contrast of equal extreme, The mind also' tends to fixate and focus on its " own creations, giving them greater or lesser substance " in order to augment or diminish the creation; thus, a thing can be created along with its opposite. It can then be exaggerated, along with the exaggeration of its opposite so that an extreme ,of polarity is manifested and this can be a type of thinking of the mind that operates on all levels, in all things, in all of its creations.

Thus, a small accomplishment can be exaggerated to appear to be a great accomplishment, and its opposite which would be a negation of greatness, can also be 'experienced simultaneously, so that an entity feels both superior and inferior simultaneously because of the accomplishment. This Awareness indicates that this is the nature of polarity, the nature of the mind polarizing consciousness.

The Mind Creates "Good" and "Evil"

This Awareness indicates that an example of this would be to consider for example, the concept of good, something which is termed 'good,' which immediately calls for the mind to recognize that here can be: something called 'bad' or 'evil,' and the more 'good' something is, the more the tendency to 'create some­ thing equally bad and evil, so that the good never becomes better than the bad is bad, for every time something becomes really good, the mind automatically creates the concept of something being really bad.

 This Awareness indicates that's the tendency of mind in working with polarities, It is not necessary for mind to think in such ways. This Awareness indicates that the Korean language has no word for 'bad' or in the past this was so, before it became associated with Westernized language and other languages; the Korean language had words that indicated or suggested something could be good or something could be not so good, but it did not have a term meaning the opposite of good, or 'bad.'

This Awareness indicates that in discussing the nature of the aliens and the creation of the founders of the universe as beings who came in to existence when light fractured or fragmented, this Awareness suggested that some of these beings evolved out of the. positive end of light polarity. while [others evolved out of the negative end] of light polarity. This Awareness indicates that it would be suitable to the natural event of the mind to call these good and evil, and in tne past, philosophical societies have done so, terming some of these creatures. 'creatures of good, and .some of these creatures. 'creatures of evil.'

This Awareness indicates that generally, the negative evolution or evolvement, the evolvement from light of   a    negative type, would be termed evil, and the evolvement ot light in the positive sense would be termed ,

This-Awareness indicates the human .... human is not exactly the appropriate term because human relates to animal man, but the more highly evolved creatures of the universe evolved out of the positive pole of polarity of the light force, and the Reptilian energies evolved more from the negative pole of the energies, and entities could, theoretically, call them evil.

This Awareness would prefer to diminish the polar­ izing in consciousness so as to assist in the action of bringing back to the Law of One, wherein-all things are seen as 'part of Universal Consciousness and the extremes are diminished, for as long as there are ex­ tremes, these extremes become more volatile toward each other in' destructive ways, and as ,the extremes diminish and.' 'entities move more toward a neutral stance on the scale'of polarity, peace and harmony 'become more prevalent.

This Awareness indicates that it is not necessary in the universe for things to be extremely polarized. The experience was offered by consciousness to determine the effects of such extremity with the intention that eventually these extremes would return and unify into the One Mind or One Consciousness. There­ fore, It does not wish to energize concepts of good and evil in the sense of the alien factor, but rather wishes to discuss the nature of these extremes and the movement toward harmony and balance that is possible.

The 'Good" Self and the "Not so Good" Self

This Awareness indicates that in each individual there is the positive and the negative aspect. There is that which entities have called the good and the evil side of the self. This Awareness wishes entities to change the thinking slightly and to think of the good self and the not-sa-good self; to think of the Reptoids, for example, as being not-sa-good, but not to think of them as much as being evil in the extreme sense, to recognize instead their true nature, and what may be termed the nature of all beings who are classed as evil.

Most beings, let's take for example the concept of Ahriman the ultimate of evil, or Satan, the ultimate of evil' these entities are simply miscreated, lacking good. It is not so much that they have something .in them called evil it is more that they lack that which is good. They la'ck compassion. They may have certain qualities that are associated with some levels as good. They may, for example, be intelligent. They may be strong. They may be loyal to their own followers or to their own leaders, and such qualities can be classed in some frames of reference as good, so even that which entities class as evil may have some redeeming good qualities, but they are lacking in that which is comp­ assion and feeling for the welfare of others.

Humans a Product of Mammalian and Reptilian Genetics

They lack that which entities call love. This Awareness indicates that you do not see the Reptilian world showing love for one another or for other creatures in the same way that occurs in the world of mammals .. This Awareness indicates that of course, in the world of mammals there are also elements of violence in which species attack each other, sometimes even their own species. This Awareness indicates that this violence usually is an indicator of a certain amount of Reptilian genetics involved in that species that causes the species to exhibit violence. This Awareness indicates that the genetics involved in the creating of different species has to do with a combination of positive and negative energies on the polarity scale, and many humans, most humans are a product of both Raptilian and mammalian ancestry.

Enlil Creates the First 'Adam'

This Awareness indicates that thus, the entities tend to have the dual aspects of that which is good and that which is not-so-good. This Awareness indicates the human species as that which originally was created by Enlil the Reptilian god as a prototype slave to work in fields and in mines, and this prototype was incapable of reproducing itself. It was to be reproduced by cloning. This Awareness indicates this was the first  Adam. This Awareness suggests that it did not function well. It had no self motivation, and was not easily' programmed to follow instructions  and the second . creation which was infused with other genes or genetic substances by the entity ] EnKI. of Sirius, then had its effect on the prototype that had been created by Enlil.

Enki from Sirius Gave Adam "Knowledge. The Ability to Choose

This Awareness indicates the entity Enki from Sirius. is the entity which the biblical story of Genesis refers to as the serpent in the garden. The entity Enlil was
the so-called god in the garden of Eden. Enlil was Reptilian. EnKI was the serpent sub-race from Sirius. This entity assisted the human creation or Adam, in a way that opposed the will of Enlil, by allowing Adam the ability to make choices. It gave Adam what was called knowledge.

By giving him the power to make choices, it indicated that Adam, by eating of this tree would have the power of gods. The power of gods being simply the ability to make choices as opposed to being a bio-robot or a creation of a mindless clone. This Awareness indicates that along with the ability to make choices, Enki also gave the Adam prototype the ability to reproduce itself and the reproduction was also augmented by a kind of engineering feat that put genes into the prototype from the Sirius god or that which was the serpent of Sirius, which would, in time, grow in dominance from generation to generation, while also causing the Reptilian genes of Enlil to diminish from generation to generation.

How Humans are Evolving into Gods

Thus Enlil would lose in his creation the genetics that were used in the first prototype or Adam creation

In these early stages of the creation, the entities lived long lives. Methuselah, for example, living close to a thousand years. These long lives were due to the genetics from Enlil, but with each passing generation, over thousands of years, the tendency of the Enlil genes to influence the next generation became weaker because of Enki's genetic influence, and the human

or the animal aspects along with the serpentine or sapien aspects became more dominant in each passing generation so that as time passed, lives became shorter.

This Awareness indicates that this denied humans the concept of immortality, thus eating of the tree of knowledge led to certain death. Surely over periods of time the lives diminished and shortened, but at the same time this was happening, where lifespans even reached to the point of an average of 25 or 30 years, even as this was happening, the powers of reason, the powers of the mind, the powers to make choices were developing in the human to give, eventually, a greater understanding than Enlil ] ever intended for his creation to have, and thus, gradually, humankind began to evolve into gods in their own right.

This A wareness indicates that it is not that Enlil was evil or good, it is just that Enlil, tampering with natural forces was an inventor of a certain prototype, and Enki stole away part of the prototype, altered the creation. to become something different, and the prototype began to develop to a level where it became capable of challenging its own creator. This Awareness indicates that humanity has now evolved back toward its own godhood to become a spiritual being with compassion, with understanding and with intelligence, still weak

in many ways. .

This Awareness indicates once again, the value of humanity is not in what humanity has done, but in its potential, yet unknown, for humanity's potential is on the brink of expressing itself and, if surviving, will soon reach a state of expression that will be as the expression of divinity. It will be that associated with angelic powers. It is only a matter of time. The difference between humanity and the Reptilian or Reptoid types is that humanity
is accompanied by the evolutionary growth and development of compassion, while the Reptoids have stripped away compassion from their being and have become technologically cold, efficient, powerful.

Reptoids are Spiritually Bankrupt Beings

They have great power. They have great technology.

They are extremely efficient in what they do, but they lack compassion. They do not care for others, even among their own in the way that humans care. This Awareness indicates that they are spiritually bankrupt, whereas humans are on the brink of spiritual abundance. It is so close, and when it comes, human powers will excel and exceed the technologies available to those Reptoids, for the spiritual powers will allow humans with their mentality and consciousness to have dominion over those technological powers of the Rep-toids.

This Awareness indicates it is not so much a matter of good and evil, it is a matter of returning to the source, to the original consciousness from whence all came, and the Reptoids are at the extreme opposite end and have no direction to go except to return, and the humans are now close to Cosmic Consciousness. It will be but a matter of time before humans, in collective consciousness, can have greater power without touching the Reptoids than the Reptoids have with all of their technologies.

The Passage Perilous: Certain Aliens Reincarnate to Help Us

This Awareness indicates that Enki's effort as that which has given Adam and Eve the powers of God. These are not yet fulfilled, but quickly approaching, as humanity evolves spiritually. This Awareness indicates that in this sense the Sirius people have a great concern and a great desire to see humanity continue its path and spiritual evolution unecumbered by the influence of the Reptoids. This Awareness indicates that it is for this reason that Sirius, Arcturus, Vega and the Pleiades, and other systems have sent emissaries to Earth to be reincarnated into human bodies at this time, to assist in this passage perilous from the old age, into the new.

It is for this reason that the Sirians, Vagan, Pleiadian and Arcturus groups; also those from Andromeda from the Galactic Confederation, have considerable concern as to what is to be the outcome and history of earth; whether it will become a fallen way-station for the Reptoids in their further effort to conquer the galaxy, or whether it should be given special attention and be salvaged. The debate over this concern is on, and will depend largely on whether humanity appears worthy of] such salvation, or whether humanity is so deplete

of good that it should be sacrificed and given to the    Reptoids, while these forces concern themselves with saving other planets and other places in the galaxy. .:

Some Reptoids Are Also Reincarnated Here

This Awareness indicates that the problem has been that] many of the Reptoid entities in ancient and present or subsequent times have reincarnated also into human form, and are what may be termed devoid of good. It is not so much that they are evil, they simply lack compassion and therefore promote actions that develop for themselves power and gain through violence, deception, manipulation or other trickery. They are seen by good people as being evil.

A Melting Pot of 'Good' and 'Not so Good' Entities

This Awareness does not wish to energize the concept of evil, therefore, It would refer to these entities as not-so-good, living with those who are basically good. This Awareness indicates that therefore, humanity is

a hodgepodge of 'good and not-so-good beings, because many of those who are not-so-good have reincarnated from souls of Reptilians, the Reptoid types from Draco, and many of those who are good are from other star systems, and there are many in between who are half­ breeds and who are combinations and who can switch from being good to being not-so-good, and thus, humanity is a kind of melting pot in this part of the galaxy.

Enki Saved Earth and Mankind From Destruction

This Awareness indicates that there was a time when these Reptoids attempted to destroy the earth and all humanity, and but for Enki would have succeeded. The Sirius influence as that which allowed the survival of some entities such as Noah, and those whom he preserved, to survive the flood that was caused from the melting of ice in Antarctica and the tipping of the earth to create such a flood around the globe.

This Awareness indicates that this action of preser­ ving some of humanity as that which allowed the continued evolution of the human creation to its present state; that it was the intention of Enlil ] to destroy the earth and abandon the planet with both the nuclear radiation of Sodom and Gomorrah and the flood. It was assumed that the creation would die out and nothing would survive. This was a mistaken assumption and humanity began to grow, and over time and with some help from Sirius forces and Pleiadian forces, influences were brought to bear on consciousness and the earth in ways that allowed humanity to again become assertive and to grow, and to develop and evolve.

in 19 60s
Now these Reptoids are laying claim to the earth as being theirs, using their mercenaries, the Greys, as forerunners to that claim, and the Galactic Confedereration as that which is at a loss in terms of what to do because the governments of the world have accepted agreements with these mercenary forerunners, the Greys, giving them treaties to be on earth, and to conduct their activities. Without such treaties, the Greys  would have broken Galactic Law and could be removed. With such treaties, they have the right to take over the planet so long as they abide by those treaties that were given in secret by the leaders of these various countries.

Saturday, 17 November 2018



A question from J K Hartford, Connecticut. "Is it possible for the Greys and Reptoids to travel back through time and manipulate events at key points or junctures in time or is the past in some way not easily altered?"


This Awareness indicates that there appears to be a certain set of principles in regard to time-travel that allows for some alteration of the past to occur by time travelers from the future moving back into those energies of the past; however, it appears that these conditions allow

only minor alterations which cannot affect historically the line of history in a sense that moves or changes societies. It appears It can only alter in minor ways} perhaps

the lives of certain individuals, so long 'as those individual lives are not key to the historical direction of the culture.

This Awareness indicates that normally, the manipulation of the future by travelling back in time is not effective except in very lim-meeted and minor ways,. It can be affected to change things for individuals when those changes do

not affect the historical culture or the direction of a culture.

This Awareness indicates it is not so much that there is some kind of physical or natural law guiding this, or enforcing this as a principle, it is more that the energies involved would be too great to move by an entity moving back in time. That even using the Law of Leverage wherein an entity affects time at a crucial moment, giving energy

so that he or she could turn history by a word or two;

this does not appear to be as easily done as it might seem, if history had not already been written.

One can, in present time, with a word or two, alter the direction of energies to create a new direction for the future, but if that history line has already been written, to go back and change by adding a word here or there at critical times requires much greater amounts of energy to undo the already written history, than it would, had there been no history written at all.


Another question by J.K. "Does Awareness ever tune into the technology of the aliens to see which way energies and consciousness seem to be moving? For example. the foreseen Spring 1993 California earthquake. Do the Greys have this already recorded and seen as done, as history, somewhere aboard a ship's computer or would this be like tuning in to a frequency of a low vibration that does not encompass higher and more universal purposes?

Can this ever be useful? I find the idea of this type of time travel fascinating.

This Awareness indicates that the concept of creating a-fixed future based on plans that are set in motion as that which-has a certain limitation. One can create a plan and-put the plan in motion and the 'energies in motion carry momentum, which help to bring about the outcome based on that plan, but to think of this as already having occurred because of some preordained fate is incorrect.

Even if the plan had been well thought out and well energized and put into motion, it is still possible for events, energies and other plans in the future to be brought to bear as influences. 'On those original plans and energiesand to defuse or deflect or alter the planned outcome.

This Awareness indicates in other words, the future is not fixed ..

The future may be influenced by plans and energies,

but it is not absolute, for if there is any possibility of new energies being brought to bear, then these plans can be altered. This Awareness indicates this relates to the Law of Motion. or Momentum; the Law of Inertia, where energy is in movement, it continues to stay in movement, even if it is a plan being promoted, until some other energy comes to bear to deflect, to alter that movement, It is related to the Newtonian Law of Inertia,

Monday, 12 November 2018


 The question concerns a reading given by Edgar Cayce as to the incarnations of Jesus, and he said Jesus was Adam. Now Awareness indicated that Jehovah cloned adam and Eve. Can this be explained by Awareness ?
This Awareness indicates that there is no indication seen that Jesus was Adam . This Awareness  indicates the entity known as Jesus was brought from Celestria into physical form in Terrestria and brought forth onto that life for a particular mission—a plan to thwart the program which Jehovah had started . This Awareness indicates that information has been given previously regarding the past life incarnations of the entity Jesus . This
Awareness indicates that the entity Adam was an immediate creation, that the soul-stuff in Adam was an immediate creation of Jehovah—that Jehovah himself had rebelled against the Galactic Confederation and the laws thereof, and adam reflected this rebellion in his denial of the laws of Jehovah and his participation in the indulgences offered by Eden. His desire to seek knowledge through experimentation was but a reflection of Jehovah's own scientific efforts, without regard for authority . This Awareness indicates that information on this has been given previously

relating to the cloning of Adam and Eve . This Awareness indicates that the term `cloning' is not exactly accurate, but there is no word in your language which is available at this time . This Awareness indicates the word `creation ' can be
used and is suitable.

This Awareness indicates that the Jewish people whoever that may be ,
generally are followers of the Old Testament, but not necessarily so . This awareness indicates that essentially the early Hebrews were the clones of Jehovah or the offspring of such clones . This Awareness indicates as has been indicated previously, indulged in the action of duplicating entities and duplicate  Adam in his own image, duplicated Eve] into kind of feminine counterpart of Adam using a different approach . This Awareness indicates that these entities as having been created on the planet Mars, and brought to earth
at the time whereby they were expelled from the Garden of Eden . This Awareness indicates that the action of Jehovah as has been previously indicated, was one whereby he broke certain universal laws of the Galactic Confederation in creating Adam and Eve as servants to tend his garden, and began this race which was a duplicate of his own karmic self .

This Awareness wishes to elaborate briefly : The actions of Jehovah created through the DNA duplication a race of hebrews, who were basically reflections of Jehovah—these entities reflecting the rebellious attitudes of Jehovah and carrying on certain attitudes of
superiority, love of power, jealousy, vengeance and a feeling of being righteous and superior to others . This Awareness indicates all this being inherited through the genes from Jehovah.

This Awareness indicates the Intergalactic Confederation, or Galactic Man, as it
is sometimes called, considered Jehovah to be a renegade immortal and has since curbed Jehovah's behaviour and has sentenced this entity to bring back the energies which he unleashed upon this Earth ; and this entity is in the process of reversing the forces which he
unleashed, and in so doing, the entity is also making repayment for his own karmic purposes.

This Awareness indicates the entity Jesus, as has been explained previously, assisted to reverse the forces which this entity Jehovah began, and Jehovah at present is not in the process of destroying humanity and saving his own, but rather is in the process of balancing
out the energies of this planet in order to bring about harmony and to undo the harm which he unleashed when began his operations.

 This Awareness reminds entities that the term `Jehovah' as likened unto that which applies to a tribe of space people with one named Yahweh as the leader, and this entity as being the force behind this action . This Awareness indicates that these entities
are working on this earth to undo some of the energies which have brought about much conflict through the Hebrews and their programming by Yahweh.

by cosmic Awareness

This Awareness indicates there are many entities in the Immortal Realms, these being of all types ;
there are many planets in the Mortal Realm, there are many more in the Immortal Realms.  these entities are often capable of moving between realms and through space from planet to planet, and many of these are of very unusual nature, much as have been indicated in your science-fiction movies and stories, and many of these have great powers and also have strange ideas .
This Awareness indicates this particular planet has been heavily influenced by such a one. the entity Jehovah, and as having been influenced also by Luciferians and those who were associated.

This Awareness indicates there was a time when the Na-tas or Satanists and the Luciferians worked together, but these entities since that time have separated as there has grown a mistrust between these entities . This Awareness indicates that there has been a closer tie between the Luciferians and the jehova-hites, but this also is now changing . This Awareness indicates that in this particular case, both the Luciferians and the Jehova-hites, or those who arc followers of Jehovah, these are in the process of transmuting and merging back toward the Galactic Confederation, associated with those who are the Galactic Confederation often referred to as the Serpent people, due to the symbol used on their ships . This Awareness indicates that essentially the Luciferians and the Jehovahites as now becoming more humane and less competitive in their behavior. these entities beginning to learn the meaning of the power of Love, for they have experienced repercussions in their efforts to gain control over the lives and energies of others . This Awareness indicates that this is largely due to the intense battle of consciousness which has been raging upon this Earth between the Wanderers, the Luciferians, the Satanists, and the Jehovahites for thousands of years.

This Awareness indicates that the Universe is not as most entities have been taught to believe, that the Universe is filled with inhabitants not too unlike entities upon the earth . This Awareness indicates that these entities have been to and from the earth many times . That there have been civilizations upon this earth which have been highly advanced, with spiritual development that super-exceeds anything presently known . This Awareness indicates that this earth has been watched and has been visited by many entities from other systems and from other planes.

Parting of the Red Sea and other Miracles were the Work of UFOs

This Awareness indicates that the gods and lords of old are not mythical characters, nor are these entities supernatural, though they are supernormal, and in many instances superhuman . This Awareness indicates that these entities also have a super technology
and often a superconsciousness . This Awareness indicates that many miracles of the Old Testament are recordings of the spaceships which were piloted by the group of space travelers known as the Jehovah . This Awareness indicates that these entities protected
their chosen tribes with their technology, their spaceships, which had the capacity, the capabilities of effecting what in those times would be considered as 'miracles' .

This Awareness indicates that the parting of the Sea occurred from energies of a particular type of spacecraft which repelled the waters to allow the followers to pass through, but then closed against the Egyptians . This Awareness suggests that entities in reading
their Old Testament stories, may, in their imaging, find that when they substitute the word Lord, or Jehovah, wherein this word can be read with an image of a spaceship, there will be much clarification of meaning . This Awareness indicates that such statements
regarding entities not touching the Lord as the Lord comes down upon the mountain—that any entity who comes close or touches will surely die. that this is in relation to the radioactive energies and the high vibratory energies of the spaceship . This Awarenes s
indicates that often the pilot or commander, or the lord of the spaceship, was confused with the spaceship itself by the writers .That at times they speak of the Commander, or Lord, walking with a particular person, and at other times the Lord is flying above, creating
thunderbolts, earthquakes, fires, or other disturbances of a magnificant and terrible nature . This Awareness indicates that in both cases the term 'Lord' may be used, but the reference may be interchangeable between the meaning of the personality or the
spacecraft. This Awareness indicates this does not in any way detract from the concept of a Universal God, but this does indicate a difference between a personality God and a Universal God .

This Awareness indicates the entity Jehovah as being an Immortal being ; yet this entity as not the creator of the Universe, but one who was capable of creating through the use of certain cosmic and universal principles, creating forms . This Awareness indicate:
your present scientists are reaching a level whereby they also may soon become capable of creating that which you call clones .This Awareness indicates the entity Jehovah essentially was creating mankind, Adam and Eve, from an action similar to that which you r
scientists call 'cloning' . This Awareness indicates that Adam, being created in the image of Jehovah, as likened unto that which is related unto cloning, whereby the cell of an entity is taken and the nucleus of that cell is placed within the egg of a female, whereas
the nucleus of that egg is removed . This then, is implanted in an incubation system to allow the clone to develop, and that development will be in the exact image of the entity from which the cell was taken . This Awareness indicates this has been done upon your plane by others than your own scientific establishment, whereby entities have been cloned and created .
This Awareness indicates that the entity Jehovah, creating his special cloning followers for tending his garden and for his personal experiments, this entity then proceeded to attempt to mold and create and direct these clones by using the motivational behavior
system of punishment and reward . This Awareness indicates that the entire Western civilization as being reflective of that kind of consciousness . This Awareness indicates that the present spiritual organizations who stress the fear and punishment, particularly wherein the punishment is that from an unknown cause, or what may be termed unknown fears : fears created by concepts which may or may not be valid, such as the annihilation of the soul—that such concepts and such fear-producing ideas being used against entities to keep them in line, to force them into certain levels of obedience—this is but an old way which has been used for eons of time to keep entities enslaved and ignorant. This Awareness suggests that if the entity teaching this can give the clear source for this information, can show entities how they may discover this for themselves, and can assist entities in finding ways whereby the behavior of an entity is encouraged rather than enforced—this Awareness suggests that then the teacher is showing responsibility rather than mere reckless control over his or her following .

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Sanat Kumara via Mia Lighthouse. June 17, 2018

Sanat Kumara (via Mia Lighthouse) June 17, 2018

Mia: Dear Sanat Kumara. When you contacted me in February this year, it was so a powerful and I was so strongly affected. Before that I had never had any contact with you, I had not even heard of you. This still puzzles me and I would like you to say a few words about this.

Sanat Kumara: Dear Mia, I have been with you for a long time and you know that. I have been waiting for you, waiting for you to be ready for your mission. It is your mission to channel me. You have known within you since you were a small child that you had a spiritual assignment but did you not know what it was. Suddenly, I contacted you and said that these messages would be published to reach as many as possible and you knew in your heart that this was what you had been waiting for.

This was the answer to your question my dear and please keep it in the text you publish because it gives your readers a small presentation of you.

Each one of you who reads this has an unique assignments. By this I do not necessarily mean that you are channels like Mia or in any other way should "do" something. Most often your life is your mission. To be the leaders of the transformation, to be the ones who show the way, through yourselves, through your life. To consciously take control of your life and create the lives you wish to live. Yet in a humble way.

It's not about to force yourself, but rather about listening, getting to know your inner guidance system. To have such strong connection with your heart that you hear your intuitive voice when it says yes and when it says no. To be so firmly rooted in your pure heart that you make a conscious choice to follow yes and refrain from no.

Mia has many times in her life followed no, forced herself to do things because it was expected of her to do in a certain way. This is so common and happens all the time when you follow the norms of the society, family or the norm between friends. You should follow the standards of your inner heart, the guidance of the divine light.

This requires practice and you must be patient with my dear ones. Do not be frustrated if all is not going in your direction at once. Take it easy my dears, let it take the time it takes. See it as an ongoing process, where you take one step and then you take the next and the next. But see your steps, be aware of them and enjoy every progress you notice in your life. See, note, appreciate and rejoice in the knowledge that you are taking step by step into the greatest shift in human history and that you are an important part of it.

To guide yourselves in the direction your inner heart wants to go, you must first get a strong relationship with your inner heart.

You are to carry out a big change within you, the shift from the brain to the heart. When you live your life from the heart, you live as you are ment to live. Then also the brain works optimally, it can relax when it know that you are deeply rooted in divine wisdom. Then you are in balance.

We will now do a meditation or spiritual exercise together. It helps you to balance both brain and heart and center yourselves in the hearts. I have given you this meditation/exercise before through Mia and I may repeat it once in a while since it really can help you to implement this process in your life.

Breathe deep breaths of Light. Center the light in your head. Feel that your mind is quite still, present at this moment. Consciousness observes the Light in the center of the brain. Your mind is still. Your mind is clear. Your mind is in balance and works now the way it is supposed to, like an objective and balanced adviser, now at rest.

Breathe deep, calm breaths. Move the light to your inner heart, your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Enter this inner space and only be in the eternal peace that is therein. Feel love. Feel infinity. There is no time, no beginning, no end. The Heart Chakra is your connection to the eternal present. Now take the decision that you will live your life from this center. Step by step. It will be a discovery trip, so allow it to take the time it takes. Feel the pleasure this decision gives you. You have longed for it.

Breathe in pure Light and let this light fill your entire being and expand into infinity. Become a part of infinity, of the All that Is. You are pure Presence, you are pure Light, you are pure Joy. Let this pure joy-light fill each cell in your body. Cell by cell. Like a wave of light that passes through your creature and illuminates you from within.

Whole of you shine. You are now in a state where you consciously can heal yourself and fill yourself with love. You are now balanced, centered, whole. You are pure Light, you have now connected yourself to your highest self. Feel the unity with all that is you and feel that you are part of All that Is and feel your center in the heart.

Do this exercise every morning for a month and extend the month with a new month and a new one and a new one. Take the decision to live from the heart every morning and remind yourself of this decision during the day and the next day and the next.

This shift is an inner shift and it is only you who can do it in your life. To go through with it will not only be of great importance for you and those around you but also for humanity and the future of humanity. And you know this, you know within you that you have a great mission to implement and I tell your my dear ones that this is your great mission, to make this great shift happen.

You are the guides, those who show the way. You are this by being firmly anchored in the light. I will through Mia continue to give this kind of spiritual exercises to inspire you, wake you up, to help you on your way to your mastery of yourself. You do not have to do all of them, it's not a competition, it's about getting positive routines in your life. Maybe also to replace it with things that no longer serves you, for example social media, television, things like that. Feel in what is good for you and not.

Live life lightly with a deep dedication to Love.

I love you all beyond words.

Blessed be your path.

With Love and Joy, in Eternity, Amen, OM.

Translated from Swedish to English by Mia Lighthouse

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Sanat Kumara and Sananda (via Mia Lighthouse) June 14, 2018

Sanat Kumara and Sananda (via Mia Lighthouse) June 14, 2018

Sanat Kumara:

Dear Ones,

You are in the midst of an ascension process, which make you extra sensitive. So remember to center yourself, earth yourself, love yourself and take the steps you need to take to feel good in your every day life. 

For some of you there may be major changes such as leaving the relationship you live in, moving or similar. There can be big changes, it can be small. Many would feel good at going down in working hours. You know in your heart what's right for you. Often it's just about getting more peace in your life, breathing deeper, relaxing, spending more time in nature, opening up for joy. Accept yourself as you are at this moment. When you accept yourself, you get in touch with your innermost source, your source of power, this power helps you forward. Center yourself. Enter your inner heart, relax there, find this place of love and peace and lift your vibrations. 

When you live life from the heart there is only one presence. Then you can have the most boring work and yet feel joy, because your joy is within you and you carry it with you wherever you go.
Sure, it's a lot better to have a work you enjoy, but once you've found this inner source of joy, the external circumstances do not play a big part in your mood.

You have surely heard people who have travelled in poor countries tell about how miserably everything was in a material perspective, but that the people who lived there seemed so joyful despite of this. This has nothing to do with that poverty making you happy or similar. But it has to do with the fact that in some parts of the so-called Third World, there are still plenty of areas where families live together in generations, where you know all in the neighborhood and all are part of the community. Such basic security, such obvious belonging, that gives joy.

Most of you who read this live in a completely different world. A world where the individual have to succeed in a society where all competes with each other to a great extent. It does not have to be so, you can create new communities, new relationships, you can form new family ties. For some of you, it might be good to ask yourself: what makes me happy? What steps can I take to increase the joy of my life?

Each and everyone on Earth has the Light within and this can be awakened. I speak mainly to the Light Bearers, those who have kept the Light alive through generation after generation, through the darkest of times, when the light has been seemingly forgotten and hidden, you have borne it. But I also speak to all those who have not yet woken up, to those who are in the wake up process, because the Light is now spreading at a speed we could not hope for. In the other dimensions, we are in a state of great joy when we see what is happening on Gaia now. And then I do not speak about what's happening in your news broadcasts, but what happens to humanity on an energy level. You are now taking great steps in your awakening process.

It may seem contradictory that this is a time of light and awakening when so much darkness occurs around you, at least on your news broadcasts. I am talking about what happens at an energy level; we literally see the Light flowing over the Earth and this is magnificent! Why does then so much misery also happen? Well, it's all the culminated pain and sorrow that comes up, everything has to be cleared out. Keep calm and be centered in love, relax, have confidence. Some of you are still wondering what I mean, I feel your questions, you just think there are disasters and wars over the earth; How can this time be a time of Light? 

Look at the history of humanity, it has been full of wars and starvation and injustice in every way. Just remember the high amount of child mortality not a long time ago, just imagine the sorrow this caused each family. In comparison, you live in a peaceful world today. 

Now you know what happens on the other side of the planet within a minute. Just two hundred years ago, most did not know much more about the world than what happened in their town, their neighborhood, the region of the country in which they lived. Two hundred years ago, most people could not even read or write, just such a thing. The spread of information has accelerated and what you can say about the news broadcasts is that, unfortunately, it mostly focus on the negative news of the world. This can be argued as important, but why is not as important to report more about some of all the positive things happening in the world? Information affects you, so choose carefully the information you want in your life.

The great shift that has taken place is that you now understand in depth what we mean when we say that you are the creators of your life. That your words, thoughts, feelings and actions are actually of great importance. That you can influence all life by seeing the highest in what surrounds you. That you have the ability to create the paradise you long for.

Humanity has never understood this in your current era. Individuals have understood it, small spiritual societies have understood it, but as a collective you have been unaware of this truth. This truth now spreads as an inner insight through the soul of humanity.

Take a deep breath, fill your body with air and just be in this moment, be in the moment of breathing. Allow the air to flow in and out of your physical being. In through your nostrils and all the way into your toes, through the body, in and out, in a circular motion. Imagine that this air is pure light energy and for every breath you fill your body with light. It fills up, it lights up, it is filled with light power and energy. Imagine that you now deliberately heal yourself with this light, this divine light, realize that it is possible to heal your body in this way. Breathe in pure love, breathe in pure joy. Breathe deeply, in and out. Relax. Let this love light fill each cell in your body, let it heal each cell in your body.

You can connect to the light at any time and let it fill you. Do this kind of exercises daily, let love be a source of power in your life.

Jesus of Nazareth is one of many who lived on Earth who had direct contact with the Source, the origin, the eternal power, the infinite knowledge, that which often is called God. He had a direct contact and he spoke from the heart, he was pure love. But he was also human, he was not perfect.

Yes, you all know Jesus' life, at least parts of it. What I wish to talk briefly about is what happened when the texts were put together into a book, to the writings that so many follow. Jesus himself did not write any texts; he did not even encourage it. It was when the memory of the disciples began to fade and they wanted to pass on their knowledge that the texts were written.

The first Christians were a persecuted group who lived in flight. They had a very hard life but endured since they were convinced in their hearts of the Love Message that Jesus taught them. Those who ruled in Rome noticed that despite the persecution of Christians, they grew in numbers. There was a force in this doctrine, a power that they decided to use. So they gathered in counsel and talked about these texts. Yes, one could understand that people followed these texts, they had something special, there was a power within them. But it was a force that said everyone had equal value, it was a force that threatened their power. So they decided to change some of the texts, not entirely, but to change a word here and there can give a striking effect. Some parts were completely removed, they were simply too revolutionary.

Jesus showed a way of living, a way of being. He lived the love message. He did not encourage anyone to build churches or start a religion in his name. He encouraged each and every one to find their own direct contact with the Source, with All that is, with God. He showed the way through his words, deeds, through his way of life. 

Many Christians believe that meditation is something that only the Eastern religions devote themselves to, that it is not meant for them, even though Jesus himself meditated every day and had done so since he was a small child. And so did also the first Christians, his first followers.

All his life, all his sermons were about equality, to love your neighbor as yourself, to share what you have. To sit at the same table, share the wine, share the bread, enjoy each others company, experience life together. He walked on foot because he wanted to be close to Mother Earth, he wanted to be close to life. He lived in the present. He met people along the way, met the animals, the plants, the trees, the flowers, the sky, the water, he met the Creation. When he spoke, he spoke on an open meadow, or from a mountain, around a table or in someone's garden. He spoke where it was natural in that moment. And he always spoke in direct connection with the heart.

He urged his audience to throw away all titles and see each other as equals, like brother and sister. He saw women as his equals, like his sisters, and he had a woman whom he loved as his closest, as his twin soul. She was always by his side, her name was Mary Magdalene. Her place was important among the first Christians, she had a whole group who followed her after Jesus was forced to leave them.

This is a long time ago my dear ones and for many of you, this information is not so important, while for others it is very important.

We see it as important to remove these veils so people no longer get misled.

Before I move on, I would like to take an example of how words can become misunderstood depending on how they are put together. This example is from the New Testament: ”For it is easier for a camel to enter in through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”. The interpretations of this quote have gone apart and actually the original words have a quite different background than you think. The Needle Eye was a passage in the desert that was extra difficult for those who transported goods and people through the desert. It was difficult, but not impossible. The quote is from a sermon and the situation it is said in is a retold event.

Mia; Dear Sanat Kumara, You say so many things that are so overwhelming to me. I have to take a break in our communication and contact Sananda and hear what he says about this.

Sanat Kumara: Dear Mia, I am so happy that you will contact Sananda. I love You All and say thank you for this time.

Pause. Meditation.

Mia: Dear Sananda, I want to ask you about the information I received from Sanat Kumara. For example, the quotation from the New Testament; ”For it is easier for a camel to enter in through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”. That ”Needle´s Eye" refers to a specific place in the desert; Is this an example of a text that has been misinterpreted?

Sananda: Dear Mia, I am so glad you contact me. We have had contact for many years, but now you have started to go public with your channelings and I am very pleased about that. You ask for a specific quote and this is a very good example and I will now share the real meaning of this example.

This quote comes from one of my sermons and everyone who listened at that time understood without difficulty what I meant. How is that possible? Because it referred to an actual event that everyone in the area knew well.

There was a rich man who wanted a precious cargo through the desert. But he was greedy, he did not want to pay the camel owners what they wanted. He wanted fewer camels and fewer workers - everything costed too much money he thought. The camel owners he spoke with refused to do the job and explained to him that it was too risky to complete the journey the way the man suggested. It needed to be more camels and each of them needed a man leading them.

No, the man did not want to accept the bids given and searched until he found a camel owner who accepted his bid. The rich man was ruled by greed and the man who eventually took the assignment even though he knew that there was a big risk, he was ruled by desperation. He was poor on the verge of collapse on several levels. For him this could be a way out of his difficult situation and he hoped for the best when he packed the heavy goods on the camels.
He knew that the walk was difficult and heavy, that the desert was hot, the mountains were barren, that it was far between the water. If everything went smoothly, it would go, but if any incident occurred so that they were delayed then he knew there were no reserves. Then they would be lucky if they made it through the desert alive.

The rich man's plan was to create a trade path through the desert. It was based on cheap labor, so that he could keep as much money as possible for himself. Finally, the camel owner managed to find two workers who were as desperate as himself and told the rich man: "You have to lead your camel yourself, do you know how to do that?"

The rich man had high thoughts about himself and his knowledge, of course he could lead a camel. He had followed many freight companies earlier, although never before on a loaded camel, which meant that you had to walk next to the camels and lead it. This made him realize that he had to rent an extra camel that he could sit on and thus lead the loaded camel behind him. He thought he was generous for this camel could carry a lot more than him. However, they were still a camel and two workers fewer than all the camel owners had recommended.

As you can imagine, this mission did not go well, all died in the desert and this was an event that was talked about in the area at this time. People knew those who had died and their families, it was a big tragedy. The rich man was a traveling businessman and no one in the area knew his origin, but spoke of his folly. They talked about how everyone had warned him, how the camel owners had told him about the dangers of the desert and what was required to make it safely through it. But he had refused to listen, why? Because of greed. His greed became his death, and because of his greed more had died. The area in the desert where they were found was called by the local population for ”the Needle´s Eye". So everyone who listened understood my story when told.

The sermon was not about that it is wrong to be rich, but about what greed can do with a human. A human with a big heart and great wealth, who share this wealth with others, is a gift for all is reached by this gift. I preached about a society where you shared with each other, giving love to each other, where you lived in peace and harmony with each other. And I want to add where you lived and had fun together. There are so many of my followers who have taken a gloomy path that I find very hard to understand, a path that focuses on the suffering I was forced to undergo. Why focus on this when all my actions and words were about Love!? 

Love and joy. To enjoy life and live life in the most beautiful and loving way. When you do that you see the highest in all. 

Just remember when I cured the ones who had leprosy; all others walked large detours around the infected with fear of being infected themselves, while I let them come to me. I had no fear because I knew that pure love can cure everything. I connected myself to this pure love when I cured the sick and also when I healed and cleaned myself. For my body was no different than anyone else, I was very much a physical human being. I had control over my cells, over my body system; this you all can learn.

In my life as Jesus, I always followed my heart and my heart burned for my fellow human beings, for the love for all, for the love of All. As you also can read in the old texts about me, I reacted strongly to various forms of injustice and usually placed myself on the side of the weak and the outcasts. Because I knew that it's only when we can see the highest in each other as real love can arise and it's only when true love arises as the Realm of Peace on Earth can be born.

When you look at your news broadcasts, some understandably think that this time is far away, but it's actually very close. All of you who listened to us for a long time are aware of that, but for newcomers this sounds strange. But my dear ones, it's pretty simple; it’s all about energies.

Now the collective energies are so high that if you who have woken up would go together and with common power focused on a collective ascension, it could happen any day now. But my dears, do not feel stress, do not wait for this to happen tomorrow. Let everything happen step by step and focus on your part in this, that's really the best thing you can do. Heal yourself, clean yourself, grow a lasting and direct connection with your heart and stand steady in this pure connection. This is a big challenge in your contrasting world, but it is fully possible. I have done it, many others have done it, now you are going to do it.

I love you all, let your hearts be filled with my love.


Translated from Swedish to English by Mia Lighthouse